%50 of the people will buy the wrong version..

Originally posted by Xrenity
Until you see you got de SP only also
Nah, wouldnt bother me for 2 reasons.

1. Im seriously considering going SP only, 90% of the MP community is a bunch of immature 12 year olds.

2. I have enough brains to realize I could upgrade to MP on steam later.
Yea, im considering going for SP only as well. Nevertheless, im not really gonna wanna play MP for a while until I beat SP which im going to take my time on.
Since we know have the opition to upgrade to Multiplayer + mods at any time after we purchase HL2, Singleplayer only doesn't sound so bad a choice after all.

I mean I buy singleplayer for $30 and it will take me a while to play through HL2 right? Then after I complete HL2 and am a little more financially capable of buying the multiplayer + mods for the difference of like $20. This is pretty cool actually.:cool:
Originally posted by Zawath
It is true that most HL gamers don't read these forums or other HL forums. If you picked an average CS-kiddie from a server I bet 20 bucks that he wouldn't even know that HL2 is going to be released soon

Suits me, keeps the CS-kiddies in CS!!
Originally posted by Kenny
90 % of the buyers of HL2 are not watching this forum?

There are about 250 active topic readers (correct me if i am wrong). That means that Valve will sell 2500 cd's. I don't think so. They worked 5 years on this game. When they sell 2500 cd's they will be on the street.

"Half-Life has won more than 50 Game of the Year awards from publications around the world and has sole over 2.5 million copies worldwide." - gamezone.

That means that we are just a little bit of the half-life 2 buyers.

Even if there are 100000 active halflife2.net forum readers, this % is crazy.

(srry for bad english:eek: )

:dozey: euhm, what?....I had nothing to do.:cheese:

Are you some type of ****ing moron?..If your going to attempt to quote me at least get it right.

Lets take all the HL2 forums add them up together and an estimate of members combinded between them all are probably around 5,000. 2,000 of them are probably the same friggin people that post on different boards under different names or whatnot.

Half life and its expansion packs sold over 8 million copys since its initial release.

8,000,000 - 5000 = 7,995,000 people

People seem to think that these boards represent the entire HL community when in acctualality the people who play the game and not spend 23hrs a day in the forums are the people keep this game alive.
The point here is that there are roughly between 6-8million people that will eventually buy hl2 and that only probably %1 realize that there will be different versions available.
Wanking is my life..

40% of people are masturbating daily, 90% atleast once a month... And 2% are having sex right now...

98% haven't even never heard about pc-game called "Half-life", 99,987% players of Counter-Strike have serious braindamage...

Statistics are so fun :p
OK, some stats for you:

100% of people who will buy this game are not blind. Why are you worrying, who cares if some idiot buys the wrong SKU? If you're smart enough to turn on a computer you should be smart enough to tell the difference between the SKU's.
Why they r making many version?...............
100% of me is tired of people getting worked up about Valve's new pricing plans and SKUs. I'm sure when the game is marketed, it will be clear which version is which. Mistakes can easily be solved with a simple upgrade, or taking it back to the shop.

Stop worrying. I'm sure Valve have been through all this in their meetings when they came up with the system. They're not morons, they'll make it clear. When you go to the shop to buy HL2 (if that's how you get it) it will be obvious which is which, and you'll walk home happy, with the right version. That's all you need to know and care about.
Gorgon, how do you manage to write a good, decent, informative, well worded, well spelt, well punctuated post some days, but then others just absolutely **** it up like that?

They're making 3 retail versions and 2 Steam versions.

A Lite retail version that has single player only. This will be cheaper than a normal game and you can buy it in a shop.

A Standard retail version like HL1 that has single player and multiplayer. This will be priced at the usual price you'd expect to pay for a game.

A Special Edition retail version that will contain lots of lovely bonus things like "Making of..." DVD, interviews, media etc. that kind of thing.

If you buy it from Steam there's two options:

A Standard version which will contain Single and Multiplayer.

A subscription version which will be the same as above, but for $10 a month you get every single Valve release once it's released, including CS:CZ, TF2, CS2, DOD2 etc.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Gorgon, how do you manage to write a good, decent, informative, well worded, well spelt, well punctuated post some days, but then others just absolutely **** it up like that?

I have a feeling he is using something called 'copy 'n paste', but I could be mistaken.

To stay on topic (sort of), I wonder what version they'll ship with those Radeon 9900s...
Originally posted by theGreenBunny
I wonder what version they'll ship with those Radeon 9900s...
SP only, I'll bet. They'll still be upgradable, though, I'd imagine.
Originally posted by Shockwave
Are you some type of ****ing moron?..If your going to attempt to quote me at least get it right.

He said his english wasnt great...there is no need to be an asshole.
there going to be radeon 9800XT's that bundle with HL2 not 9900s.

WHy do i care about people about buying the wrong version...I dont and i never said i did, i am just getting you ready for the 1000s of post that will come after release about this.
i don't see the point in a single-player only version. most people will get the multiplayer version. people will expect SP-only versions of all games in the future, and i don't see it happening.
everyone and your friends is going to buy the correct version in these forums, so why care about what the rest of the idiots do. i doubt most of these 'confused' people will even buy the game on the 30th, most of the people i know have no clue when hl2 is being released. a lot of people dont even know about half-life 2 yet, im guessing. if you cant read 'single player only', then forget about them. just enjoy halflife 2, i wont even care about eating or sleeping :), i certainly dont care about the idiots who may purchase the wrong version in stores.
What about when we order it over the internet? they dont' give a choice!!!!! i dont want the non-multiplayer one!!!
Also, valve sed it was going to be released CD and DVD simultaneously,
Is it just me, or does that make it even more confusing. I want to buy the multip. version on DVD, and i want to buy it cheaply on the net. will i get what i want? WELL???? i havent been given any choice yet!!!!!

I am 101% worried
All i knw is, Im just going to buy whateveris the most expensive in the stores. That should be the right one :)