9800xt low fps please help

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SidewinderX143 said:
is your processo running at the proper speed? Are you sure you have a 9800XT? do you have intenisive programs running in the background? What's your monitor refresh rate? Do you have vsync forced off in the ATI control panel? Do you have the 4.7 cats?

I was about to say that!
First of all, it's not the motherboard. My dad has the same one and it isn't giving him any issues. He as has the exact same CPU as you, so that's not the problem either.

You can try one thing though, go into your BIOS and I think under the 'cpu setting' place (forget the exact name) there is an option to disable/enable hyperthreading. Your CPU comes with HT turned on and I heard that turning it off solves certain issues. So give that a shot.
i will give that a try....wat 3dmark03 score should i be getting
Your 3d mark is about where I would expect it to be, which is both good news and bad news.
Good news because you can stop reformatting and start concentrating on your settings.
Bad news because your cpu/gpu is not going to give you the performance you are expecting.

Looking at Farcry, you just will not be able to run that game at top resolution and all the graphics options ,not possible without 6800 or x800xt.
What you will need to do :

*set aa/af to "application preference" in your control panel.

*turn off aa/af inside farcrys options.

*set the resolution to 1024x768.

*turn up all the graphics options to full, except shadows-down one notch and water-down one notch.

This should form your baseline and give you acceptable peformance(if it doesnt , there definately is something wrong). Any increase in aa, af or resolution will eat into your framerate, so you will have to decide how much to increase them and playtest each time you do, until you hit a combination youre happy with that gives you acceptable fps.

Good luck , hope that helps.

ps : when increasing aa/af , do so from inside farcry and leave contol panel settings at "application preference".
ugh...my dad is running far cry at max (no aa or af) and he has a 9700 pro, 3.2cpu HT, p4c800e-deluxe mobo and 1024 ddr ram...so I don't know what you're talking about with turning down the graphics. He has 9800xt, it should be no problem for him.
The tweaks I suggested Kiva , were based on the the smallest impact on image quality against the largest impact on frame rates.
Yes , FC will run fine on your fathers machine(you dont mention what resolution), but he has had to make a choice of what eyecandy to enable.
His decision was to disable aa and af, others might want a different aa/af/res combination. The point is you cant have them all on max(without a much beefier system) and not have a tropical slideshow for a game.

"ugh.." wtf ?
OK I thought we all passed the simple solutions but i guess not, wongo here what u do

yes i agree with saj, the 9800xt wont run ultra settings full aa af and the shit, ur goona lagg, thats a problem u have to sacrafise, full the full gravy but this is the problem

ur getting 40 fps in CS? holy shit thats horrible for that card 9800xt,

so turning down settings and silly reformating, are simmple tech answers u get when u call the company.

im not a CS major, so i cant give u any hardcore help but i can give u guidance.

i had a cable modem, everything was fine, hardware looked good but i was getting horrbile speeds, after i flexed some tougne at the ocmpany, they passed threw the simple cycleing turning off modem bullshit answrs and went upstairs to the techs who actualy have degress.

after pings and tracrts, and shit, no idea whats goin on, im pining yahoo 200ms on cable with 0 loss packets, some shit is up man, i should be pinging yahoo 14ms constant.

anyway at the end, this is wha hte problem was, simple replacement of the hardware, even though all the lights were on and shit was working the hardwaer replacement solved all the problems. so where no one expected its not hte hardware it actualy was.

i alrady told u it has to be some kind of software issue running cs at 40fps , software = bios whatever, anything ucant touch.

then again with my little story up top, like i said it ****ing might as well be bad card man. why? because u say all games run ****ed up. and not only one. so,

frist step, take the card to a identical system and put it in, do the steam do the farcry, see what diff u see. do the 3dmark if u ahve to also. and move from there. if iwere u ied call up ati get on their case, push harder harder untill they say ok lets just replace this guys card and get him off our case. seriously dont those things come with wareently or shit, dude 500 dolllars better buy u a ****ing warrenty.
I had this problem with all my games running like shit with my new 9800 pro, I checked my bios and my processor was set at 1250 mhz instead of 2080 mhz, so I changed it and everything is groovy.
aww man dont flame my typing, i type fast and dont bother to correct 1 character, i assume u guys get the idea what im trying to say.

dont chagne the subject