650MB Video + 28.8 Dial-up = No Video For Me



Just asking if anyone can burn me a copy of the Hi-Res video and send it out to me, I know this probably won't happen, but I had to try. Oh Half-Life 2 why must you be like Helen of Troy?
Heh, I'd send you that cd, but I don't wanna pay for shipping over half the world.
Well if your modem is that old, how old is your computer :p Do u even plan on playing hl2?
I guess i'll have to move to Finland then... hmm... Can I stay at your house?
all i can say is im really, really, really, really,really sorry
You see the problem is, where I live 28.8 Dial-Up is the best I can get. Funny thing is I have a 56k Modem. Grrrr.
Dude, post at least your city, state, country so people will know if you're close.
Wuld if i culd :(

u'll just have to drool over screenies of the 600mb+ vid =-/
Wuld if i culd :(

u'll just have to drool over screenies of the zombie,strider pwning action....POOR U :(
I know how it feels mate. I'm stuck on 56k untill late July, downloaded the 36mb video though, which of course, was well worth it. Got my mate who happens to be on a 2mbit connection downloading the 600mb version for me right now.

wtf! , lol my first post froze but sent , so i made another lol then that froze and that got sent too and i didnt get to finish either of em , well i daren't make another....it will probly freeze lol
Damn shame that, I bet someone will send a copy if you pay them a little doh, maybe by paypal or something ?
NJD2003 said:
You see the problem is, where I live 28.8 Dial-Up is the best I can get. Funny thing is I have a 56k Modem. Grrrr.
You must be REALLY remote. :O
Ahh.... Canada. Someone in Canada burn him a copy and send it to him via cheap mail. If you were in US, I'd do it. Would only cost $0.50 or so.
I'd be glad to do it... what will it cost from the northern US?

can't be much for a standard CD envelope?
Wow guys thanks for the help, guarantee I post this anywhere else and I would get flamed to death. I think a tear is coming to my eye.
I feel for ya mate, I have the exact same problem. Live in Ontario, have a 56k modem, but only connects at 28.8k.

Fortunately I can use my schools network to download large files and then transport them home on a portable hard drive.
NJD2003 said:
Wow guys thanks for the help, guarantee I post this anywhere else and I would get flamed to death. I think a tear is coming to my eye.

i can get it to you for cheap, i just checked it out... e-mail or PM me your address, and i can send it out tomorrow.
I'm surprised you can even surf the internet at 28.8k.
Barely...I'm stuck on a 56k modem as well(there are actually two dsl CO's(is that what theyre called??) within 15000 feet of my house(max is 20-30000), but the phone lines are so shitty on this side of the tracks that they can't handle it(dsl) i guess). Sometimes i get up around 37k, but usually its down around 28-31k. Loading major company sites, (like a game site, ubisoft, w/e) takes a long time.

It sucks, by the way.
I feel ur pain... I am connecting at 26.4bps... I just got home from college a week befre E3... knowing all along this meant no video for me.. I've got a guy HOPEFULLY sending it to me.. i just hope my computer will play it... I tried last years huge E3 video but Quicktime wouldn't do it... gave some kind of error then played a few seconds (w/ sound) and then suddenly the video couldnt keep up and I just saw a stopped screen or two while it was catching up so I never got to see the video :(... can't explain that... i dont know whats wrong.. I knwo my computer could handle it (2800+ AMD w/ 9500pro... 80gb HD...) Anyone know what coulda caused my problems in case this next video does the same thing?
I am on dial up too. I will be getting a second phone line soon. I just did the math and it would take me around 40 hours to dload it. May be possible.

I hate my life...
Damn.. You have my condolences, I wish I had the money to spend to ship some CD's with the stuff to you.. ;(

Although there are a few canadian people here, let's just hope they spot this thread. :)
PM me and I'll send you the file, and maybe a doom 3 trailer becuase I feel bad for you
I've got the envelope ready to send... all i need is an address.
i am also stuck on dialup, luckily i have 2 phonelines so i connect at ~80k...
i'm stuck on dialup as well until tuesday when comcast comes to hook my cable up
those stuck on slow connections can stream all the e3 vids on gamespot...that may hold you off until you can get the big one
Just pm'ed the address out to you. I um kinda fell asleep, sorry 'bout that... Crap San Jose scored. Man Hockey, Beer and Women... is there anything Canada can't do? Anyways, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!