a Bold True, sad yet supriseingly hopefull outcome for '04 HL fans

Feath said:
Oh, I do hope you're not referring to me. If you are, please point to a place I was being immature.

I was not indeed : )

I wrote this after i read the first or second page of the thread then came back later to click the post button.
a Bold True, sad yet supriseingly hopefull outcome for '04 HL fans

You might just see a tear in this old man's eye.
Ahhh tears.. They bring the salty taste of victory!
mrchimp said:
Anyone here who actually likes fragmaster can get out and never come back.

How does this sound? You get out and never come back, hmm? People seem to forget fragmaster used to write for a comedy website; he wrote those Walter's World stories too. He co-starred in the Doomhouse2000 for christ's sake.
Lighten up.
Fenric said:
sounds like he's trying to make up for all the crap he's said. Maybe just found out he wont be getting any exclusives or free ahead of time final copies to review

I hope Valve remember who stuck by them and who didn't.

Ye Fragmaster is stupid, im glad we got halflife2.net :D
Well, love him or hate him (I fall in the latter category), Fragmaster was the only high profile webmaster keeping us in the loop about Half-Life 2's delay. I don't know how he knew, but the guy obviously had a solid source with legit info. I don't think the problem was so much what he said, though, but how he said it. If he hadn't been such an arrogant smacktard then I don't think folks would have taken such offense at his scoop. It's nice to see that he is trying to turn over a new leaf, though I suspect this has more to do with decreased site traffic and damage control than sincerity.