6ft robotic bears to rescue injured troops.

The weed of hyper-intelligent war robots bears bitter fruit.
*BEAR grabs soldier and bring it to HQ"
soldier:"ag I am hurt but his face gave me the hope of returning to my home soon"
medic:"dude your body from waist-down is gone!"
soldier:"oh shi...*peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
Even worse:
*B.E.A.R. grabs soldier and brings him to HQ.
SOLDIER: Argh...I am hurt, but his face...gave me the hope of returning to my home soon.
MEDIC: Dude, your body from the waist down is gone.
SOLDIER: Oh shit.
MEDIC: It's not all bad, because...
DOCTOR: Son, look me in the eye.
DOCTOR: Do you want to live
DOCTOR: Do you want to be better? Faster? Stronger? We can build you a new body, soldier. And the best part is, you'll be helping others like yourself...
SOLDIER: Wait, no, you don't mean...
DOCTOR: We're desperate as it is, son. And if you can't serve us as a soldier, you can make a damn good B.E.A.R. Begin the procedure!
SOLDIER: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (*smiling B.E.A.R. mask is lowered onto his face*)

Two years later:

OLD MAN: Nice shooting. What's your name, kid?
SOLDIER: Murphy.
Is it wrong when PedoBear was the first thing I thought of here?
oh noes


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Anyone in the military calling it "grizzly" yet?

In other news, Pedobear.
that. is. SCARY! can you imagine, your lying on the floor, dying in severe pain, thinking of loved ones and you see a giant 6ft robotic teddy bear with bullets bouncing off its face, and it gently picks you up, says gently "dont be afraid..." and walks you back to camp, possibly shooting people on the way. i would shit myself! (if i hadent from the wound 'D)
Lol @ the thread bump. Anywho, I would be scared too, choice between the Taliban or BEAR. Lol at the name Battlfield Extraction Assist Robot.
wat a funny idea, wat the **** have the american military been doing the past few years !!! Making ****ing teddy bears, WTF this is why we r losin the war in Iraq!!!
if i was still able to move for my gun.. id prolly shoot it out of spite..
wat a funny idea, wat the **** have the american military been doing the past few years !!! Making ****ing teddy bears, WTF this is why we r losin the war in Iraq!!!

"Victory and defeat are perceptions. One chooses only to accept it." - Me.