9800pro owners, question for you..


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
to all that own a 9800pro:

is there any games that has made your card crawl? i am thinking about getting a 9800pro, since they're pretty cheap now ( $200), but i dont wanna waste money it it wont run farcry, doom3, and halflife2 in 1024x768 4xAA and 8xAf atlest 45fps.

hallife 2 im not really worried about because i played it on a 9700nonpro and it was fast.
you played halflife2? is it in shops yet?
From what I hear, the only game that taxes all the nextgen graphics cards is FarCry..

I have a 9700 OCed to a 9700 pro, and it crawls in some areas :| especially the new demo level.. gets less than 30FPS in the tunnel thing
Hmm...now I have a 9700 that thinks its a 9700pro, but I haven't been able to actually OC it to a pro because it always crashes when I try anything with it.
Yet I get a pretty decent FPS in FarCry with all settings on high.
Direwolf said:
Hmm...now I have a 9700 that thinks its a 9700pro, but I haven't been able to actually OC it to a pro because it always crashes when I try anything with it.
Yet I get a pretty decent FPS in FarCry with all settings on high.

Mine thinks it's a pro, too
Any chance yours is a PowerColor 9700 "Evil Commando 2?"
From what I hear, the only game that taxes all the nextgen graphics cards is FarCry..

really? ive got an Nvidia 5400 FX and Far Cry runs real nice with highish settings on 1024 by 768...

it must have something to do with the fact that its a beta.. heck who knows, come HL2 time it could end up performing really well on frame rates, with all high end cards and mid range. I really feel all this card talk is sexed up by Nvidia and ATI, afterall they have got deadlines to meet, expectations to forefill. and bills to be payed :)
clarky003 said:
really? ive got an Nvidia 5400 FX and Far Cry runs real nice with highish settings on 1024 by 768...

it must have something to do with the fact that its a beta.. heck who knows, come HL2 time it could end up performing really well on frame rates, with all high end cards and mid range. I really feel all this card talk is sexed up by Nvidia and ATI, afterall they have got deadlines to meet, expectations to forefill. and bills to be payed :)

Right, it varies.. which pisses me off, some people with a similar system get 45-60.. I get ~30 :|

Oh well, just checked the FC forums

yes. There have been drastic improvements made from the demo.

Tim 'tbd' Ernst
Community Manager - US
Far Cry

so, that's nice to know :)
Actually, as far as I've been able to tell it is indeed a Powercolor. (I got the card a long while ago, and have since totally blanked on which brand I had bought.)
bizzy420 said:
to all that own a 9800pro:

is there any games that has made your card crawl? i am thinking about getting a 9800pro, since they're pretty cheap now ( $200), but i dont wanna waste money it it wont run farcry, doom3, and halflife2 in 1024x768 4xAA and 8xAf atlest 45fps.

hallife 2 im not really worried about because i played it on a 9700nonpro and it was fast.

What are the rest of your system specs? Because that matters too. A 9800 Pro will run any game around right now damn well, AS LONG as the rest of your system balances out with it. Also, you can always overclock a 9800 Pro later on if it starts slacking on you. You can even usually get a pretty decent overclock out of them on stock cooling too.
I have a 9800 Pro 128 and I've been able to run every game with high graphics and its still extremely smooth.
i've got an AMD athlon xp2000, 768 MB of pc 2700 ddr ram and an asus radeon 9800xt all(a little quicker than a normal "pro" and 256MB of ram) all on an msi kt3ultra2 mobo which is aging(agp 4x) but i've experienced NO slow down or lag on highest settings on ANY game. (i have BF 1942, UT 2, homeworld 2, raven shield, played far cry demo, ...prince of persia, command and conquer generals, deus ex: invisible war, nfs underground, halo, max payne2... in addition to lots of older games, but didn't list those because, it's hardly relevant)

anyways, nah, never had any lag with my card(which you'd think is getting bottlenecked from my system).
Jackal hit said:
anyways, nah, never had any lag with my card(which you'd think is getting bottlenecked from my system).

I'm not doubting that your games run smoothly, but, I have to ask.. what's your description of "lag?"

IE. Deus Ex: Invisible War runs like crap on even the highest end systems, there's no way it ran overly smooth on your system.

People's perception of "smooth" varies, some find 30FPS smooth and completely playable, others find it unplayable. All about the way you perceive a fluid framerate, I'd say.
actually, on Deus Ex: IW, when i turned on AA in game to 2X it started running great, at 1X it runs like crap.
So far, other than FarCry bring it down to 30-40 fps, nothing has brought it to it's knees without enabling 4x AA/ 4x AF.
Halo, beleive it or not. Gotto love those 3-4 year old console conversions :dozey:
Wether its actually *taxing* the computer or just *hogging* it is another matter, heh. ;)

really? ive got an Nvidia 5400 FX and Far Cry runs real nice with highish settings on 1024 by 768...
5400? :)
Its hard to compare them though, since Far Cry forces PS 1.1 instead of 2.0 at lower quality on the FX, and thats not counting the general graphical errors.
is there a way to force ps 2.0 on nvid cards?

i jsut installed a 5900se for fun. my neighbor bought one but he's gonna return it. anyways pretty good scores on my rig.

