8x AGP


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
8x AGP won't work in ANY of todays games for some reason. Once I switch to 4x boom everythings dandy. My mobo is an ASUS P4P800, and my video card is a 9800 pro 128mb. Why do my games lock up and crash every time I'm in 8x agp, just before I get into the game?
make sure u have latest drivers and directx 9. i dont know wut else to say, the only time i had this prob was when i re-installed mobo drivers and forgot to install directx9 again.
Some mobos are unstable with ATI and 8xAGP (and possibly fastwrites). It isnt a big loss having it on 4x though. You loose maybe 0.5 fps.

My Nforce2 and 9700Pro can handle both 8xAGP and fastwrites on perfectly.
If 4x AGP is stable for you... then use it. There should also be no performance difference.
no it yeilds like a %1 increase in performane. Its more like agp 4 1/2x.

PCI express is where the money ball is at