600 Pound Woman Surgically Removed From Her Couch

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The Mistress said:
Sigh, what do you think she would do? If she cant get food for herself she would die.

Please, think about it for a second, she could'nt move by herself.
I'd have to know how old she was, how she lived, if she could move normally when she was normal sized, etc.

you say she couldn't move, but at what point was this?
Tinneth said:
...how did she go to the toilet...

She didn't. That's why she was so big... she was full of shit!!

AHAHAHAHAH! I made a funnay!
CyberSh33p said:
you say she couldn't move, but at what point was this?
she was probably overwieght when she sat down. after a year of sitting on the sofa with that much wieght and no exercise she probably would have difficulty standing. in the following years it would have been more or less impossible.

and thats ignoring the fact she (it is implied) couldn't/didn't get up to go to the toilet.

no amount of mental illness would make sitting in your own shit for a week bearable, the depression must have been terrible.
Am I the only one the link is not working for then?
Skullhair said:
She didn't. That's why she was so big... she was full of shit!!

AHAHAHAHAH! I made a funnay!
DUDE! he mada funneh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
callmer7432 said:
she was probably overwieght when she sat down. after a year of sitting on the sofa with that much wieght and no exercise she probably would have difficulty standing. in the following years it would have been more or less impossible.

and thats ignoring the fact she (it is implied) couldn't/didn't get up to go to the toilet.

no amount of mental illness would make sitting in your own shit for a week bearable, the depression must have been terrible.
oy. obesity really needs to be controlled, doesn't make them bad people, but its not healthy. people act like it is acceptable and perfectly normal which only spreads it, its an unhealthy thing.

/me scoffs down a bag of chips, brownies, some twinkies, and buttermilk without gaining a pound

I love youth
im sorry i didn't mean to imply that obese people are bad, i was just reasoning out the likelyhoods of the story.... in other words making it up

/me could do that once, but then went up 2 1/2 stone without warning (lost it again but its a bitch to contol)
Sai said:
alright that has to be the plot of a really bad pshycho movie or something, but i'm curious on how you thought it up, and on the part where you said this type of thing happens a lot....it doesn't, your acting like this isn't as abnormal is it really is....

Its nice that im untrusted.

There really are people like that, been on the news alot of the times. Im not saying its not abnormal, I said people should stop laughing at her. And I also did not say this happans alot or anything, just that it happans, and its normally cus the husband, or boyfriend etc is a feeder. It happans alot but normally not to that badly, the person is found out before it gets this bad and is jailed or something.

You go look up "Feeder" on google, it will show you very odd sites, stuff you prob wont find is the ones when someones been force fed so much, they die, or have to go to hospial for ages, etc etc, like in this story.

I dont lie about shit like this allright, I did'nt "thought it up" at all, I knew about it cus I watch alot of documentaries.

If you carry on thinking im lieing, good for you, but you should read about stuff before you come and call me a liar.
The Mistress said:
Its nice that im untrusted.
I believed you :cheers:

are you the same "the mistress" who's been around for ages?
I been around awhile, I hardly call it ages though, soo no im a newbie.
The Mistress said:
I been around awhile, I hardly call it ages though, soo no im a newbie.

you're a BullSquid (no pun intended).
bah, come on fella's kiss n makeup, we'll have no fighting here, this is a local forum for local people.
It is sad that (and I'm not saying this is the case alright:x) that people let themselves get fat and just don't care. They ignore the fact that exercise itsself is a great way of staying happy, and in fact depression is often caused by lack of exercise. Most people don't even know they are depressed, which is why its sucha problem. Anyway, fat people...People have called me prejudice because I said I wouldn't want to "go out" with a fat girl. Its not just because I would likely find them physically unnattractive, but why would I want to be someone who doesn't care about themselves enough to stay in trim? Are they really going to show true compassion for me if they can't even love themselves. There is a saying, and although its perhaps not always true but "You can only love others as much as you love yourself." By that, it doesn't mean a self centred love but more self respect, and recognising that while you are no better than anyone else, you are still just as important and special.

So don't do fat mmmk
sorry, i just thought i could remember a "the mistress" from before may.
*edit* that sounded stranger than it should :eek:

[SARCASM]also zombies are teh coolest[/SARCASM]

you must rember that for some people fatness is what they are used to, if everyone in your family is overwieght its harder to see that as not normal/healthy.
it can be hard to work yourself up to exercising and eating well. especially if you dont seem to be losing any weight through it.
What a lot of people here dosent realize many of those who are fat are having a genetic disorder that prevents there cells from flushing the fat when they need to. This makes gaining weight easier, and losing weight harder. It is not neccaserly a disorder either, as 1500 years ago (or something) food was not so plenty as it is today and having some extra fat was an advantage, ecpecially during the winter. Those fatasses might be best fit for survivial should there be a nuclear war, you never no.

I personally have this genetic "disorder", and I am overweight but not that much as I try to stay in shape. It is hard though as I have a second genetic disorder that lowers the functionallity in my nerves, making my physical streangth, endurence, reflexes and sense of balance worse, it makes it hard to exercise as much I actually need. For those intrested you can make a search on CMT and you might find something.

I basically mean that saying fat people deserve to die is just plain cruel. You are not perfect, thus you deserve to die is basically what you are saying then. Are you 100% perfect?
you are not obese, let me make that clear.
you are simply overweight.
when someone reaches morbid obesity, they have to turn back or die. If they don't want to turn back, then... they are *going* to die, there's no doubt about it.
I understand your situation, and I'm not blaming you for anything. No one is to blame for what they're born with. You and many other overweight people are perfectly functional. Overweight is not unnatural (although it's becoming much more common), obesity and morbid obesity is. I know there are many genetic dispositions to overweight people and "fat" people, but it takes personal neglect to reach obesity albeit in some special cases.

I suppose maybe when I said "people like that" (morbid obese) "deserve to die" I was not conveying my meaning properly. Think of it this way. The more that die from it now, hopefully the less that die of it later. I would rather have morbidly obese tendencies out of the gene pool so that it doesn't *have* to happen again.

I have weird views on things, and usually what I think is different than what I feel. I may say hurtful things about a minority or majority because I think humans would be better off a different way. What I feel however may be entirely different.

What I *feel* about this case is a terrible sickness inside. A mix of pity and sickness at the same time. And I don't feel that anyone should die over this (unless if it was some "feeder" case or something). My logic is simply saying: "This is the most efficient way of solving this problem". I suppose you could try other methods to eliminate it from the gene pool, maybe in the future when people aren't so fricking scared of "gene research" (holy crap! they're playing GOD! Better stop them!) we can have solutions that are painless for everybody.

This kind of thing shouldn't be happening. I mean, is it simply T.V. and fatty foods that are making people literally couch potatoes? How have *people* changed that they would do this or do this to other people. What do you blame? I really have no ****ing clue.