a call out to all the loyal HL vets and fans




i've been googling this question ever since i installed HL2, and i still got no answer!

"why HL2 is running slow on my PC?"

i saw ALOT OF POSTS but none of them is really useful! what's really wrong? for example i have -let's say- a good PC

3.0 GH P4 with 1 MB cache
512 DDR-sdram
Geforce FX 5500, 256 MB VRAM
Creative Audigy 2 soundcard
HDD 120 GB
Windows XP sp2

so i think my PC will run this game "smoothly" at least! but no! it runs SLOW so slow, i really don't think it's about the hardware, and if it's about the hardware, i need someone who's REALLY experinced to tell me what to do, what hardware to uprade or what to do, please reply if you are sure only, don't reply with "try changing your..." thank you for reading.
1. All the content is done downloading? (Right-click on the steam icon in the taskbar and select monitor and make sure none of the game is still downloading)

2. How many processes are running? Clear some out that you don't need.

3. Is your monitor okay? What's the refresh rate, and do you have vsync on in HL2's options? If the monitor is not great and has a low refresh rate, try turning off vsync.

4. How tall are you? Make sure that you're sitting so that you can see the screen. (Kidding)

I'm just throwing some possibilities out in the air.

lol, i tried everything mate, and yeah i'm tall :p and still it doesn't work good! and the sound keeps on cuttin', this happened as well with Deus ex, but it didn't happen with CS 1.6 nor HomeWorld2 or battle mages for example
On which settings are you playing? Not much RAM there.
everything is down to low, but yeah i guess there's something with the RAMs, cause no matter what i change with the graphical settings, it's the same
Seems like RAM. I'm not sure, though. Also, if your PC is rather old (say, from the year 2000-2002), you might consider updating your BIOS.
Theres plenty of RAM there, but you said Deus Ex was the same, thats pretty strange.

I have no idea, mabye some big anti virus scanning everything or there is something taking up resources.

Do Control-Alt-Delete and go to the processes tab, see what programs are taking up loads of CPU and memory.
have to scanned for spyware? it can do some strange things to a pc,

try using a program such as AdAware www.lavasoft.com

oh yeah and have you updated yor graphics card drivers?
I dont think its anything to do with RAM, or maybe not even the hardware. Update the game. I really think it's a software or driver problem. Roll back the drivers of your video card, or update them. The game should not run so slowly with your specifications at all. OPEN ur console and look for red sentences. read them, they might say what's not loaded and stuff. They sometimes help.
Maybe your vision is just slow. (just kidding) but it seems that something is taking your recources and using memory without you knowing it. Just control alt delete and look at processes. See whats happening and stop the things you dont need running. Just dont stop windows XP or anything like that... (believe me i have done it and its not good..).
xzeox said:
Maybe your vision is just slow. (just kidding) but it seems that something is taking your recources and using memory without you knowing it. Just control alt delete and look at processes. See whats happening and stop the things you dont need running. Just dont stop windows XP or anything like that... (believe me i have done it and its not good..).
Hey, dont make it sound so dramatic. It isnt. You just end up having to reset.
Oh and another thing, I hate PCs these days- they have no Reset button.
They don't?

/me hugs his old PC which has a Reset button.
iMMuNiTy said:
They don't?

/me hugs his old PC which has a Reset button.

t t t . good old days, when you can just reach and press hard on the reset and let all your ''unsaved progress'', as Microsoft puts it, float in zero gravity space.
:imu: :bounce:
lol guys, i didn't expect all these replies, thank you, i apreciate it, anways, nothing is taking resources, i really think i need to update, i'll update and see what happens, and about deus ex, i found it has an update, but there's something wrong when i try to upgrade the game files, anyways, i'll let ya know what's goin on.

about virus scanning, i turned it off, no spyware, no nothing, everything is smooth, and sisoft sandra says my hardware is up-to-date and running smoothly -i guess-.
That ram is acting like a bottle neck and you're running a really shitty graphics card.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
That ram is acting like a bottle neck and you're running a really shitty graphics card.
The card's good enough. It's not that good, but it isn't one of the worst, either. I've seen PC's with 5200 128 MB 64-bit perform well on Medium settings and he's getting low performance even on Lowest settings. Flame me if you wish, now.
Actually It is pretty much the worst kind of card you can still buy in stores.

It's equivilent to a geforce 2 ffs. They just slapped the 4 and the FX on it to sell thousands of them to people who don't know any better.

workin yep yep, i formatted the PC reinstalled windows xp sp2 and plaid a little with the BIOS (IDEs, Plug'n'Play OS, AGP options) installed an older-than-the-current-one dirver and now it's working smoothly and i guess i'm addicted to this game all over again, lol, thank you guys, i apreciate your help