A Brit Guide to Keeping Cool

I have a fan behind me and my windows open. which means there are alot of bugs in my room now. Every now and again I go to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face and through my hair. Long hair fails miserably in this weather. I also constantly have a bottle of water at my side.

I wish this heat would go away. I thought we'd seen the end of it the other week, now its just came back. It wouldn't mind it so much if there was some damned clouds in the sky or something. I was meant to go out for a run today, but after I'd walked the measly 15 minutes to the libary and back I just couldn't be bothered, was way too hot.

I found this. It's called a baby-bottom fan. I'm guessing it's used to cool a baby's bottom.

I can see how you keep it in place........

I have a fan behind me and my windows open. which means there are alot of bugs in my room now. Every now and again I go to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face and through my hair. Long hair fails miserably in this weather. I also constantly have a bottle of water at my side.

Buy a window screen. Problem solved.
I really should, but I haven't the money. I don't mind them anyway, they only bother me when they land on my screen and they don't move, thus forcing me to flick them across the room in annoyance. Stubborn bastards.
That reminds me of dead baby jokes. heh.


I found this from the baby bottom fan retailer. I think he/she is holding it the wrong way. And what the hell is up with that baby butt?
Oh christ, I don't want to go to bed because I know I'll die of oversweating. CURSE YOU UNCOMMONLY GOOD WEATHER.
I got a good tip, don't buy a Vauxhall Vectra

Oh wait, you mean the heat....
I stay inside because people physically ignite when walking outside
Is it a heatwave there?

It's been heating up here but not too horribly, it was cloudy earlier so it only got up to 108 degrees F today (42.2 degrees C)

It's way too hot in Bullhead City/Laughlin (where we go to party, 25 minute drive) it was 118 degrees the other day (47.7 C)
I have a huge fan blowing air at me from my window :D

I'm also wearing shorts.. shorts are a dodgy choice tbh but hey, I'm not going outside.
My house is an old victorian school, so it's massive with thick walls.

Stays cool through the heat of the day, it's at it's hottest in the evening tho......when you're trying to get to sleep, gets like an oven about 32C inside yesterday.

I'd sleep outside if it wasn't for the mosquitoes.
My house is an old victorian school, so it's massive with thick walls.

Stays cool through the heat of the day, it's at it's hottest in the evening tho......when you're trying to get to sleep, gets like an oven about 32C inside yesterday.

I'd sleep outside if it wasn't for the mosquitoes.

I'll supply you with bugspray if you let me sleep in your house.
Take your shoes and socks off - always works :)
I have a huge fan blowing air at me from my window :D

I'm also wearing shorts.. shorts are a dodgy choice tbh but hey, I'm not going outside.
I bet your trouser snake is hanging out, eh?

EDIT: Knee long shorts too.
I'm at work just now, which has a decent air conditioner. I was planning on going for a run when I got home, but bollocks to that, I think I'll just lounge around with a few chilled beers.

It's the getting to sleep at night bit that's the biggest problem. Even with my window open as wide as she'll go it's still unbelievably stuffy.
Bah humbug!

Failed the test, meeting traffic as a major: narrow road parked cars both sides, car coming towards me, shuda stopped and let him thru but didnt causing us both to slow down and me nearly clip parked cars

Chin up there Evo, it's shit and no one enjoys it. At least you can get pissed more without worrying about the car/driving in the morning. :D
Chin up there Evo, it's shit and no one enjoys it. At least you can get pissed more without worrying about the car/driving in the morning. :D


Would i do that

Well, today was hot. Tomorrow will be hotter. Don't even get me started on wednesday!! :O

So, this thread is where you can share any tips you've got on keeping cool whilst suffering stupidly abnormally high temperatures. Personally i've just fully stocked my bedroom fridge with irn-bru and curiosity cola. I've also modified my antec USB desk fan (removed the safety guards from the back and front to dramatically improve airflow, works a treat!!)

I've got the bedroom window open with a powerful fan on the windowledge blowing air into the room, too. That works great. I really really really need to get some air conditioning in my house though.

What are you guys doing to get through this? Any tips? :cheers:

Don't drink fizzy drinks - other than giving you early diabetes, they'll only offer a temporary solution to dehydration, your body will react and heat itself to compensate for the cold drink.

Drink hot tea. As well as rehydrating you, it will make you cool down via some process I have forgotten about.

Alternatively, get some A/C.
Bah humbug!

Failed the test, meeting traffic as a major: narrow road parked cars both sides, car coming towards me, shuda stopped and let him thru but didnt causing us both to slow down and me nearly clip parked cars

Unlucky mate, this is always a hard one to judge ... you can only get good at judging this AFTER passing your test, unless you take a LOT of lessons. I nearly failed my test for this, as I stopped, then realised there was a big enough gap (as one of the cars coming my way passed me) so I decided to go for it. Got a minor for indecisiveness. Ah well. You have to be really lucky to pass your test first time.... like me.
eat an ice lolly & drink plenty of water, sit near a fan, wear cool baggy clothing, ie shorts & light T-shirt.
Best way to keep cool is to urinate down your legs when you're wearing loose trousers.
Unlucky mate, this is always a hard one to judge ... you can only get good at judging this AFTER passing your test, unless you take a LOT of lessons. I nearly failed my test for this, as I stopped, then realised there was a big enough gap (as one of the cars coming my way passed me) so I decided to go for it. Got a minor for indecisiveness. Ah well. You have to be really lucky to pass your test first time.... like me.

Yeah s'pose so

Only had 4 minors :D

Then the meeting traffic major


BF2 is my companion :E