9900 Pro?

Well, i'm about to read it, but i have yet to belieave -anything- the inquirer says. ever.

/broken link
Ok, you guys will have to forgive me, but some where along the line I lost track of whether the 9900/9800XT is an enthusiast card or a value card. Does anyone know yet? If it's a value card then there's no point in buying one and the 9800 Pro is fine for now.
asaik it's a 9800 clocked very, very high with a better fan. Kinda like an uber "xtreme" version of the 9800pro...
I'll probably go for a 9800 clock it a bit higher than stock. I doubt I'll need the extra speed the xt has.
The funniest part is that there is already a 9800TX (dell sells them with their computers) :)

But somehow I doubt it will be named with 9800. Its a new core (not much, but still), has ATI ever named a new core with the same name as the older?
I have about 1500 right now and I'm going to have 1700-1800 by the time HL2 comes out. I'm not just upgrading for HL2 I have a bunch of games that don't run good on my current computer and more are coming out every month or so. I'd like to have a computer that can run everything good. So I'm waiting for the reviews to come out on the 9800XT (when it comes out) with performance tests to see if theres really any big difference. If not I'm just not going to waste money on it and get the 9800 Pro. How long does it usually take for websites to get performance reviews up on video cards?
You will most likely see it before the card is available. Reviewers always get preview samples... Though they could give a wrong idea (Geforce FX *hint* *hint*)
I'm in the same boat as a lot of people that are about to upgrade their video card for HL2. Here's my current system:

P4 1.8Ghz
Geforce 3 ti 500

Not too shabby. I could easily play Hl2 with that video card, but I want a DX9 card to get all the little bells and whistles. I've been waiting to buy my card so far, and I've tried to educate myself a lot about the exisitng cards and what's coming in the near future. It seems that right now the 9800 pro would probably be the best way to go in terms of performance, but I'm curious about the 9900 pro. I'd hate to buy the 9800 pro for $400 and then have the 9900 pro come out 3 weeks later and have that same $400 price (with the 9800 pro dropping $50-$100). That happened to me when I bought my Geforce 3, the GF4's were out a month later - stupid me!! lol) I honestly am curious to see what type of performance I get on my GF3 ti 500 anyway. I wish I could wait for the Loki, but I don't think I can wait that long. I'm not sure which I'll end up buying - the 9800 pro or 9900 pro. It would depend on how much faster the 9900 pro is and the price drop (assuming there will be one) in the 9800 pro. I just wish we knew more about the release of the 9900 pro. Everyone keeps saying September, but that may mean it wont be available in large quantities till mid to end of Oct.
hey, im planning to play HL2 on a TNT2 card!

im running on a pentium 3 with 256 MB memory, so upgrading to a good card is kinda useless. plus, im running on Windows ME :eek:
I still can't tell whether the N360 series will include a card that is better than a 9800Pro (certainly nothing with a better VALUE). These articles seem to suggest that it will NOT be a 9800Pro killer, but more of a 9500 vs. a 9600 situation where the card with the higher number was only ostensibly better, but in reality was a little worse because for all its clock speed, it had a simpler, narrower set of features and wasn't as overclockable. Certainly this new card can't be very overclockable AT ALL, given that they are already pushing the limits with the .15 architexture.
^^^ Well, if that end up being the case (and I think you're right), then I won't buy the 9900 over the 9800 pro. But I still want to wait because the price drop on the 9800 pro could make it all the more palatable to sink my money on it.
I definately agree. Though I wouldn't bet on that either. Remember that in the case of the 9500, the price actually went UP, because the 9500s weren't being produced anymore, and because the supply was thus limited, AND because many people considered it a superior card to its replacement. I also wouldn't expect to see the 9800P drop too far below 300$ for a while. I bet by decemeber we'll see them for 250$, but probably not until then.
I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to overclock the 9800XT (9900). They may say that the 9900 is an overclocked 9800, but the thing is... they have a different way of upping the frequencies than we do. We'll see when the 9800XT (9900) benchmarks are out, the reviewers will either or try to overclock it.
Originally posted by Jagermeister
I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to overclock the 9800XT (9900). They may say that the 9900 is an overclocked 9800, but the thing is... they have a different way of upping the frequencies than we do. We'll see when the 9800XT (9900) benchmarks are out, the reviewers will either or try to overclock it.
Does it matter? Everyone and his grandma seems to think computers are designed to overclock now a days. They overclock memory, CPU and gcard. Newsflash: YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DO IT!
Originally posted by dawdler
Does it matter? Everyone and his grandma seems to think computers are designed to overclock now a days. They overclock memory, CPU and gcard. Newsflash: YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DO IT!
Yea, okay, but what you said has nothing to do with what I was saying.
Originally posted by Jagermeister
Yea, okay, but what you said has nothing to do with what I was saying.
"I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to overclock the 9800XT (9900)."
That was what I responded to, and that's what's wrong with everyone today. We are to spoiled. If ATI made a card running at 600mhz, with 600mhz memory (1200), and used the R3xx technology to its utter limit, not being able to clock a single mhz more without being unstable and breaking down, what would people say? They wont say "w00t! This card is like twice as fast as the 9800!". They will say "This sucks! It cant overclock for shit!"...

So why do we see cards that clock lower? Cause you have to ASSUME the little people will overclock. You cant build a card on the limit, as 80% of all buyers would break it when they start to overclock it.

Guess I'm still old fashioned, but I dont think one is supposed to OC the thing. I would do it if its an old computer (IE 1-2 years from now on this one), but overclocking a brand new card is just a desperate cry to get noticed on the net with your Uber-1337-Voltmodded/solded on/hacked drivers-9500 running at 450mhz and is watercooled (gotto post pictures of course). All made by your own little hands. Its a mental sickness coming from the era of the internet, cause you never have any use for those extra fps until in about 2 years, when the card is getting slow, but you just GOTTO let the world know that YOU have mastered the card now :)
I understand and agree to what you're saying, but I was simply saying, "I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to overclock the 9800XT (9900)."

As far as me, overclocking my 9800 Pro... I haven't done it yet and don't plan too either. I already jacked-up my Ti4200 from overclocking.
Originally posted by Jagermeister
I understand and agree to what you're saying, but I was simply saying, "I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to overclock the 9800XT (9900)."

As far as me, overclocking my 9800 Pro... I haven't done it yet and don't plan too either. I already jacked-up my Ti4200 from overclocking.
Alright :)
Btw, I havent even overclocked my Geforce DDR yet... I would try it, if not the fan failed from time to time (its a nice chip though, the golden heatsink (bigger than on my 9700Pro) keeps it cool)