5th graders arrested after having sex in class...


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Aug 23, 2004
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NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP) -- Five fifth-grade students face criminal charges after authorities said four of them had sex in front of other students in an unsupervised classroom and kept a classmate posted as a lookout for teachers.

The students were arrested Tuesday at the Spearsville school in rural north Louisiana, authorities said. Two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year old boy were charged with obscenity, a felony. An 11-year-old boy, the alleged lookout, was charged with being an accessory.

"After 44 years of doing this work, nothing shocks me anymore," said Union Parish Sheriff Bob Buckley. "But this comes pretty close."

Authorities said the incident happened March 27 at the school, which houses students from kindergarten through 12th grade. A high school teacher normally watches the fifth-grade class at the time, but went to an assembly for older students and the class was inadvertently left unattended, Buckley said. (Watch authorities try to determine if a crime was committed Video)

The class, which had around 10 other students, was alone for about 15 minutes, he said.

"When no teacher showed up, the four began to have sex in the classroom with the other elementary students in the classroom with them," he said.

It took a day for authorities to find out about the incident. A student who had been in the class told a high school student about it the next day, Buckley said. The student told a teacher, and school officials notified the sheriff's office. Detectives began questioning students Thursday.

School officials did not return calls seeking comment.

The students, who were not identified because of their age, were released to their parents after their arrests, Buckley said. They will next be arraigned in juvenile court.

A message seeking comment from the district attorney was not immediately returned.

Buckley said it was unclear what penalties the children could face.

That's pretty rocking. I wish I coulda been those kids when I was in 5th grade...instead of laying in bed with a sock beating off.
Now that's my kind of scarred for life.
We used to riot in those situations. Throw things, run around, general chaos really.

But an orgy? Wow.

Riot > underage orgy


Kids these days
...how old is 5th grade...? 10, 11?

So no one's seen Stigmata for a day or two...
define "having sex"

as much as it's alarming that kids at that age are having sex in a school out in the open it's equally alarming that they were arrested and charged with obcenity ..couldnt they have sent them to the school counselor or better yet the board's child psychologist? I mean what the hell are schools for if they're not going to educate our youth? How does treating them like criminals fix the problem? we're quickly becoming a police state where faith based morality trumps common sense every time
they'll prolly be bragging about that for the rest of
is life... bastards... *evils*
Whats 5th grade in UK terms?
I guess it would be Year 5, am I correct?
Yeh, most people are 15 in year 10 here, so the maths say that's pretty sick.
They are all pedophiles for having sex with a child, give them life!
New Orleans... What do you expect? Probably all black kids, too. (Not trying to sound like a bigot or anything here)
After the blood drive at my highschool, it got out that around 30% of the student body was infected with HIV.

School is about 65% black 44% white 1% other

Also, they nurse almost refused to take my blood after I made a joke about spreading AIDS.
After the blood drive at my highschool, it got out that around 30% of the student body was infected with HIV.

School is about 65% black 44% white 1% other

Also, they nurse almost refused to take my blood after I made a joke about spreading AIDS.

Wow thats 110%
30% is almost as bad as Africa. Your school should be quarantined
After the blood drive at my highschool, it got out that around 30% of the student body was infected with HIV.

School is about 65% black 44% white 1% other

Also, they nurse almost refused to take my blood after I made a joke about spreading AIDS.
That is hilarious, impossible, and awful, irrespectively.

No, really...what?


Or your kids are all crazy.
First option.

Mind you, I don't think they start Sex Ed untilk junior high.

Justice system looks flawed to me though!
They're less likely to before it... I think we should blame THE INTERNETS.
Old news, I read this weeks ago...
and its still disturbing.

I think it said there were about 11 and 12.

So thats why they keep kids separated after "the talk..."
Sex education usually starts around 4th-5th grade, then continues on from there. Guess these kids missed the class...
First option.

Mind you, I don't think they start Sex Ed untilk junior high.

Justice system looks flawed to me though!

Nah, we had Sex Ed in 5th grade here. By the way, everyone in 5th grade in NC goes in at age 10 and leaves at age 11, generally.

This story is pretty ****ed, what happened to just breaking things?
Writing over the walls and yelling is a better alternative.
Yup, sex ed at 5th grade...more like learning what an erection is. \=
Yup, sex ed at 5th grade...more like learning what an erection is. \=

yeah, it was really just an hour of giggling and us all whispering "THATS WHAT THAT IS" to each other