
If you monitor is at 85hz and you have a steady 45fps is a field, and then you go into a hallway and have a steady 100, you will not see a difference. None of you will. So stfu before i pimp slap every single one of you that thinks differently.
Originally posted by derby
With 3d graphics each frame is dead sharp. I'd like to see an engine that tries to approximate this motion blur effect, to improve the fluidity of the graphics.

I could be completely wrong here but i think i read somewhere that Max Payne 2 is using a technique like this
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
If you monitor is at 85hz and you have a steady 45fps is a field, and then you go into a hallway and have a steady 100, you will not see a difference. None of you will. So stfu before i pimp slap every single one of you that thinks differently.

LOL, sure, whatever you say....
You cant tell, give it up lmao. Go read a book or something....
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
You cant tell, give it up lmao. Go read a book or something....

Books, on another hand, lack some serious frames per second...
If you can't tell the difference between 40fps and 85fps you might be the one that needs to get your eyes checked.
I have tested this quite a bit... and even when someone else changed the settings (so it wouldn't be my own "mind tricks") I could tell the difference as far up as 72 vs 85 (maybe more, but that's the highest that was part of the test).

Books have infinite refresh rates but the frames (pages) per second (minute/hour) is up to you.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
If you can't tell the difference between 40fps and 85fps you might be the one that needs to get your eyes checked.
I have tested this quite a bit... and even when someone else changed the settings (so it wouldn't be my own "mind tricks") I could tell the difference as far up as 72 vs 85 (maybe more, but that's the highest that was part of the test).

Books have infinite refresh rates but the frames (pages) per second (minute/hour) is up to you.

stfu, i told you already that you cant see the difference between 45 and 100. So just dont try to think different. Just give up, you cant tell the difference weather you know it or not. I know you all cant tell the difference, so just stop thinking you can. You Cant.
Oh ok... and are you going to tell me the world is flat or that the holocaust was made up while you are at it? I suggest you take your stubborn mind elsewhere.

It is a fact that you can detect a difference in frame rates higher than what your eyes are said to receive... the reason for this is motion blurring.

In the real world... there are infinite "frames" per second because there is no redrawing of your view as is needed in video games. The "frames" between your eye/brain's "refreshes" and the way the eye detects light create an effect known as motion blurring. In games the world is not updated fluidly (as the real world) and you can see that objects jump between places on the screen rather than blur when they move... the closer you get to infinite frames/refreshes per second the smaller the jumps are and the more fluid the game feels because the extra frames are interpreted by your brain as motion blurring.

Motion blurring is a feature that video card developers should spend time on to get working properly (because it would probably be easier to do that than make refresh rates higher). Maybe if the frame rate goes over the refresh rate the video card would blend (not a 50/50 blend... more like 60/40 or 70/30) the extra frames into the next refresh... that way it would feel like you are seeing more frames than you really are.

In a battle of wits you seem to have come unarmed.
you cant tell the difference in 45fps and 100fps in video games. If i have to tell you again i might just come to your house and brake your feet...
Even a blurring render effect would still flicker. Blurring should be done in analog by the monitor to get a really smooth image.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
you cant tell the difference in 45fps and 100fps in video games. If i have to tell you again i might just come to your house and brake your feet...
It's like you don't even hear me.
45fps looks like a jumpy mess when I play in video games.
100fps looks very smooth when I play in video games.

