5 other issues worse than global warming

1) "The End of Cheap Oil"
Linked to, and definately not worse than potential global warming.

2) "The Collapse of Ocean Ecosystems"
A large part of the changes the oceans have and will go through are to do with global warming, hard to know where one begins and the other ends.

3) "The Coming Water Crisis" Short-term and reversable, you just have to stop wasting the stuff(and halving the population might help).

4) "Nuclear Weapons" Nah, only if they all go off simultainiously.
Even then, if the USA and China were to nuke each other, it might be hugely beneficial as they are the largest polluters/consumers of natural resources (see points 1-3 above).

5) "The Future" Are you f***ing kidding me?! The future?!!!
Now we're supposed to fear the future?
"The Future" is worse than global warming?
Now I know that this article is a pointless waste of time.

*Curls up into fetal position and whimpers quietly "the future, the future" to himself*
^ You must have skipped deforestation.

It isn't saying fear the future...
You're right, I must be more tired than I thought.
Its just that "The Future" was used as a heading in the exact same way as the others, plus I wasn't counting.

All the same it is another issue that is depressingly entwined with global warming.

Still a pointless article though.
why make an effort to clean up the planet when all we need to do is teraform mars? That will only take a few thousand years, then we can mess that one up too!
why make an effort to clean up the planet when all we need to do is teraform mars? That will only take a few thousand years, then we can mess that one up too!

I don't want to wait a few thousand years...

Anyway, we humans should just let all this stuff happen, so half the populations dies. And everything will be better. Feels like most people are stupid, and I don't like stupid people.
Meh, once we have nano-powered solar cells we won't need any source of power ever again. Scientists have already built some, but techniical difficulities mean they won't be around for like, 20 years or so.
it's been talked before, nobody seems to care for anything.
I care, very wealthy people with lotsof influence don't seem to, apart from hypocrit Al Gore and the music industry.
Just use the uranium and plutonium from the nuclear weapons as fission fuel for nuclear power plants. Two birds with one stone.
Just use the uranium and plutonium from the nuclear weapons as fission fuel for nuclear power plants. Two birds with one stone.

bwahahahah, that's like saying "give to Africa our surplus medicine or food". that's folly. we all know that Africa is in reality a rich and prosperous continent, where everybody is happy and well of. those pictures of starving children and murderous warlords are in reality trailers to the upcoming movie "African hell". :rolleyes:
Even then, if the USA and China were to nuke each other, it might be hugely beneficial as they are the largest polluters/consumers of natural resources

How about you off yourself to reduce your carbon footprint?
1) "The End of Cheap Oil" - We're already developing over 10 different alternatives for oil, all of which show a lot of promise.

2) "The Collapse of Ocean Ecosystems" - Oh no our world is coming to an end because there wont be enough crabfish in the ocean in 2070.

3) "The Coming Water Crisis" - Complete bullshit. We (and the weather) recycle all of our water continuously. The water you drank this morning is water that was drank (and peed) by your great great great great great ancestor. We aren't running out... it doesn't just disappear.

4) "Deforestation" - Maybe a danger back in the 1920's, but these days we replant the same amount that we cut down.

5) "Nuclear Weapons" - If anyone has done their history, they would know the only reason both countries have nuclear weapons is because thats the only way to have a proper stalemate. Its complicated but is logical.

6) "The future" - oh give me a ****ing break.
Technology shall prevail.
Very little in that article we didn't know already. I was very unshocked and unamazed.

4) "Deforestation" - Maybe a danger back in the 1920's, but these days we replant the same amount that we cut down.

:O Sauce?
I did not realize so many population centers use underground aquifers as their main water source. That will make for some very unhappy people at some point.
Very little in that article we didn't know already. I was very unshocked and unamazed.

:O Sauce?

Do you mean source? If so, I can't really give one... I remember learning it from one show's episode (that I've seen twice now) on the discovery channel and another on the history channel. I think it was Modern Marvel with the episode about the history of wood.

If not, then yes... sauce... alot of sauce...
1) "The End of Cheap Oil" - We're already developing over 10 different alternatives for oil, all of which show a lot of promise.

That mostly involves energy, not materials like plastic, glue, etc etc. think a little further than just the gas for your car.

2) "The Collapse of Ocean Ecosystems" - Oh no our world is coming to an end because there wont be enough crabfish in the ocean in 2070.

Again, think a little further. According to the WWF it will happen earlier than 2070 and involve a lot more fish than just crab fish. Remember, fish is somewhere below us in the food chain, less or no fish doesn't mean less food for us only, but less food for other animals, like bears, birds etc. it's all going up the chain and will come back to us.

3) "The Coming Water Crisis" - Complete bullshit. We (and the weather) recycle all of our water continuously. The water you drank this morning is water that was drank (and peed) by your great great great great great ancestor. We aren't running out... it doesn't just disappear.

That might apply to the western society. Though global warming, caused by the humans or not, will eventually cause lots of areas in the world to become dry and erode (?). That means less crop and vegetables for the people there. Look a little further than just your countries borders. There's wars in and around africa already, because of the lack of water.

4) "Deforestation" - Maybe a danger back in the 1920's, but these days we replant the same amount that we cut down.

Again: People in your country might do that, but in countries where it matters - like these in south america for example don't. They do matter, because the forests in your country are most likely not able to deal with the CO2 being produced every day. They cut down huge areas huge areas without reforesting them, because they use it as fields for plants where they earn money (or food) faster than just by selling the wood.
2) "The Collapse of Ocean Ecosystems" - Oh no our world is coming to an end because there wont be enough crabfish in the ocean in 2070.

I'm going to ignore most of your points in favor of calling you on one of them. Clearly you have no idea how ecosystems work. Let me try to break it down for you.

fish eat smaller fish, and then are eaten by larger fish. those fish are eaten by both other fish and carnivorous animals. Bears and members of the cat family for example, are known to go fishing. When those creatures die and decompose, their bodies give the ground nutrients which, guess what, is used by plants.

Try reading a book so you don't look quite as stupid when you attempt to flaunt an opinion.