4chan club at my school

Kill them with Fire?

Wait - so you're telling us all how stupid this guy is etc, yet you went along and signed up with him, and even gave him all of your personal info? Rofl. Sounds like you are pretty desperate for friends, saw an ad you could relate to from the net, signed up and then posted about it here. As soon as everyone started laughing, you switched bandwagons to be part of the "cool club" here, and made out like you thought this guy was an idiot all along too. If you really thought this guy was an idiot, you wouldn't have given him all your info. Yes, you are as transparent as a piece of glass.

Come to think of it, on another note - if the point of the club is to be anonymous, why give out any personal info at all? And how does it work in the adolescent cesspool called school, where some kid could beat up another kid, not knowing that they're actually "best buds" in anonymous. Would be funny if it was you and your new friend though, especially as you'll probably be the only two members. Sounds like you and your "mate" haven't quite thought this thing through, have you captain.
Lol did this guy really get "Mcbanned".

Anyways I said **** it and posted the whole thing at 4chan:
here is the post linky:

EDIT:it must have been taken down cause now it comes up as file not found