9800pro fps probs


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I spent alot of money hoping to get good fps in cs:s and this is what i get with my 9800pro >.<

15-40FPS with EVERYHING ON LOWEST possible.
i mean comeon..

ram = 1024mb

and staring at a wall i get 30 fps :flame:
What settings are you running on?

And do keep in mind that it's still a Beta, and optimisations are most likely still taking place.
Wow, that's very low. Lower than I used to get on my old computer (P4 1.8Ghz, 512MB PC2100, GF3 Ti200 = 40fps+ @ 800x600 Low). Do you have the recent drivers for your graphics card and motherboard etc ? Dowload Ati Catalyst 4.9 from www.ati.com ..
I'm not particular happy with the 4.9's but you deftintaly have some driver issues.
Same probs that I have with AMD 2400+, 512 RAM and same card. I must still try lower those Textures etc. from high...
reinstall drivers, or update where necessary. also, install dx9.0c, as this helped me soooo much with latest games such as doom3, raising th fps to a MUCH more playable standard (around 60fps). what make of 9800pro do you have anyway? sapphire? connect3d? msi? etc etc.

sounds like a driver issue tbh. uninstall the drivers you have atm completely by a program for a more thorough uninstall, or uninstall through add/remove in the control panel. restart windows and install the latest drivers (ignore the found new hardware bubble). should work.
it's your cpu. I bet it's an AMD cpu, the speed of AMD is not what it says on the box. You must substract +-400 mHz to get the actual processor speed. So in reality it's only a 2gig max processor. not many people know this. If u have a Pentium cpu the speed on the box is the actual speed of the cpu. I'm not for or against AMD nor Pentium it's just facts I'm telling here to help u in the future or so...

I have a P4 2.8 gig and an radeon 2800 pro, I can play with all settings high, 4x aa and 16x af, runs at a smooth 74fps so that's why I think it's the processorspeed that makes the difference
....a 2800pro hey? think you should read the box again...

lol anyway, we dont know what the actual processor is like vertetski said. details please (if you can) :E
An AMD XP 2400, while not actually running at 2.4Ghz, can still pretty much match the performance of a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz CPU. This is why AMD adopted this naming convention, so it's easier to compare processors. Clock speed is not the only way to determine how good a processor is.
yep...and the fact that amd just completely own intel (shite inside i say)
Empty_Clip??? said:
I spent alot of money hoping to get good fps in cs:s and this is what i get with my 9800pro >.<

15-40FPS with EVERYHING ON LOWEST possible.
i mean comeon..

ram = 1024mb

and staring at a wall i get 30 fps :flame:

I have almost the same setup:

P4 2.2ghz
1GB DDR 133mhz
ATI 9800XT

After a few tweaks I can play on 1280*1024 with model and texture detail set to high (and AF) at good framerates, I suggest you try this thread:


Good luck ;)

Im having the same problems with essentially the same rig as the original poster. so irritating playing source at 17fps. If I run the graphics test however I get 67-/+ fps, but in-game it drops to 10-20fps.
its happening to me with my 9600 and im not sure if its the latest update or the new 4.9 drivers...
RoB.G said:
its happening to me with my 9600 and im not sure if its the latest update or the new 4.9 drivers...

get a new graphic card
rofl well said, some people just have no idea what so ever. it could just be the beta (more than likely if you have no problems with other games), so just chill and wait for the next big update...it could just be that they're testing things for high spec machines only or something...

no one will actually know for sure though
9600 is NOT "fine", the 9500 beats it big time. Seriously go buy another graphic card, 9600 just doesn't cut it anymore(or ever)
my old 9800pro ran alot better than 30fps....anyways a 9800 is only like 150, not too much money, but u CANT expect last generation video cards to run new gen games very good.
bizzy420 said:
my old 9800pro ran alot better than 30fps....anyways a 9800 is only like 150, not too much money, but u CANT expect last generation video cards to run new gen games very good.

heh with 9800 PRO you can play on res 1024x768 on high settings with 4 AA and 8 AF and still get good fps....

Last generation still plays games pretty well.
i get about 50 fps with the settings on high @1600x1400 with my 9800 pro so maybe u just need to reinstall drivers (i like the 4.7s personally) and optimise your pc a bit, also a 9600 pro is not a crap graphics card, it should run CS:S fine and dandy if not at ultra high settings, but its still a great card.

And the perfect fps is one that is equal or greater than your refresh rate, thats the whole idea of vsync.

