5.1 headphones

Sep 21, 2003
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I was wondering what 5.1 headphones I should get. I'm tired of having to turn down my speakers because of my parents nagging me to turn it down my Sicuro 5.1 speakers down all the time. I don't see very many 5.1 headphone systems out there, can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I just got some Sennheiser HD497s and they're really nice.
How the hell does 5.1 headphones work you got 5 ears or something? :|
It's got loads of little speakers in there, I assume. You've only got two ears, ever think of that?
I have the Zalman 5.1 headphones. Basically, they stick 6 speakers (3 on each side) in a set of headphones to create that 5.1 sound. They work pretty good.

I went from regular headphones to the Zalman's and hearing sound from the rear is pretty cool. They have a couple of downsides though, they have very little bass, no volume control on cord, and sound quality is about average for headphones. With that said, I like them, they work good, but they can be improved.

[Edit]: Fictious Will, change the color on that bar. It is horrendous. :x. Nice to see you've been promoted to Ultra Ant Lion, though. :laugh:
lol, the .1 in 5.1 represents the sub-woofer, how do they fit a woofer in headphones? that sounds crazy
What are thos fore when you have the mighty 7.1 SPEAKERS!!!!!!!!!
ok nice nice, but which should I get? The Zalman look nice and they get a decent review and the others don't have much said about them. Are there any others? Which are the best? ASUS WHERE ARE YOU!!!
lol I'm not a sound guy.

I use Sennheiser headphones since they sound the best to me out of what I have tried. My friend, he's a Swiss ;), has a nice pair of professional stereo DJ Sony headphones. He loves those.
Zalmans 5.1 would be interesting to try since you can actually hear more directions rather than just stereo.

I guess I only use my headphones when there is another loud pressance in the room (my brother). I would be mostly listening to music which are Stereo and games that don't really use surround sound so I don't know I would truely need 5.1. I might really like the 5.1 or I might want more bass.

Maybe I could have a pair of each. ;) lol
FictiousWill said:
So nobody else has to endure your mighty 7.1 SPEAKERS!!!!!!!!!

Obey them, feel the power of the dark side :)
One other important detail I forgot to mention, there is no subwoofer in the headphones. All of the bass is supposedly divided up between the six speakers to help balance it out.

Like I said before, the Zalman 5.1's have a slightly below average sound quality but make up for it because you can here sounds from behind you. I am still getting use to playing games and hearing sounds from all different directions, its pretty cool.

If you do get the zalman's, make sure you update your sound card drivers and be prepared to spend about an hour or two tweaking equalizer settings so they sound good.