6800 cant handle it?



I got a 6800GT and a Gig of DDR RAM and a 2.8 P4.....but when i play maps like aztec or dust2 my fps will go down to like 10....WHY?
kontrol87 said:
I got a 6800GT and a Gig of DDR RAM and a 2.8 P4.....but when i play maps like aztec or dust2 my fps will go down to like 10....WHY?

God hates you.

Plus, it wouldn't matter what settings he's running on... with that sustem he can run everything High. I run everything High, no AA/AF, and I'm on a 1.8GHz AMD, 512MB RAM, 9600XT 128MB.
That depends on the resolution. It also depends on what kind of framerates you like.
i got 6800 and im fine with all the maps, but i was having troubles a few days ago where my fps would drop, but i formatted my computer. 123 min till css is updated :S
Same thing hapend to me with my 9800PRO i can't even play the game in DX7 with all settings on low @ 800x600 i only get 20-30fps.
my card should be able to handle max settings....at least thats what i think
Turn off SETI@Home? :p

Why is this happening to so many people? It's starting to look like the game itself is to blame. Do you have any other recent FPS to compare to?
I have a geforce 6800, gig of ram and I get 80-120 almost all the time with the settings maxed out.

Yes god hates you.
TheUnkillableDot said:
I have a geforce 6800, gig of ram and I get 80-120 almost all the time with the settings maxed out.

wtf...=(....how come its just me then? :frown:z

obviously theres a problem with something....if someone can IM me on AIM to help that would be really appreciated. My sn is the same as my name: kontrol87

MuToiD_MaN said:
Do you have any other recent FPS to compare to?

yea, when CS:S was kind of new, I got same fps as UnkillableDot
Have you tried defragmenting your hard drive?
My Radeon 9600XT 256mb (AGP 8x) handles the game just fine with everything on high with about 20-70 FPS.
Pesmerga said:
Update drivers.

Exactly. Make sure everything is updated to the newest ones (motherboard, videocard, soundcard). Make sure you dont have a lot of applications running. Start-->Run--> type msconfig --> go to the last tab and unceck any unwanted startup programs. Check out this site for videocard driver options and other performance tweaking.

what you mean newest ones for motherboard?

I have the newest sound drivers and nvidia drivers....
Yeah definately check the updated drivers, i'm running on a dfi lanparty with sli 2 x 128mb cards and i was getting some seriously bad frames, about 20-30, updated to the latest drivers, + overclocked a couple of Hz and am now getting approx 70-120
I've encountered problems lately too..
P4 3.2 Ghz
2 Gig Ram
Nvidia 6800 Ultra

I get drops to 10 on assault and inferno sometimes...

I play on 1600*1200
2x AA
2x AF
ive got 2x 6800's and i find that sometimes my framerate dramatically drops, never did find out why, but it happens quite rairly so i just ignore it