I think that is simple enough for even you to comprehend (understand, get the gist of, grasp, take in, etc... in case you didn't understand that big word).
actually 45fps dosnt look jumpy or skippy to you, your just a moron that knows nothing about anything.....its all in your head. YOU CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. SHUT UP. I WIN.
What is this? Are you attempting some sort of Jedi mind trick over the internet?
What is this? Are you attempting some sort of Jedi mind trick over the internet?
How? With his eyes I doubt he can even see the screen :p
[Hunter]Ridic, you (not you, me), CAN see the difference of 45 and 100. I was used to playing at around 30-50 on my old GeforceDDR (getting 60 was like heaven), then with my 9700 Pro, voila, MUCH smoother! How... Odd...
Its just that its nothing you think on while playing. But take time and really try to spot it, and you will. Try it before saying you cant see it. And if you cant... Well, then you cant.
Originally posted by dawdler
How? With his eyes I doubt he can even see the screen :p
[Hunter]Ridic, you (not you, me), CAN see the difference of 45 and 100. I was used to playing at around 30-50 on my old GeforceDDR (getting 60 was like heaven), then with my 9700 Pro, voila, MUCH smoother! How... Odd...
Its just that its nothing you think on while playing. But take time and really try to spot it, and you will. Try it before saying you cant see it. And if you cant... Well, then you cant.

nope, sorry. You cant. GF i win again.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
stfu, i told you already that you cant see the difference between 45 and 100.

Stop speaking for everyone...

I think what you mean to say is 'I can't see the difference'

People have conducted studies (you know, with scientitst who know a lot more about human vision than you do) and the results suggnest that the average person can percoive differences up to about 80 - 90 fps (not Hz, screen refreshes are a different story)

Oh and btw the Titanic never sank, and if I keep posting the same message, but with more and more offensive language I willl become more right and everyone will believe me. IT NEVER F*****G SANK ALL THOSE WHO SAY IT DID R RONG
Originally posted by derby
Stop speaking for everyone...

I think what you mean to say is 'I can't see the difference'

People have conducted studies (you know, with scientitst who know a lot more about human vision than you do) and the results suggnest that the average person can percoive differences up to about 80 - 90 fps (not Hz, screen refreshes are a different story)

Oh and btw the Titanic never sank, and if I keep posting the same message, but with more and more offensive language I willl become more right and everyone will believe me. IT NEVER F*****G SANK ALL THOSE WHO SAY IT DID R RONG

nope, sorry im speaking for everybody.

Nobody on these forums can tell the difference between 45 and 100fps.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
nope, sorry im speaking for everybody.

Nobody on these forums can tell the difference between 45 and 100fps.

LOL ... try telling someone who plays the current HL DM that they cant tell the difference between 45 and 100fps and you be able to hear them rolling around on the floor laffing tbh .... I can only assume that you play slow games.

FPS is king in first person shooters 100fps in HL is the goal as anything below this is considered a disadvantage.

Be interesting to see what the Max FPS will be in HL2 .. but one things for sure .... anyone expecting to get the max FPS with all detail switched on with even the latest hardware availbale now is in for some dissapointment.

I remember when HL came out and the best kit at the time was a PII 450 with Voodoo 2 and STB in SLI ...... it would be pure pain to play the orginal HL on that now :)
I can only assume that you play slow games.
No, cant be it, I play slow games all the time (even my mod will concentrated on slower combat than standard FPS), I rarely play pure FPS games, as I dont like them... (all my experiences with such games has been on slower computers anyway, where 100 fps was just a dream. In an era even the Nvidia PR manager said "No one wants to play at 115 fps on a Voodoo, we tap into the tremendous bandwith and jack up the quality instead" :p)
Originally posted by Dilbert
LOL ... try telling someone who plays the current HL DM that they cant tell the difference between 45 and 100fps and you be able to hear them rolling around on the floor laffing tbh .... I can only assume that you play slow games.

FPS is king in first person shooters 100fps in HL is the goal as anything below this is considered a disadvantage.

Be interesting to see what the Max FPS will be in HL2 .. but one things for sure .... anyone expecting to get the max FPS with all detail switched on with even the latest hardware availbale now is in for some dissapointment.

I remember when HL came out and the best kit at the time was a PII 450 with Voodoo 2 and STB in SLI ...... it would be pure pain to play the orginal HL on that now :)

i did state earlier that you can see a difference in hl between 45 and 100. But that game is 5 years old. All the newer games are different, you cant tell with them.
It has nothing to do with the "refresh rate" of the eye.
The key here is RESPONSE TIME.

