8 year old lady gaga


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Watching that little child's half-naked body contort and gyrate and crawl on the floor, her sweet little face disguised as a grown up lady clown


Apparently there is a OUTRAGE about this girl. To me, it doesn't seem seem that bad. By which I mean, its nothing that hasn't been going one for decades already. The outfit is a little skimpier, but theres been worse I'm sure. I'm sure theres plenty of young Miley Cyrus fans out there dressing and dancing like that skank.
Looks more like a dwarf, her face is all disfigured, and shes fat :/

I ****ing hate kids
I thought this thread was going to show what Lady Gaga looked like at 8 years old. What this thread is actually about is so, so much worse.
The only problem I have is that she can't hit a ****ing low note without making me cringe.
Lol @ her singing.

o/t: Love Portugese, best language ever.
>white girls

Ugh, I wish I didn't see that. I don't get how America can be the most pedo-paranoid country in the world and yet produce stuff like that and act like it's fine.
I forward the proposition that Lady Gaga and all singers who produce similiar content be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

Piece by piece.

But seriously.

Er.. No.

I hope she disappears.

I think her family would ultimately rather them actually know their daughter has died, rather than dissapearing. Whether she's actually dead or not would never be known to them, and while they lay in restless, hopeless attempts at sleeping in their beds, sitting across the hall from their daughter's room (Whom's door they never close at night, because she was always afraid of complete darkness) their minds can only race with she may be doing right now as they think.

She could be giving blowjobs for cash at the tender age of 8, or tied up in some freak's basement who just so happened to be Vegeta.

Wouldn't you rather your daughter be dead years ago then to grow up in that situation?
I don't see what's wrong with any of this.

They start dancing and shit when they are 5 and they seem to love the audience and attention. They love to entertain and show off. And by the time they are like 11 years old, they've been dancing for many years, and they are quite skilled, as you can see.

Maybe they want to be professional dancers and entertainers. Good for them.

This is that annoying crap that comes on the TV in the evening and grandmothers clap and get all giddy.
I don't see what's wrong with any of this.

They start dancing and shit when they are 5 and they seem to love the audience and attention. They love to entertain and show off. And by the time they are like 11 years old, they've been dancing for many years, and they are quite skilled, as you can see.

Maybe they want to be professional dancers and entertainers. Good for them.

This is that annoying crap that comes on the TV in the evening and grandmothers clap and get all giddy.

I doubt those "professional dancers" are the ones who are highly regarded in society.