6800 Ultra or X800XT P.E.

;( I'm sorry to say, story DOES count in games, well atleast for me that is... Let's see I have owned FarCry since sometime it was first released, still haven't finished it. They could probably add super macho effects and grpahics and I still won't be able to finish that game, such a bore... very big bore.
ailevation said:
;( I'm sorry to say, story DOES count in games, well atleast for me that is... Let's see I have owned FarCry since sometime it was first released, still haven't finished it. They could probably add super macho effects and grpahics and I still won't be able to finish that game, such a bore... very big bore.

Agree with you.......never finished the game myself......got bored of it in the very first hours I played it......after that I was forced to play it since I bought it.
Turn up the AI really high. The first couple hours of farcry I played at a friends house were great. We set the AI to the highest it went. It was fun because you would die so many times and each time you would learn something like oh I cant do this because of that or if I do this I die, or If I do this they will get me from behind. The graphics are great though but its not all to the game but I sure helps create a more realistic atmoshpere when your playing the game, and that you actually care if you live or die just because its that much more realisitic.
I agree, the first half of the game was actually fun. It was after you got into the second half of the game where it got boring and actually much worse.
But it was not that kind of game where I would play it over again and again even if the whole game was like the first half.
Why does it get boring?
Just asking because I havent played it all because Im playing a couple other games at the momnet.
Was it the monsters? Or did the AI just turn Stupid after a while?

I know when I played Halo on the xbox it was so fun that I played the missions over and over untill I beat the whole game on legendary. Every single mission is the game was memorable. The most being when I first found the flood.
Is it Just that the missions in FarCry isnt memorable. Halo was memorable because It would feel like it was you against everyone sometimes and you would come out on top whether you had to shit yourself because you couldnt get up to go to the toilet or not.

Or is it just the typical story where monsters break lose and an evil guy is trying to take over the world.
:) Nah, they got PE for AGP as well. Wasn't the X880 XT only PCI E?
i dont think x800 xt will only be pci e b/c in newegg they were selling one which was agp