9800 pro is cheap but...


Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, i have never bought anything online and i have my credit card set up but...
Is that 9800 pro a good one???
Is the All-In-Wonder one greater in any way performance wise???
Does anyone know of anyother online shop that i could buy a 9800 pro that cheap or cheaper in canadian curency???
And how much is shipping on something like this???
9800Pro 128mb is a great one.
All-In-Wonder should have the same performance it just adds TV/record multimedia capability along with that remote. ;)
You could always go to order it without finishing the form just to check out how much their shipping is.
www.atic.ca is a company located in Vancouver, and they're selling the 9800 PRO for $385.00

And I'm pretty sure NCIX will price match them.
I was able to pick up a 9800 pro AIW for 400$ at microcenter, so you'll probably be able to find a better price then that.

Try www.pricewatch.com some retailers are selling them for 150... though those are probably scams so check out the stores histories at.

But i'm sure you can get a damn good price from a relyable company there.

Edit: I checked out a few of those, and the companies have pretty good track records, anything about a 7.5 is usally really good, i've seen some companies around .5-2.1 off of there. So definately check this place out first, you can save a couple hundred dollars.