3dmark01= 13133
3dmark03= 5369
aquamark= 42000

damn these are pretty good scores for a 5900se. im startin to think that nvidia aint that bad as some ppl say. as for games i havent played any yet. just benches. weird thing is unreal2003 benchmark, the 5900se got lower scores than the 9700nonpro, but higher scores in 3dmark03. in 3dmark 01 the 9700np had higher scores.
I have a 9800pro, have 6x anti-aliasing on by default and it runs all my games at 1280x960 @ 32 with no visible frame lag, completely smooth.

thats all I can ask for, really. Farcry demo does lag a bit in places, yeah... but thats expected with it being such an early build. it's obvious that the lag is caused via unoptimised code, as in some places it runs fine (even places with more shaders/polys on the screen than where it lags).

as far as nvidia go, i wouldnt buy one just yet. they are overpriced, and as soon as you hit the anti-aliasing they stall. wait for NV40 (FX6000?) or buy a 9800pro.
I've got a softmodded 9800 Pro, overclocked to XT speeds, NO slowdown in ANY game \o/
badger what do you mean soft modded? cant u just overclock the 9800 to xt speeds without the softmod? pls explain, sounds interesting.
You can OC the 9800 Pro to XT speeds easy, all it is is 412mhz Core clock :p

Softmoded means hardware modifications with drivers, and it's totally separate from my OC :)
I own a 9800 pro, and I play all my games in 1280x1024 32bit color, 4xAA and 16x AF
I consider anything below 50fps unplayable (I know Im spoiled)

games I play consistently and their framerates (all at the res and AA and AF as above)
also in all games I play I MAX every graphic option available.
-these arent my max fps, just an average, and the number my fps never dips below.

*Battlefield 1942 (and all its expansions and mods) = 150fps (constant)
*Unreal Tournament 2k3 and 2k4 (basically the same) = 140fps (constant)
*Half-Life (and its mods, including TS, CS, NS, DOD, TFC etc) = 160fps (although in dev I can soar at 200fps)
*Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Quake3/MOHA = 170-180fps
*Call Of Duty = 150fps
*Savage = 140fps
*Neverwinter NIghts = hard to determine, but I would say around 130fps (no stutter/slowdown I would notice)
*America's Army = 100-120fps (this title is a lil sketchy, dont know why)

Games with problems: aka games that look like shite and play like shite (remember anything below 50 I find abhorent) held to the same standards as above, and in the same res and AA and AF

#Halo = 60-90fps inconsistent (blah blah, made for xbox, not optimized correctly for PC)
#FarCry = 60+ but its irritating... its fine but ... for what it looks like, it should run better (the game needs optimizations)

Im a graphics whore, no shame... if a title is lacking visually/ I get slowdown, my respect for said title dimishes immensely.
trust me.
if your a gamer who loves playing in High resolutions with all the bells and whistles turned on (read "the way the devs wanted it to be played") grab yourself a 9800 pro/xt
"the way the devs wanted it to be played"?? where can i read that at? here on the forums? im at work right now so i cant check. redundant, u can play americas army in 1280 at 100fps constant??
bizzy420 said:
"the way the devs wanted it to be played"?? where can i read that at? here on the forums? im at work right now so i cant check. redundant, u can play americas army in 1280 at 100fps constant??

not constant it dips (but not below 100), but yes I play at 1280x1024 with AA and AF enabled as I pointed out above.
What program can I get that tells how many FPS I'm getting in a game?
mr redundant , your not spoiled. :) you just have high standards :).

either that or your mad in the head, because 49 fps is perfectly playable, :p
AzzMan said:
What program can I get that tells how many FPS I'm getting in a game?
usually the game itself has a console command associated with it, that you can enable.

what game are you trying to see your fps in?

yes my standards are very high, to be really honest anything less than silkysmooth (60+ the point were everything is pretty damn fluid) I shudder.
Shuzer said:
People's perception of "smooth" varies, some find 30FPS smooth and completely playable, others find it unplayable. All about the way you perceive a fluid framerate, I'd say.

I agree 100%.

In my opinion, anything below 40fps is unplayable. And i thought Deus Ex2 ran great on my system, atleast compared to what most everyone else were claiming. I averaged about 60fps at all times which is great. 8)

AthlonXP 'Barton' 3000+ @ 208 x 10.5 (2184Mhz) cooled by Swiftech MCX462-V HS w/92mm fan
Asus A7N8X Deluxe rev2.0/bios ver1006
2x512mb Corsair Value Select pc3200 DDR RAM 2.5-3-3-8 (417MHz)
BBA 9800 Pro 128mb @ 430MHz core/371MHz memory, cooled by VGA Silencer
Windows XP Pro
We all have to have lower standards than money in our hands, otherwise we go mad. :D
I run FarCry on a 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB with A Radeon 9800Pro at 1280x1024 at around 40 FPS. It slows down a lot if there is a lot of stuff happening. But other than that 30-40FPS is entirely playable and it looks sexy.
Yah, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind; I get about 30FPS outdoors and 70FPS indoors on 4xAA/16xAF and 1280x1024.

Far Cry brings it to about 30-40FPS no AA.
SubKamran said:
Yah, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind; I get about 30FPS outdoors and 70FPS indoors on 4xAA/16xAF and 1280x1024.
Cant classify that game as taxing, as it runs about as fast on Geforce 256. Its just a really bad engine for modern hardware. And its mostly CPU dependant anyway.
ummm halo can do a number on the card at times. kinda weird. i usually just turn off player shadows or specular. the shadows are not that good anyways. specular just makes things look shiny.
I get constant 55fps on halo with my geforce4 ti4200 with all details on. Go figure. Sometimes when there's more than 10 covies it dips to 48ish, but no lower than 45 ever.
FictiousWill said:
I get constant 55fps on halo with my geforce4 ti4200 with all details on. Go figure. Sometimes when there's more than 10 covies it dips to 48ish, but no lower than 45 ever.

But that will be full details minus the DX 9 effects
My 9600pro runs Far Cry (both demos) good, no slow downs frame rates are awesome highest settings, but I do have a fast machine as well to back it up.
u guys who run games at 1280*1024, that is just wrong resolution, wich may make the game render slower, try running at 1280*960 instead.(wich is 4:3 resolution.)