If you run at 25FPS then your computer responds to your input (on average) every 40ms. If you run at 100FPS your computer responds every 10ms. That is four times quicker and it feels much smoother.

This is VERY noticable to the human brain.
[Hunter]Ridic.. I just can't understand how you can be this ignorant, why not try to learn something new rather than acting like an idiot?
im not acting like an idiot. None of you can tell the difference between 45fps and 100fps on a 85hz monitor. Accept that fact or let your mind play tricks on you....i dont care but its the truth.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
im not acting like an idiot. None of you can tell the difference between 45fps and 100fps on a 85hz monitor. Accept that fact or let your mind play tricks on you....i dont care but its the truth.

lol .... I think its only a fact as far as your concerned because it certainly aint a fact as far as I am concerned ....... the diff in HL at 45fps and 85fps (effectively what you get in the above scenario) is huge !

Anyway I dont think theres much sense in discussing it much more with you as you dont seem able to listen to reason and having looked at some of your other posts you generally seem to have some strange/strong views on many things.
Originally posted by Dilbert
lol .... I think its only a fact as far as your concerned because it certainly aint a fact as far as I am concerned ....... the diff in HL at 45fps and 85fps (effectively what you get in the above scenario) is huge !

Anyway I dont think theres much sense in discussing it much more with you as you dont seem able to listen to reason and having looked at some of your other posts you generally seem to have some strange/strong views on many things.

are you ****ing blind? I just said the only game you can tell a difference between 45fps and 100 is hl. Every new game you cant.

Im not concerned either, the only game i get under 80-90fps is bf1942. Even with that i get 60. Before i got 512 ram i was in the 30-50 range with all my games except hl. with 512 ram and 70-100 range there is no noticable difference...NONE AT ALL. NONE FOR YOU. NONE FOR ME.

another thing, im not saying its stupid to have a high fps or anything. Its great if you get 200fps, it just gives you a nice feeling about your computer, but i am saying you cant tell a difference after a certain point. That point is lower than what everyone thinks it is.

edit- this is a stupid topic anyway, i know im gonna get more than 50fps in hl2 anyways so im not even gonna bother anymore. Im tired of proving you goofs wrong.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
are you ****ing blind? I just said the only game you can tell a difference between 45fps and 100 is hl. Every new game you cant.
Ever tried TRAOD? (yeah I know, but once you get past the first levels its actually quite neat, only that most say it sucks after 10 minutes of playing, and I agree. After an hour its much better). Framerates go all over the place, and its very noticable from around 40 to 100... (unless you have an FX using PS2.0 shaders (not fixed function), then it wont be as its always low :p)
Congratulations to [Hunter]Ridic for winning the head-up-rectum award for ignorance. Now I generally don't flame people, but seriously, how can you possibly expect any other reaction when you're telling people what they can and can't notice? You're a fool if you think anything positive will come out of it. The only person you can speak for is yourself - you only know from your own experience what you can and can't percieve, and everyone's capabilities in every area are slightly different.

You haven't proven, and can't prove, any of what you're saying, so my advice would be to re-think your attitude. Accept the possibility that what is the case for you may not be so for everyone, and that even if what you say applies in certain, even many, cases (such as your own), there will still always be exceptions.

damn cant believe I wasted my time reading all 13 pages of flames lolz

at end of the day Im happy with how I view my games. FYI I play HL1 @100fps my monitor refresh rate is also set to 100hz i do notice if my monitor if refreshing at anything less than 100hz dont ask me how it just flickers and hurts my eyes after a while of gaming :)

hopefully I can run HL2 at a decent FPS.

specs are Athlon XP1800+, 512mb DDR ram, GF4 Ti4600 128mb.

fingers crossed heh

:cheers: :bounce:
Originally posted by Logic
Congratulations to [Hunter]Ridic for winning the head-up-rectum award for ignorance. Now I generally don't flame people, but seriously, how can you possibly expect any other reaction when you're telling people what they can and can't notice? You're a fool if you think anything positive will come out of it. The only person you can speak for is yourself - you only know from your own experience what you can and can't percieve, and everyone's capabilities in every area are slightly different.

