7 Mother-Fing Years

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I just noticed that my 7 year anniversary at hl2.net had passed about a week ago. Crazy to look back that far. Many of you were even younger than I was when you joined up. And I know posting threads buzzy is frowned upon. But seriously, holy shit, it's been seven years. SEVEN ****ing years! Seven years for some random message board on the internet. And I'm not gonna lie, it was totally worth it.

It doesn't matter if it seems like I dislike anyone of you at times (I'm not gonna mention any names, you sexy people know who you are) but no bullshit I got respect for every one of you. No matter what you happen to think you faggits are family. And I hope this place is still here another 7 years from now, when we are all as old as stern is, talking about how awesome blenders and breads are.
How old were you when you joined? How old are you now?

Sad to think that I was still an adult when I joined HL2.net
September 2003 implies I was 17. But it feels like I was much younger than that. Weird.
Oh my. I think I joined in 2004 which would have made me.... 15.. Let's see if my join date is the same as what I'm thinking in me head!

Yeah. This place is fuggin' cool still. I miss it at times. I'm sad I'm not here enough. :(
Ah, 2003. Good times.

Now I'm old and my back and neck hurt.

I've probably said this before, but even though I don't post often, I like it here. I've lived in 4 different places since 03, but always hl2.net is around. Brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my heart. lol :p
Hmm, joining in 2006 means I mustve been 14 years old D:
I think i was 14 at the time, not sure. 20 now, been a loooong time.
I was 25 when I joined because I was old then and I'm old now, and it wasn't that long ago.
I got HL2 for my 16th Birthday from my brother - got stuck on something and then joined up to ask directions.

Totally worth every second.
I watched the paint fall off my car and my beard get some white hairs, but I haven't changed much.
I think I've been here for about 6 years, since I was about 16. Of course, I spend most of my time lurking so I don't actually know any of you guys. *shifty-eyes*
I was 17 when I joined... oh my.

17-24 doesn't sound that long, but then I think of 24-31. I can't picture myself over 30. :laugh:
Dang was I really 15 when I joined? Feels like forever ago.
This is the only place that I've returned to in the long run. This is a very special place. <3 you guys! :D
I was scared for a moment and thought you were going to tell us that you were going to jail for seven years.
2006. I was 14... Shit, that seems like such a long time ago... I'm not really a big player on these forums, though, I don't think.
13 > 17.

cool shit.

-went from being in 8th grade to senior year
-driving permit
-began flight training
-got a girlfriend and then lost one and then got another one
-became a weeaboo
-argued a lot
In This Thread we say what we've been up to since we first joined.

I have:

-Graduated High School
-Left my job at Sears for a job at CompUSA
-Went to a local university for 3 semesters, doing computer science for the first, graphic design the second, and illustration the third.
-Left my job at CompUSA and moved to Florida to go a university there.
-Got a Bachelor of Science degree for Computer Animation in 2 years.
-Moved back to Connecticut
-Got a job and moved to Louisiana
-Worked for two years as an artist for a indie game studio
-Gotten laid off, and moved back to CT.
15->22. Has it really been that long? God damn.

In my time here, I have:

- Graduated high school
- Gone to college, and dropped out, twice
- Had six jobs
- Been fired three times re: systemic abandonment
- found 8 hats in TF2 from random drops :3
- Lived in 6 different places
- Started at university for Bio
- had four at-least-reasonably-successful relationships
- grown to love and respect everyone here, except for Samon and KA because they gives me 'fractions
- made too many silly and/or deadpan jokes about disliking other members
- been a dick sometimes
- loved every minute spent in this place
-sucked dick
-argued with No Limit
-sucked more dick

As much as I love to **** with you, No Limit, my man, you're a huge reason I came back
I think I happened across HL2.net in 2006, lurked for 2 years (mainly just to check news), joined in 2008 & got a bad rep., vowed never to return, did an awesome speedrun in HL2, rejoined to brag & never left since.

So I was 12 when I first came across this site, I'm 16 now. Dayum, I'm still more or less a newbie, but I love you guys. :) <3

Just matured alot I guess, HL2.net played a part in it.
Hmm... let's see...

In my time I've been with HL2.net, I've:

- Graduated High School
- Got drunk for the first time
- Had my first girlfriend
- Missed Prom
- Went on a fantastic, one-in-a-lifetime 2 month canoe trip in the arctic with Emporius
- Got accepted into Queen's University for Life Sciences
- Experienced Queen's homecoming, riot police and all
- Got my first real job over the summer as a researcher in a hospital lab
- Made it to my second year, decided to aim for medical school (something I would've never thought of in 2006)
- Held a human head in my bare hands
- Loved every moment I've spent with you guys <3
wait,there was a time when hl2,net wasnt part of my life?
I was 16 when I joined. 22 now D:

Good times though :D
Ata' boy RJ.

The first time I entered these gloomy halls, I got banned for *huhhm*. Said to my self "Screw it, there's HLFallout for that" - one of my biggest misstakes in my life (and I wish I never repeat it).

Some time passed, then I though "what the hell, I'll give it a new shot", and, here I am! Enjoying my stay like never before!
Been nearly 6 Years, so age of 18-24. Being a November Joinee, I guess I'll always be a release-week n00b.

- Finished A-Levels
- Started University / Moved to Brighton
- Took four years over a three year course
- Graduated to unemployment
- Lived in five different houses
- Threw up a bit of Cider
- Had several pointless arguments, nearly all of which were on this forum.
Let me try and recap my life in the time I've been here.

Since 2004!
-Graduated high school
-Got drunk the first time
-Went to college
-Dropped out of college
-Had about 3 jobs and then just 1 steady job (not real job)
-Tried to enroll in online college
-Dropped out of that
-Had me first girlfriend and sex person
-Got rid of her
-Have an amazing girlfriend I'm hoping to marry
-Back in college
-Moved around a bit (Pennsylvania to Texas to a different part of PA then back home.)

Hm. That's really about it. Nothing EXTREMELY major. I've not had a real job. I'm not anywhere close to being done with college. The funny thing is, back in 2007, I started college and I was obsessed with HL2.net, games, everything. Fast forward to today, and I'm back in college (same place I was going), not obsessed with games or HL2.net as much or at all anymore, and I still feel like I'm in the same place as I was in 2007.

My life feels like one huge circle. It seems like it's going places, but I land back where I started.

WHAT THE HELL HL2.net?! I blame you guys for this. :)
-I had just finished school

Since then:
-Went to college
-Had first sexytimes
-Made lots of new friends
-Finished college with mediocre grades
-Went to university
-Got drunk LOTS
-Got better grades till 3rd year where I really got on with stuff
-Had lots of sexy times
-Shared a house with a few friends
-Travelled about the UK a lot
-Graduated university with First Class Honours :D

-No sexy times (:P)
-Trying to find a job

Still visit here everyday :D
14 - 20

  • Started drinking
  • Started driving.
  • Finished secondary school
  • Started studying physics in university
  • Got a (shitty) job
  • Got a (not shitty at all) girlfriend
  • Got laid
  • Started drinking whiskey
  • Travelled to Cyprus, Turkey, Switzerland, Austria and Germany
  • Currently in third year, still with same girl, still with same job, still on same forum