7 days

5-7 times a day? Hah, i laugh heartly, thats my daily dosage.

Why stop? its ****ing awesome
Are you 97 years old, did something horrible happen or did you become a clergyman? Because other than that I can't really understand why you'd stop fapping, especially if you evidently miss it. Sorry for being so nosy but I was wondering.

Some people have lower sex drives than others.

Some people get depressed or sad and lose the will to do anything.

Hmm yeah, good point.

/hugs Raz

Pfft! I don't have any ****ing time! I spend all my time cramming knowledge!

I suppose it's fair to say I have a lower sex drve. Simply because I'm not very sexual anymore, most of the time. Everything still works though... I still fap, occasionally. Did last night!

It's just that I don't go trawling for videos or images to get myself aroused anymore. I spend my internet time doing other things... and when I do come across those images, I'm quick to think, "Meh... can't get focused on that right now." and go about doing other things I was doing.
high sex drive has been linked again and again to good career and relationships, so keep it up
high sex drive has been linked again and again to good career and relationships, so keep it up

Hmm... <ponders> Maybe this is the reason I have NO career and NO relationships!
yup...ejaculating regularly lessens stress and it's actually healthy to some extent.

for me...every time i fap i feel miserable for not actually doing it properly with a girl, but i do it anyway. and besides...i used to fap almost just as often when i had regular sex. :thumbs:

and btw...right now i'm drinking a protein shake which smell almost exactly like sperm. hmm...the box says it's vanilla flavored :|
Why would you feel miserable. A lot of times jerking is a lot more convenient.
yup...ejaculating regularly lessens stress and it's actually healthy to some extent.

for me...every time i fap i feel miserable for not actually doing it properly with a girl, but i do it anyway. and besides...i used to fap almost just as often when i had regular sex. :thumbs:

and btw...right now i'm drinking a protein shake which smell almost exactly like sperm. hmm...the box says it's vanilla flavored :|

Vanilla Ice flavored!
In relation to the topic, some years ago I went really hard with this abstinancy thing. First week is the most difficult. After that it gets easier. But 2 months in, you get a boner from everything. Literally everything.

Hmm... <ponders> Maybe this is the reason I have NO career and NO relationships!

Some months ago I got out of a long bout of what you're talking about. It's impossible to describe if you haven't experienced it.. It's like being in an isolation chamber. But mine was linked to depression..
my advice would be look into exercise, better food. It helped me.

Also, and maybe more importantly, do you feel like you don't allow yourself to relax and enjoy yourself? Do you validate yourself? I'm not just talking about sex.

"trawling for videos and images"
Porn is overrated. Do you think about girls at all? I'm not talking about a relationship. Desperately longing for a relationship usually means you have some emotional issues to deal with, and in such a case you're not really in a position to start a relationship.

Anyway, if you're comfortable with it, enjoy it.
In relation to the topic, some years ago I went really hard with this abstinancy thing. A month in, you get a boner from everything. Literally everything.

lol... vibrations in vehicles are the worst.

Some months ago I got out of a long bout of what you're talking about. It's impossible to describe if you haven't experienced it.. It's like being in an isolation chamber. But mine was linked to depression..
my advice would be look into exercise, better food. It helped me.

Yeah, no doubt exercise and food would probably change things quite a bit. Since I do live a sedentary lifestyle and it can't be good for my sex drive.

Also, and maybe more importantly, do you feel like you don't allow yourself to relax and enjoy yourself? Do you validate yourself? I'm not just talking about sex.

I don't even know what relaxing and enjoying myself means anymore quite honestly.

"trawling for videos and images"
Porn is overrated. Do you think about girls at all? I'm not talking about a relationship. Desperately longing for a relationship usually means you have some emotional issues to deal with, and you're not really in a position to start a relationship.

I only think about girls when i see a girl... and it's typically just a "she looks attractive" sort of thing and I continue doing whatever the **** it was I was doing.
Yeah, no doubt exercise and food would probably change things quite a bit. Since I do live a sedentary lifestyle and it can't be good for my sex drive.
For me, weightlifting is more fun but running boosts your sex drive insanely. Must be the cardio thing. After you're done, you're gonna get off one way or another. Start simple, anyway.

I don't even know what relaxing and enjoying myself means anymore quite honestly.
I'm amazed by your honesty. I don't want to try to be your life coach or anything but I'd recommend you start to really, really think about this. Life is far too precious to let things like this just go on. And even though it may feel like it's stuck, it CAN change, and quite rapidly.

These types of states can be quite interesting. For me, it was a way to disassociate with the rest of the world. It makes you think. Thinking is good.. But living is better.
Go find a co-ed swimming pool that college women frequent. Start swimming laps to exercise. It will improve your sleep habits and give you more energy. The view isn't bad either.
For me, weightlifting is more fun but running boosts your sex drive insanely. Must be the cardio thing. After you're done, you're gonna get off one way or another.

Haha, I run 3-6 miles everyday. :naughty:

To Raziaar and anyone else interested
I really would recommend running though. Although weight-lifting will help you build muscle, running will make you lose weight and really boost your energy. When I started running two years ago, I lost 5 pounds in a month.

These are some websites that can help you get started if your interested.



PS: I find it helps to motivate me if I'm working towards something. Try finding a street race near you and train for that.
I love weight lifting. I try to do it often. Makes me feel great. But not I'M GOING TO THE **** THE NEXT THING THAT MOVES great. lol

I was thinking more along the lines of a 5k, but bravo sir!
Its funny how a thread about finding it difficult not to fap turns into a discussion about Raz's sex drive ...
I workout at least 10 minutes a day while fapping.

Yeah, all this fapping is costing me shitloads on condoms every week. But at least I'm doing it safely!
Its funny how a thread about finding it difficult not to fap turns into a discussion about Raz's sex drive ...
I workout at least 10 minutes a day while fapping.


It's all about me, baby!
Funny story (not really), but lately I haven't been fapping as much as normal as I've been finding it harder and harder to... well, achieve results. Why? Well, I've just started on some relatively powerful anti-depressants which are known to increase your staying power quite substantially. Certainly handy for certain other things, but when I'm by myself it's becoming somewhat of an uphill battle just to finish, so I don't really bother anymore unless I really want/need to.


Gross thread tbh. :|
ive gone 4 months without fapping and not have a single nocturnal emission..
i thought a nocturnal emission was just something that happens during puberty and ive only had one ever in my life during puberty.

but if you really want to slow down id say try working out, taking cold showers, throw yourself against walls when you feel horny. if you get the urge to look at pron when on the comp try staying away from the comp. get a girlfriend ffs. then you can go 5-7+ times a week from someone.
"One should never WAG bun with the Lord Jesus Christ " ?? : O

nothing wrong with playing a little pocket pool after work/class...redtube needs our support!
You guys have convinced me, I'm gonna take up running.