You haven't proven, and can't prove, any of what you're saying, so my advice would be to re-think your attitude. Accept the possibility that what is the case for you may not be so for everyone, and that even if what you say applies in certain, even many, cases (such as your own), there will still always be exceptions.


damn strait im telling ppl what the can and cant notice. Good By....
ah...silence...now really, i think people can see a difference between 45 and 100 FPS. i guess everyone would agree to say that the 100fps seem smoother than the 45FPS. However, I don't think there are people who see a game and say something like "That game is running at 67, perhaps 68 FPS."
Originally posted by Archangel
ah...silence...now really, i think people can see a difference between 45 and 100 FPS. i guess everyone would agree to say that the 100fps seem smoother than the 45FPS. However, I don't think there are people who see a game and say something like "That game is running at 67, perhaps 68 FPS."

Very true. Also, (just a theory) I think the differences between frame rates become more apparent when you're looking at one for a long period of time, and then change to another. When you become accustomed to a certain rate, you're more likely to notice changes (which is why, perhaps, people who use high monitor refresh rates on monitors for long periods of time find looking at the screen nausiating if they lower it to 60hz). There are definately noticable differences, but the degree of noticability depends on the person, and how long they have been looking at one thing before a change occurs.
To be honest i dont know why some of you care so very very much, Some people say they can notice some say they cant. Some say that everone can only tell certain rates. Who gives a rats ass! If some people can tell the difference between 60 and 100, Then good for them!
If some cant, Also good for them because there monitors dont have to work as hard.

Cant we just drop this now. Its become rather boring and repetitive dont you think. :(
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
are you ****ing blind? I just said the only game you can tell a difference between 45fps and 100 is hl. Every new game you cant.

Im not concerned either, the only game i get under 80-90fps is bf1942. Even with that i get 60. Before i got 512 ram i was in the 30-50 range with all my games except hl. with 512 ram and 70-100 range there is no noticable difference...NONE AT ALL. NONE FOR YOU. NONE FOR ME.

another thing, im not saying its stupid to have a high fps or anything. Its great if you get 200fps, it just gives you a nice feeling about your computer, but i am saying you cant tell a difference after a certain point. That point is lower than what everyone thinks it is.

edit- this is a stupid topic anyway, i know im gonna get more than 50fps in hl2 anyways so im not even gonna bother anymore. Im tired of proving you goofs wrong.


The list of games that have come out after HL where FPS is a big factor is just huge and you really are kidding yah self if you think any different.

Unreal Tourney 2003 to name but one prime example, fairly new release and FPS is key factor for the top players.
its not how high the fps that matters(after a certain point) so much.

if you are playing at a constant 45FPS it will seem smoother than if you were playing at 60FPS with it occasionly droping to 25............

That...and everyones eyes are differant.

There are alot more factors than just how many fps you are getting(after 60) that will effect the smoothness of the game.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
To be honest i dont know why some of you care so very very much, Some people say they can notice some say they cant. Some say that everone can only tell certain rates. Who gives a rats ass! If some people can tell the difference between 60 and 100, Then good for them!
If some cant, Also good for them because there monitors dont have to work as hard.

Cant we just drop this now. Its become rather boring and repetitive dont you think. :(
You make it sound as if you're forced to read this thread :LOL: If you don't give a rat's ass, don't read the thread, and don't reply in it. The last thing we need is more people thinking they know what's best for the rest of us :rolleyes:

Sorry, it's just that posts like these often interrupt perfectly good conversation simply because one person isn't interested. (I'm not saying this thread is wonderful, insightful, and deserves awards or anything like that, but if people want to talk about frame rates, why shouldn't they?)
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
damn strait im telling ppl what the can and cant notice.

Gangsta Style? lol :)

Ridic he's got a point, you might be right or wrong that doesn't matter because it's practically the same as trying to convince people that Ufos are there but you can't see them or that only you can see them. You see the analogy here?