7800GTX in stock at mwave.com!

attention all imbeciles planning to jump the gun and buy this card: realize ati is yet to release their next gen, not to mention there are currently no games out there that require a card like this. and by the time there is a game that does, there will be better cards out. please dont blow ur money because something made your e-penis erect.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Does anyone know the order of cards?

6800 - 6800 GT - 6800 Ultra

Whats the order for 7800? Because i really dont want to get the middle or worse one.


They dont have it listed on the site yet. I believe they said they will officially announce it today.
You won't be seeing the 7800U for a while. They're waiting for the release of the R520 to release the Ultra.
ShinRa said:
attention all imbeciles planning to jump the gun and buy this card: realize ati is yet to release their next gen, not to mention there are currently no games out there that require a card like this. and by the time there is a game that does, there will be better cards out. please dont blow ur money because something made your e-penis erect.
but its hard to ignore an erect e-penis, it needs something to stroke it, though I think I can hold mine off til ATI's newest show up
*cough* Yet again, I'll be doing an ATi/AMD pc hopefully with Crossfire, if I can gather zee funds.
ShinRa said:
attention all imbeciles planning to jump the gun and buy this card: realize ati is yet to release their next gen, not to mention there are currently no games out there that require a card like this. and by the time there is a game that does, there will be better cards out. please dont blow ur money because something made your e-penis erect.
And by the time the better card comes out there won't be any games that require a card like it :cheers:
Pressure said:
You won't be seeing the 7800U for a while. They're waiting for the release of the R520 to release the Ultra.

There will be no 7800U. The Ultra name is being replaced by the GTX. So, to answer the other dude's question, it goes as follows: 7800, 7800GT, 7800GTX.
Is anyone actually going to buy this?
Dumb Dude said:
There will be no 7800U. The Ultra name is being replaced by the GTX. So, to answer the other dude's question, it goes as follows: 7800, 7800GT, 7800GTX.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, EXTREME, and wrong.
Well, I plan to next month. With my new job and all, I got enough money to buy many useless things. And instead of just getting this card, I'm making a wole new comp around it. Haha!

Pressure said:
Wrong, wrong, wrong, EXTREME, and wrong.

Well, thats what I remeber reading, mind if you show me some proof that states otherwise?
Dumb Dude said:
Well, I plan to next month. With my new job and all, I got enough money to buy many useless things. And instead of just getting this card, I'm making a wole new comp around it. Haha!

Well, thats what I remeber reading, mind if you show me some proof that states otherwise?

Damn people and their money.

Also I think it's common sense. The 7800 GTX, if you've been following it closely, can be clocked fairly high. It's gotten into the 9000s and close to 10k just by the overclocks. Why would Nvidia leave it's flagship card at such low speeds in they can really push it a lot further? Why would they get rid of the Ultra name that so many users have associated with their best cards and is easily recognizable for the GTX name that is unknown? They'll have a better card out soon trust me.
Pressure said:

Also I think it's common sense. The 7800 GTX, if you've been following it closely, can be clocked fairly high. It's gotten into the 9000s and close to 10k just by the overclocks. Why would Nvidia leave it's flagship card at such low speeds in they can really push it a lot further? Why would they get rid of the Ultra name that so many users have associated with their best cards and is easily recognizable for the GTX name that is unknown? They'll have a better card out soon trust me.

Ah ah, I see. I'm sure the Ultra will probably just be clocked higher with say, 512mb as apposed to the 256 of the GTX. I'm still getting the GTX though, I'm an impatient pig with lotsa money :naughty: .

Also, I don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm going from a 6800u to this card. That would be stupid. I'm going from a badly bottlenecked 6600gt to the 7800gtx in a whole new system. So yeah, I could care less the performance increase from the 6800u to the 7800gtx.
holydeadpenguins said:
My parents will get me a 5000 dollar computer this christmas if i get a 3.8 gpa or better.

I Hate You. And your GPA. :O
Whats all this about GPA's, something to do with school grade averages?
I think so, yes. And you're too rich if mummy and daddy can afford to buy you something like that just because you did well in school.

I got straight As at school and college but I'm still glad that I had to buy my first car, for example. You enjoy things like that much more when you know you had to work for them yourself. It pisses me off something rotten when I see people at uni with laptops their dads bought them and 5 grand cars they got for their birthday.

I paid £1700 for my car and nearly as much for my PowerBook and it's a great satisfaction when I drive about safe in the knowledge that this is my car. (Of course, mini owners are more car-proud than your average motorist). I'm not bitter, really I'm not.
i got a 4.0 GPA but my parents wont give me anything. at least i have 2 guitars... :thumbs:
Yeh i think its good for you to save up and get stuff yourself, makes you appreciate money more. Also makes you alot more independant I think. I have worked and bought all of my own pc parts, and its a good feeling when you get them, all the hardwork paid off because you got your new CPU or graphics card.
with these video cards do you have to have a pci-express mobo or can you just use the pci slots in your mobo? Also does anyone have this card yet?
you have to have a pci-express mobo for these graphics cards