6 years to make....1 day to beat

yeah i know, same here man same here, but think of it this way, since they made the source engine so easy to update, i think they are planning to do all their games on source (hl3 and.. i dunno, whatevers next?) and then that way hl2 will constantly be updated.
I think his point is that he is a freak who plays for 20 hours straight.
Well... play on a higher difficulty then.
Surely you aren't stupid enough not to come up with that right?
Think about the mods. Once the SDK is fully released (or has it already been released?) we'll have lots of fan made mods, which are like a completely new game! And even if hl2 is that "short", it's pretty damn good. You could beat HL1 in 24 hours also.
thats not such a big deal, movies can take that long to wait for and you watch it in 3 hours max.
but the people who a) didnt explore and b) played on a low difficulty are idiots. I play all games highest difficulty except some that have insane difficulty - eg vietcong.
Animal said:
I think his point is that he is a freak who plays for 20 hours straight.

nope, I played for...lets see, from 3a.m. (after unlocking CST.) till 7:00a.m. Came home around 12p.m. and played till 2:30p.m. took a nap till 5:00p.m. and played till 7p.m. Left (to get the Chronicles of Riddick :) ) and came home around 9:30 and started playing again till 2:00. so that's what? 13-14 hours? lol YOUR OFF BUDDY! YA FIRED BWAHAHAHA <----no sleep ;(
I think alot of games are passable in one day. Just not by me, coz I cant sit in front of the machine for 10 hours on end.
The real meat-and-potatoes will be the MODs. We all know that.
Animal said:
I think his point is that he is a freak who plays for 20 hours straight.

have to agree. i played exploringly for the whole day and only got to the end of the prison chapter. some people are just freaks on games lol. plus whats the point in completing the 'world's best game ever'...even though i think its a bit tedious (rofl at raveholm: worst level ever)...id rather complete it over a few days, and then play again and again just for the physics...ie play the game without shooting a single round after you get the manipulator (except for dropships etc).
Im on like chapter 6 and I have been playing for 10 hours on Hard.

Besides that. I have been taking the game slower.. Im not just playing it to get through to the end. I want to experience every moment of it.

My fighting style is trying to be as realistic as possible, that means not blindly running in and firing.

I hurl nades when enemys are clustered, and I stick behind shelter, popping up every now and again to bust a cap.

I have also been searching dilligently for the GMan, I have spotted him 4 times. Once on a tv set, He's a big star in City 17 i guess =P.
I think a lot of people rushed through the game. I just got to Dog. I've played for maybe 6-7 hours. I've been taking in the scenery. This game is gorgeous.
Swift said:
I have also been searching dilligently for the GMan, I have spotted him 4 times. Once on a tv set, He's a big star in City 17 i guess =P.

Have you spotted him at the Dam???
yea i'm only on chapter 7 or 8 and i've already gone back to play some of the ealier levels cause they were so fun, great game

the only games you cant beat in a day are usually rpgs or mmorpgs (which have no ending)
Swift said:
Besides that. I have been taking the game slower.. Im not just playing it to get through to the end. I want to experience every moment of it.
Trying to do that, but once you're in that buggy you can't really enjoy the landscape I'd say :)
just by reading the thread title, i can tell that's exactly how i feel.
you talk about MODS ? so valve is leaving the MP work to the community ?
I played through the game all in one hit too (on medium\normal difficulty)... I just wanted to experience the whole thing at once, as Gordon would have :D . Obviously, I'm going to play through it again and again, taking much more time on it. Playing it through for the first time in one sitting was an amazing rush, I was so involved in the game, I would literally breathe a sigh of relief after surviving a particularly threatening circumstance... it really got the adrenaline pumping, and mental exhaustion added to the "I don't know how much more of this I can take" feeling, which made action more tense, and each break in the action (and especially the citadel sequence) so much more impacting. I'm glad I played it through like that, and I'll do the same with any expansion and future HL game.

I didn't just play HL2, in bits and pieces, I experienced it. I was there. And it was amazing :D

Edit: That one day was well worth the six years. Also keep in mind they didn't just make the game in that time, they made the engine.
Its still a good 20hours.

The technology took years - the game was only in development pratically for a year.
I didn't finish it yesterday! I'm playing so slowly!!! But I'm really enjoying it hehe!
Just to add another thought to the thread...

What about movies? Years to make, only 2 hours to watch? That doesn't mean they're not worth it. Don't complain :p
I went back to play the first level over again last night, just as I was finishing up playing fetch with dog.

God I love the opening sequences, so awesome.