Hope you get ur fps probs sorted out

ok i have a 9800 pro and i had similar probs. make sure in your control center that u have everything turned to let the application decied for d3d, turn off truform if u have that enabled(not needed anymore, just slows down performance) . then u can enable what setting u want in-game via the advanced video options. i get 40-100 fps, 80 fps average at 800x600 6xaa 16xaf and everything on high. i havent actually tried out that many configurations, mainly because im satisfied with 800x600, as it is cs. hope this helps, if not good luck.
KiNG said:
ok i have a 9800 pro and i had similar probs. make sure in your control center that u have everything turned to let the application decied for d3d, turn off truform if u have that enabled(not needed anymore, just slows down performance) . then u can enable what setting u want in-game via the advanced video options. i get 40-100 fps, 80 fps average at 800x600 6xaa 16xaf and everything on high. i havent actually tried out that many configurations, mainly because im satisfied with 800x600, as it is cs. hope this helps, if not good luck.

I really really really doubd that you get an avarenge of 80 fps on max settings on res 800x600, since I got 30 fps as an avarenge with my old 9700 pro and 9800 pro isn't that much better, I would bet (max)40 as avarenge if not less with 9800 pro
can u not read, the 9800 pro is a great card, i get 50fps at 1600x1200 which is twice the resolution of King so 80 fps seems pretty viable.
Nez0nline said:
can u not read, the 9800 pro is a great card, i get 50fps at 1600x1200 which is twice the resolution of King so 80 fps seems pretty viable.

Yes but I bet you're playing it on high settings with no AA and AF

Max AA and AF takes ALOT of your fps
Nex321 said:
9600 is NOT "fine", the 9500 beats it big time. Seriously go buy another graphic card, 9600 just doesn't cut it anymore(or ever)
he's right you know
man the 9500 is alot better than the 9600.

and when i say last gen cards cant run new gen games very good, i mean at 1600x1200 max aa and max af. if your 9800pro runs those settings at a CONSTANT 50+fps, than thats great, but if you get 50fps, but drops to 20-30fps, IMO thats not great.
i have a good 9500 pro and my friend bought a 9600 right when it came out.

he was so pissed when he found out that my 9500 owns him :LOL:
9800 pro shines when aa and af are enabled, especially with the new drivers. sometimes i recieve less fps when i dont enable aa or af.
Empty_Clip??? said:
everything on low vsync off in ati toolbar..
v synce would tht lessent the image quality, i have an ati control center, can u please tell me where i can toggle tht option ty :)
KiNG said:
9800 pro shines when aa and af are enabled, especially with the new drivers. sometimes i recieve less fps when i dont enable aa or af.


anyway...the 9800pro is a legend in terms of price and brilliant performance for a (now) mid range pc. cant get any better for its value I M O...so dont correct me lol.
so is a 9600 xt bad

i wouldnt say "BAD", the 9500 is better thats all. the 9600 is still a decent card. 9800pros for 140-150 are better deals than 9600's. IMO only.
CS:s runs great on my softmod 9500 with all the eye candy. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think the only solution to a framerate problem is to buy a new card!

Empty Clip;

Your system is obviously not running anywhere near what it is capable of. As others have noted, the most likely culprit is a bad driver install. The first thing you should do is completely remove your old drivers, and reinstall. It could also be that your entire computer is a mess, and is in need of a complete reformat. Before you do that, however, you should do the simpler things such as making sure there are no applications running in the background that could be using cpu resources. Anti-virus programs are notorious for slowing games down.

Perhaps you should run some benchmarks on your system. Start with 3Dmark 2003, and compare your results to similar systems in the database. That will tell you if it is a game-specific problem, or an overall system issue. You can also download a program called Sandra that will benchmark all of your components, which may help with diagnosis.

If all else fails, try a reformat, or at least re-install windows. The operating system itself could be causing your troubles.

Good luck!
That performance sucks man. I have an Athlon XP 1800 with 512mb 2100 DDR and a 9800 pro 256mb and I get 60 FPS consistently on 1024x768 with everything at high no aa and trilinear filtering. Sorry to hear your performance is hurtin I would also go along with everybody else and recommend u updating all ur drivers and MB bios. Also check to see that you don't have other CPU hogging processes open. Check out www.blackviper.com to learn how to optimize your system.

i reinstalled my drivers and formatted. On 3dmark2003 i got 5600. I think it's game specific. I also tried the blackviper thing :(. Oh well maybe in later updates it will be fixed.

thanks for ur help guys
too bad about your lick...set-up in my sig, wether at 2400mhz or 2200mhz, gets 75fps max(because of refreshrate and i like v-sync thanks) and only dips down to about 34(34.6) in the first few minutes after loading a map, while textures get loaded to memory. one thing to try also is setting your agp aperature to 64mb instead of 128 or whatever it's at....this decreases the size of the packets that get sent along the agp bus, and also gives the vidcard time to catch up, as in my current system the vid card is the bottleneck.