9800 pro fps



this is my system:
Abit nf-7
Athlon xp 2500+ @ 3200+
A-data viesta 512 (256X2) @ 400mhz
9800pro 128mb

When im running cs:s on my pc without connecting to any server, i get between 100-150 fps on w/e resulotion it doesnt actually changes dunno why.
But if I connect to server with ppl, I get between 30 to 80 fps, I've tried every config/settings including resulotions and DX versions changing and nothing matters.
This is very frustrating, since after all I've just purchaced this machine, I have no money for a new one :(

Is there anything I can do?
What's your fps on your 9800 pro?
30-60, Which is perfectly fine. You dont really need more then 30, as long as the controls are crisp

ATi 9800 Pro, AMD 2700+, 1 gig dual chan ddr400. 1024x768, all settings on high, 2xAA (Temporal), 2-4xAF depending on my mood.

I do, however, use ATi Tool to O/C my 9800 Pro. Its a handy util.
:dozey: You must be either:
1) A ****in retard
2) Acting it out, showing off yer "e-Penis"

ummm last time I checked 50-80 FPS in game is superb.
80 fps on the good case, with 640X480, with an averege of 40 fps if i see ppl.
I get about the same thing on my 9800 Pro.

WTF are you complaining about? 50 - 80 for any game is extreemly good.

You only need 12fps to see fluid motion.
well, not on cs :)
if I get even 95 fps on my 1.6, I can notice it in a sec.
menoss said:
80 fps on the good case, with 640X480, with an averege of 40 fps if i see ppl.
You probably wont notice much of a preformance hit by going up to 1024x768
menoss said:
80 fps on the good case, with 640X480, with an averege of 40 fps if i see ppl.

Hmm the R9800 Pro can easily handle 1024, so crank up the resolution and detail settings to high.
Look, I dont care a **it about grfx, effects and such on
all I want is not to drop the 80 fps, is there anything I can do?
IMO, I dont give a damn if it will even look like cs 1.3
:thumbs: Sheesh, now you tell us you were running on that resolution. Anyways, bump it up to 1024 x 728, or highest resolution with settings a bit lower. Okay, then go to your control panel and make all the slides on SUPER DUPER PERFORMANCE! Put all settings on super low w/ bilinear filtering and 1204 x 728. Or 800 x 600.
menoss said:
Look, I dont care a **it about grfx, effects and such on
all I want is not to drop the 80 fps, is there anything I can do?
IMO, I dont give a damn if it will even look like cs 1.3

mat_bumpmap "0"
mat_fastnobump "1"
mat_specular "0"
mat_bloom "0"
cl_interp "0.01"
cl_show_bloodspray "0"
cl_ejectbrass "0"
cl_phys_props_enable "0"
cl_phys_props_max "0"
cl_smooth "1"
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0"
cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
r_modellodscale "0"
r_DispUseStaticMeshes "0"
r_drawrain "0"
r_drawropes "0"
r_shadows "0"
r_teeth "0"
fog_enable "0"
fog_enable_water_fog "0"
budget_show_history "0"
ill give it a try, though Im pretty sure already entered this parameters 'cause I tried every cfg config exists...
Yeah, I run my 9800 Pro at 1280x1024 with all quality settings up (except AA and Anisotropic at Trillinear) and I get anywhere between 30 - 80 fps.
Well when I played CS:S beta with AMD XP 2400+, 512 DDR RAM and Radeon 9800Pro 128Mt, I got all ways FPS between 0-40.

I hope that CS:S full works beter....I see it when I buy HL2 from store.

[Edited] some words
it was like that for me last night.. no clue what causes it.

today everything runs fine, max settings with aa and af on (6x, 16x)
about 60-70 fps
quite enjoyable.
I find that I get better results with 1280 x 960 all maxed with no AA/AF than at 1024 x 768 2xAA trilinear AF. Kinda odd.

Oh yeah 9800pro 256mb.
hmm i got 9800pro, amd athlon 64 3000+, 1024gb RAM, and i have all setting max except resolution at 1024,, and aa at 4x, and i rarely go under 100FPS
I think 1024x768 is overkill. Seriously. I can't believe someone recommended running in 1024 with settings in low. What's the point? I'd rather run in 800x600 with settings at max than at 1024 with low settings.
Btw I have a 9800 pro and a athlon xp 2600+, which are humble but can handle 1024 easily. I just think it's excessive and something people do only because others do. Almost any low resolution looks awesome with FSAA turned on.
SunshineRecorder said:
I think 1024x768 is overkill. Seriously. I can't believe someone recommended running in 1024 with settings in low. What's the point? I'd rather run in 800x600 with settings at max than at 1024 with low settings.

well i think 1024x768 is ugly.

