8 hours animal transport

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The most important issue is the duration of the transports. Current EU legislation allows for animals to be transported for several days. This has to be changed. Live animals for slaugther should never be transported for more than eight hours.

Seriously? They're unhappy because soon-to-be-dead animals are being transported under uncomfortable conditions? They didn't even spell slaughter right...
Maybe you should install better software then? ;)
Seriously? They're unhappy because soon-to-be-dead animals are being transported under uncomfortable conditions? They didn't even spell slaughter right...

Well then, no point in caring for these animals at all. Stick them in tight cages since they are born, no food/water after dispatched to the slaughterhouse, no stunning before cutting their throats, general maltreatment along the way.

They are going to die anyway, why care for them right?
The way I see it is like this: while the animals are being transported to their dooms, they go on the biggest adventure of their lives. Since the day they are born they are forced to huddle together in a dark, dirty, smelly factory. They stand in mud for their entire lives, and all they are allowed to do is eat. Eating steroid-filled grain day in, day out. A lot of those animals never even see daylight.

But the day they are selected for slaughter, everything changes. They leave their prison and travel to distant lands, preparing to meet their maker. They see the beauty of nature through those small slits in the the back of the cargo truck's cage. They breathe fresh air. They see the society that they will soon help sustain, by feeding us. They might see the ocean for the very first time in their lives, and behold its beauty, and maybe they might even experience the pleasure of flying thousands of feet above the ground. Like a bird. Free.

Then, when they finally reach their destination, they get to walk in the open world, even if for only a brief few seconds. They might even get to feel the soft grass beneath their feet and feel the sun's rays on their backs. Their last moments.

And you want to shorten the greatest adventure of their lives to 8 hours? You sick ****.
Well then, no point in caring for these animals at all. Stick them in tight cages since they are born, no food/water after dispatched to the slaughterhouse, stunning before cutting their throats, general maltreatment along the way.

They are going to die anyway, why care for them right?

First of all this is about transport. You're putting in a ridiculous hyperbole.

Second of all, this is a waste of efficiency and money. Should we build special farms and hotels near roads where the soon-to-be-slaughtered animals can get a day's rest before continuing their journey to their inevitable death?

Why don't we care about providing shelter and food to human beings in need instead?
Signed it.

Well then, no point in caring for these animals at all. Stick them in tight cages since they are born, no food/water after dispatched to the slaughterhouse, no stunning before cutting their throats, general maltreatment along the way.

They are going to die anyway, why care for them right?

Indeed, we are all going to die, so why don't we just start the nuclear war and blow up the whole world? It'll solve all problems we have :D
The way I see it is like this: while the animals are being transported to their dooms, they go on the biggest adventure of their lives. Since the day they are born they are forced to huddle together in a dark, dirty, smelly factory. They stand in mud for their entire lives, and all they are allowed to do is eat. Eating steroid-filled grain day in, day out. A lot of those animals never even see daylight.

But the day they are selected for slaughter, everything changes. They leave their prison and travel to distant lands, preparing to meet their maker. They see the beauty of nature through those small slits in the the back of the cargo truck's cage. They breathe fresh air. They see the society that they will soon help sustain, by feeding us. They might see the ocean for the very first time in their lives, and behold its beauty, and maybe they might even experience the pleasure of flying thousands of feet above the ground. Like a bird. Free.

Then, when they finally reach their destination, they get to walk in the open world, even if for only a brief few seconds. They might even get to feel the soft grass beneath their feet and feel the sun's rays on their backs.

And you want to shorten the greatest adventure of their lives to 8 hours? You sick ****.

Yeah, i'm such a monster!
First of all this is about transport. You're putting in a ridiculous hyperbole.

Second of all, this is a waste of efficiency and money. Should we build special farms and hotels near roads where the soon-to-be-slaughtered animals can get a day's rest before continuing their journey to their inevitable death?

Why don't we care about providing shelter and food to human beings in need instead?

I love you man.
Less stress means better quality meat.

Cow spas indeed.
You can't spell slaugther without laugther. Whatever that is.

Hmm...would be interesting to see the etymology of the word slaughter. My guess is that in the past when they slaughtered animals they held parties after. Which is partially true.
Look, okay. In hindsight, I now realise the address is ".eu" (which I'd never actually seen before), but if you're going to link these petition-type sites PLEASE SPECIFY IF IT IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO A CERTAIN AREA.

Look, okay. In hindsight, I now realise the address is ".eu" (which I'd never actually seen before), but if you're going to link these petition-type sites PLEASE SPECIFY IF IT IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO A CERTAIN AREA.


just lie...problem solved and you've helped humanity

The fighting would end if they just blew everyone up...
This is nonsense. If you give a farm animal a good kicking now and then it tenderises the meat.

Have you ever tried wearing a bacon tash? You should try. Tenderised meat sticks to your lip while happy meat falls to the floor and gets covered in shaven pubes.
Well then, no point in caring for these animals at all. Stick them in tight cages since they are born, no food/water after dispatched to the slaughterhouse, no stunning before cutting their throats, general maltreatment along the way.

They are going to die anyway, why care for them right?

Wow that is one slippery slope...

Pretty either or to me... shorten the ride of some cows and pigs or torture them for their entire lives... hm... what to do...

Does torture make them taste better?