Valve has created one of the most important, iconic and re-playable co-op series gaming has seen to date. Though the bar has been set, the possibility and potential the series has is yet to be fully solidified. Despite the surprise move by Valve and apprehension from fans, much improvement was made over the first. Because Valve actually listens and cares about their gamers, here are five and a half things that should be in the next Left 4 Dead (or next update).
Character Creation
One thing that would add to the immersion of the series would be character creation. Valve gave us well done and likable characters but let's face it, they're two dimensional. Left 4 Dead is not about story so why have us play as characters we don't know or care about? There are no advantages to being one or the other either. So instead, give us the option of character creation because who doesn't love creating their own character and playing as them? It makes the game more personal and just like gameplay, it would make the characters different every time you play. And even if you don't like character creation, you could pick from the premade Valve characters. When you have customized characters with no back story it's easier to take the players to other places. I'm not suggesting to get rid of Valve's characters, but give the option instead.
New and Unique Locations
The idea of each campaign as a self-contained movie is a really unique idea that opens up limitless possibilities for location. The zombie genre has seen way too many western cities, farms, and suburbs. With the welcomed mall and gun shop here and there, why not let us play in a place we have never expected? Take us through Egypt, fight through the streets of Tokyo or Hong Kong, or a giant cruise ship. Maybe even in a desert with long stretches of road with more stealth and suspense than the waves of zombies. I would go as far to even suggest a lunar base or space station. Let us experience a zombie outbreak in way not seen in games or movies.
Guns, Lots of Them
Before Left 4 Dead came out there was an extremely popular Counter-Strike Source mod called Zombie Mod and one of the most appealing features was the ability to use any of the CS guns against zombies. Even though the mod was poorly balanced and pretty much all the maps were horrible it still was extremely fun. With Left 4 Dead, the option for more guns is something that should be taken into mind. The current amount is good and balanced right but shooting zombies with the same five guns can be repetitive and dull after a while. Giving the choice of add-ons and skins would be a feature adding to the personal feel. Since the game is well balanced already, a new game mode could be made using more powerful weapons not seen in the other game types. Left 4 Dead is a well-balanced game but when we encounter a stock-full gunshop during the zombie apocalypse with only a few guns able to be used I see something wrong with that.
Better Server Search
I have noticed whoever the host is, even with "best dedicated" selected, the system searches for a server that is for their ping only. Instead of searching the best for just the host, why not average the mean of all the players in the lobby? If one person has a 40 or so ping and everyone else is between 100 and 200 that's not the best server for the group to play in.
Rage Quitters
Seriously, do something about that. You're Valve, you can think of something.
Better Matchmaking
Simultaneously the biggest weakness and greatness strength Left 4 Dead has rests in the players. The game can be extremely fun or frustrating and it all depends on who you're playing with. Nothing is more frustrating than playing with five or six of your friends and it takes forever to find a decent random player who won't rage after a few minutes of joining. Sometimes they're decent and cool to play with but mostly they're either terrible, a douche bag, don't have a microphone, or all of the above. Valve needs to implement some better form of matchmaking - perhaps a feature that uses the list of recently played players to determine matchmaking. Have a like or dislike feature that after a game is over the players can vote if they liked playing with them or not. A system that rewards good sportsmanship and skill while keeping newbies, grievers, and other douche bags from ruining a phenomenal game.