1024x1080 is nice or 1600x1200 :p i use 1024x1080 mostly
it just depends what monitor u have on my 19" 1024x768 looks damn ugly and 800x600 is puke like ;)

and who said 12fps is fluid motion lol go ahead and try to play cs with 12fps
WOW i pwned everyone (j/k) with my specs (super crap)

Radeon 9600 pro
512 mb ram (super crap brand)
athlon amd 3000+
60 gb HD,
180 gb HD
15" dell monitor (super old)

I get about 40-90 FPS usually 50 FPS
I use to play WW20 with an average of 20 FPS and about 4 in combat, it wasn't too bad but anything from 25-30 was perfectly fine. With CS:S I get 60 and that is perfect.
60 FPS is fluid motion. People who say "the eye can't see over 60!!!1!!1" are morons. They say that because movies run at 24 fps and television at 30. The reason that looks fluid is because real life has motion blurs. Video games do not, and thus must run at higher frames to appear smooth. Anyone who thinks you can't see a difference from 60 to 100 frames, go play CS and attempt both. There is a large difference.
DarkSonic said:
60 FPS is fluid motion. People who say "the eye can't see over 60!!!1!!1" are morons. They say that because movies run at 24 fps and television at 30. The reason that looks fluid is because real life has motion blurs. Video games do not, and thus must run at higher frames to appear smooth. Anyone who thinks you can't see a difference from 60 to 100 frames, go play CS and attempt both. There is a large difference.
dude 35 fps looks like 100 fps to me.. maybe your retarded ?

if your over 30 fps .. YOUR PLAYING it fully ..
fps issues are rather random on my side.

for instance last night I was having horrible FPS, dips and drops.

this morning it ran like a dream (as it should)

then this afternoon it started acting up again.

I have no idea whats up with the 9800 pro and hl2/cs:s.

(no I dont have a virus, no I dont overclock, no I have no spyware.)
skater4evr5 said:
dude 35 fps looks like 100 fps to me.. maybe your retarded ?

if your over 30 fps .. YOUR PLAYING it fully ..

actually no I doubt he is retarded, or if he is.. well he is one informed retard, simply because he is correct.

the only people who say they cant tell a difference between low fps and high fps are the ones who cant afford/dont have the system to get above 60 in the first place.

30 makes me puke.
in fact I have spent the better half of today trying to figure out why my card is performing poorly again. (52fps)
it looks horrible (if you are used to 100fps)
Milo 7 said:
well i think 1024x768 is ugly.

1024x1080 is nice or 1600x1200 :p i use 1024x1080 mostly
it just depends what monitor u have on my 19" 1024x768 looks damn ugly and 800x600 is puke like ;)

and who said 12fps is fluid motion lol go ahead and try to play cs with 12fps

I don't want to make this a pissing contest but I have a 21" monitor man. Sorry I've tried all and I humbly still believe you don't need any more than 800x600 (with FSAA turned on of coursE).

If you can get 60 fps with your 1600x1200 resolutions well horray, but what makes me sad is people that rather play at 25-30 fps on 1280 than at 60fps with 800x600.
DarkSonic said:
60 FPS is fluid motion. People who say "the eye can't see over 60!!!1!!1" are morons. They say that because movies run at 24 fps and television at 30. The reason that looks fluid is because real life has motion blurs. Video games do not, and thus must run at higher frames to appear smooth. Anyone who thinks you can't see a difference from 60 to 100 frames, go play CS and attempt both. There is a large difference.

It is not based on television and movie framerates, it is based on scientific studies. Sorry. I am sure some people can recognize higher framerates than 60, as the human brain varies slightly from person to person, but studies have shown that 60 is pretty much standard.

3 years from now people on these forums will be debating wether the human eye can see more than 100 or 200 fps because 3 years ago people were debating wether people could see the difference after 30 fps.
I get quite scared when I see my FPS drop to 25 in a tunnel with water a few peoiple shooting. I run everything at reccomended (2 high, 4 medium, reflect water only. no AA, no AF) at 1024x768. But the thing is, when I install Catalyst 4.9, my comp doesnt work. So Im running on 4.8 just to get the thing working and I'm getttting 25-80 fps. It most 25-37 though. I have 512 DDR500 Kingtson HyperX(!) and an AMD 26000+ Barton "333mhz". I don't overclock. Im gonna up all the setttings now for the hell of it:)
Javert said:
Now I've seen everything as far as console commands go.

Hey it's no joke, when looking at two hostages, removing their teeth will give you an extra 5-10 frames. :LOL:
Some people are never satisfied.. I wish my fiancé was that way .. *sigh*
I have a Radeon 9800 pro 128mb, 2.8Ghz P4, 1024mb of pc3200 RAM.

i get anything between 25 and 80 fps depending on the map. The settings seem to make little difference to performance but ive been running it on high 2 x AA. When it drops from 75-80 at spawn to 30 during a battle in the middle of the map it is very noticable and quite impairing :\

Chateau is the worst culprit and office is pretty bad too, on the Dust maps my performance is lovely. I don't get bad fps everytime though... weird.

I'm just hoping that this is because the game is really still a beta and they are going to patch it up...
my specs are:

2.4 P4
512mb 4200 Rambus
9800 pro 128mb GFX
80gb HD

i'm getting terrible fps, down to 15fps on chateau in the tunnels or when things get busy.. I am running it at 1024x768 & at the recommended settings.. mind u dust & Aztec seem to run a lot beter, solid 50-60 fps

would another 512 mb of ram do the trick?
ailevation said:
:dozey: You must be either:
1) A ****in retard
2) Acting it out, showing off yer "e-Penis"

ummm last time I checked 50-80 FPS in game is superb.

easy tiger.

I wouldn't consider 50 fps in an online game to be superb - or even 'ok'. That has nothing to do with showing off, either.
up ur res to 1280x1024 and eeverything to high except AA and AF. its sounds fugged, but i get 30-80 fps on my sys 9800 pro amd26000+ :afro: