8 yr old murders dad, grandma says 'no sh*t'


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Feb 3, 2005
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The grandparents of a young Arizona boy charged in the shooting deaths of his father and another man told police that the 8-year-old was capable of the crimes.

"I knew this would happen," she said. "They were too hard on (the boy). I knew (the boy) did it. He spent the night in my bed cuddling up to me. I had a feeling he did it. If any 8-year-old boy is capable of doing this, it's (the boy)."
Police have said the boy planned and methodically carried out the killings of his father, 29-year-old Vincent Romero, and 39-year-old Timothy Romans.

In the documents, officers describe a quiet boy, who initially was not considered a suspect in the case. In the police interview, the boy admitted to firing at least two shots at each of the men.

Documents show that Romero was shot four times, and Romans was shot six times.
I don't normally post this kind of thing, but whu...? Sounds like a miniature psychopath! Although it seems like he was driven to it.

But just how 'methodical' and well-planned can a murder by an 8 year old be??

"Police believe that some diagrams found in the boy's possession constitute evidence of premeditation. They depict a small stick figure in a cowboy hat, shouting 'PYOWN-PYOWN!' and pointing a bent line at two larger stickmen."
From what the grandparents say it sounds like they might have brought it on themselves.
"Police believe that some diagrams found in the boy's possession constitute evidence of premeditation. They depict a small stick figure in a cowboy hat, shouting 'PYOWN-PYOWN!' and pointing a bent line at two larger stickmen."

kids draw. i used to draw shit like this, so did most of my friends. i dont think it
neccessarily means it was a plan. but then again i havent seen the drawing.
Kid Hitler returns D:
the article said:
In the police interview, the boy admitted to firing at least two shots at each of the men...

....Documents show that Romero was shot four times, and Romans was shot six times.

he's a kid his confession if you can call it that is as unreliable as it gets

the article said:
"Police believe that some diagrams found in the boy's possession constitute evidence of premeditation. They depict a small stick figure in a cowboy hat, shouting 'PYOWN-PYOWN!' and pointing a bent line at two larger stickmen."

this is proof of premeditation? is this some kind of joke?

if anything this sounds like a crime of opportunity: "I'm mad now and look there's a gun I'm gonna PYOWN them!"

hey at least people have the right to shoot at tiny paper targets
Man I drew pictures of war and death when I was a kid, in fact, that's all I drew, nothing other then death.

I never killed anyone or joined the army.. Am I special?
kids draw. i used to draw shit like this, so did most of my friends. i dont think it
neccessarily means it was a plan. but then again i havent seen the drawing.
this is proof of premeditation? is this some kind of joke?

if anything this sounds like a crime of opportunity: "I'm mad now and look there's a gun I'm gonna PYOWN them!"
Man I drew pictures of war and death when I was a kid, in fact, that's all I drew, nothing other then death.

I never killed anyone or joined the army.. Am I special?
lol guyz guyz I completely maded that bit up mineself... There was no drawing, I was just wondering aloud how an 8 year old goes about planning and methodically carrying out a double murder.... eeeeih, backfired.

But yeah:
The boy told a state Child Protective Services worker that his 1,000th spanking would be his last
1000 spankings? His dad could have at least found an achievement server for that kind of shit...
Ha, I'll lol'd soo hard
Pew Pew....I wana blow this suckers into the next life
lol guyz guyz I completely maded that bit up mineself... There was no drawing, I was just wondering aloud how an 8 year old goes about planning and methodically carrying out a double murder.... eeeeih, backfired.

SHAME ON YOU!!! you're good old reliable laivasse, you'e supposed to report the news not embellish it ...that's my job :)

But yeah:1000 spankings? His dad could have at least found an achievement server for that kind of shit...

ok I looked that part up just in case!
It was a handgun right? He must be one ****ing clever kid if he knows how to shoot a gun never mind reload it.

His grandparents obviously helped him finish them off. Or they shot them then gave the kid a chance to finish them both off, works either way.

We need more of this "go-getter" attitude in our youths today.
The grandma might have done it and had the kid confess. Nobody wants to send a kid to jail.
I bet the grandmother planned it and either carried it out herself and framed him, or had him to it himself.
She never approved of her daughter marrying that layabout.
His dad had a rifle in his closet.

I read this story somewhere... I don't think it was here. It was probably the pvponline forums, they're way more on top of current events than you guys.
His dad had a rifle in his closet.

I read this story somewhere... I don't think it was here. It was probably the pvponline forums, they're way more on top of current events than you guys.

:( :burp:
Every time I read an article about a child killing somebody I think of Achilles from Ender's Shadow. What a ****ing psycho
Michael Meyers costumes were forty bucks, and they only came with the jumpsuit and a crappy foam knife. The mask came serparately, and was another forty-five bucks.
How the **** did he pull the trigger that many times? If at all. ****ing recoil!
Kid probably braced the gun up against a wall.
"Police believe that some diagrams found in the boy's possession constitute evidence of premeditation. They depict a small stick figure in a cowboy hat, shouting 'PYOWN-PYOWN!' and pointing a bent line at two larger stickmen."

That is definetly a diagram for the murder plan.
kids draw. i used to draw shit like this, so did most of my friends. i dont think it
neccessarily means it was a plan. but then again i havent seen the drawing.

yeah for real, if that shit counts against you I'd be screwed, I used to draw stick figures killing each other all day long from age 7-13
Especially for an 8 year old. .22's are almost made for little kids.
he's a kid his confession if you can call it that is as unreliable as it gets

No shit man. This is getting a lot of news play here because it's in my state and the kids confession sounds completely forced.

"I think I shot my dad and then I think what I did was I think I shot the other guy"

WTF "you think." He literally says it like I typed it. Not the exact words but pretty spot on. Sounds like bored ass Show Low police told him what to say. And he had no lawyer present.

How the **** did he pull the trigger that many times? If at all. ****ing recoil!

Don't think you've done a lot of shooting.. lol.
I liked you better when you were banned.

wtf about my post offends you in the least? I'm agreeing with Stern strongly ffs. That never even happens. Have you even watched the confession video where the cops interview the 8 year old?
wtf about my post offends you in the least? I'm agreeing with Stern strongly ffs. That never even happens. Have you even watched the confession video where the cops interview the 8 year old?
