A Chinese cuisine could be a globe-sweeping hit


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
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Sometimes you can almost feel the pulse of humanity by simply reading a news headline. Sometimes a particular story frames, in the parlance of our times, the very soul of ourselves. Even with the devastation in Japan, we must still direct our eyes to the future, because it races toward us on rapid and mighty hooves.

While we all cower in fear of our present predicament, one newswriter dares to stand tall and gaze into that future, and pose a statement with a question mark on the end.

Eggs boiled in children's urine to take the world by storm?
Finally those lousy good for nothing free loading kids can get a job.

****ing gross though. Why don't they give it the scientific treatment, figure out what compounds besides urea are present in it, and mass produce it that way instead.

Scientific treatment, you say? Their medicine is backed by 5000 years of "proof," what more investigation do you need? Eat your pee eggs.

On a footnote, I can vouch for traditional Chinese herbal remedies for common cold and fever symptoms, but some people are just crazy.
well sure there is some piss on theyr normal food
I wonder if there's some elder in this village that can tell the age of the piss upon consuming a cooked egg.
I heard they promote longevity. Eat just one of these eggs and urine for the long haul.
"omg chicken urine gross"

>A majority of women wear whale-fat on their face and we consider it beautiful.
>Bubblegum made from Dungbeetles.
>etc. etc. etc.

I'd try it.
"omg chicken urine gross"

>A majority of women wear whale-fat on their face and we consider it beautiful.
>Bubblegum made from Dungbeetles.
>etc. etc. etc.

I'd try it.

Those other things aren't gross to me. Just like gelatin being made from bones isn't gross either. I'm just used to it.

It's a cultural thing and urine soaked eggs just doesn't mesh well with me. Urine fertilized mushrooms are okay to me... it's just not done with human urine, much less child urine.

Like I said, figure out the base components in it other than urea and make it that way instead of having school children piss in buckets for it to be used. That's just nasty to me.

Balut eggs are also nasty to me, another chinese delicacy.

If it ain't broke, don't dun' try'ta' fix it.
DOWN VEGETA! Someone get a rope, we need to tie him down or else hes going to go around getting little Chinese kids to pee on his eggs.
Why the **** is it only male urine they use? Seriously the misogyny is so profound there its close to wiping out women period, I bet they feed it to girls trying to masculinify them so they don't get drowned, sounds like ancient chinese secret to me
Yeah, just wait until women's rights groups get on this shit. Depriving young girls the equal opportunity to pee in people's eggs? ****ing disgusts me.
It is kind of a better use of an untapped resource. But why children...
Yeah, just wait until women's rights groups get on this shit. Depriving young girls the equal opportunity to pee in people's eggs? ****ing disgusts me.

Can you imagine the smell of that boiling urine btw? Im gagging just thinking about it. But still, a floating , noxious cloud of girl pee sounds much MUCH better( not really, but there is a principle here)
Principle? Piss is piss. If you'd honestly prefer it came from tiny vaginas rather than tiny penises then I don't know what to say to you.
This remonds me of that survival expert on Discovery channel. He was in a desert and he drank his own piss then soaked himself in it to cool himself. So yeah...
That sounds even nastier than chicken feet.
Sounds delicious. Sign me up and ship me aboard, let's start urinating.

And why all the hate? It's beginning to drown me, and none of it is even being directed my way. Stop peeing all over my day.
**** you guys I didn't even say anything

**** this forum

hey you are the only responsible for that reputation so deal whit it

and no veg I dont think the chinese authorities will give you a visa for "children's pee recolector"
^^ROFL. Yeah, that's him.


Also, I love Chinese food but this article has got to be some kind of piss-take.
My friends and I ate some ancient black rotten eggs that a Chinese guy offered us once. I hope it wasn't one of these boiled-in-piss ones, not that I imagine they could have given us the shits any worse.

This same guy also told us about Chinese delicacies such as bear arms and live baby rats, and used to fantasise about pouring raw animal blood on his rice. Psycho, comedian or Chinese? Are they one and the same...?
My friends and I ate some ancient black rotten eggs that a Chinese guy offered us once. I hope it wasn't one of these boiled-in-piss ones, not that I imagine they could have given us the shits any worse.

This same guy also told us about Chinese delicacies such as bear arms and live baby rats, and used to fantasise about pouring raw animal blood on his rice. Psycho, comedian or Chinese? Are they one and the same...?
So-called Thousand Year Eggs are great over the tofu that has the consistency of cottage cheese. I think they're really good, and they are NOT boiled in piss. :)

What could possibly taste bladder than this?

People are really divided on this issue. Either urea fan or urea hater.
Well as long as it's child pee. Otherwise that be gross.
Not to be a bladdermouth or anything, but I've already tried it, and it tastes somewhat like a pees of cake.
I have a few samples of this stuff, Pee-M if you're interested.
Imagine the marketing. "Try our eggs. Urine for a treat!"
They have to have perfected it by now, with how long they've been tinkling with the recipe.