6th Video bug bait bit torrrent.

question...why download a wierd file extension....file....when you can download it from Steam or better yet mirrors with the Bink exe intact...

this, by the way, is not a flame
its a peer to peer sharing program, you download the program and then the "start" file you want. then that links to the real file, just another way to get files from other sources than steam
yeah, the torrent file is just a meta file. if you have the bit torrent client installed, it automatically brings it up and saves it as the regular filename that it's supposed to be ending in .exe or .avi or whatever. Right now there's over 45 seeds for this file off filerush.com. That means that it will grab pieces of the file from that many people. I just downloaded it to my home machine 10 minutes ago and got over 400k/second. Not going to get that off fileplanet. :) The biggest complaint I've heard about steam is that it doesn't work through various firewalls, so this gives those people an outlet. There's an faq about the whole thing here:

If you have a firewall and Steam doesn't work, get Zone Alarm Pro. It's simply the best firewall out there. It blocks crap from coming in and going out in addition to blocking pop-ups and ads.
well i think the ones that were causing the most trouble were the hardware based ones built into linksys and other brand routers for cable/dsl modems. i forget which ones they mentioned were causing problems.