A collection of survival tips


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Feel free to add your own tips and suggestions.

-If puked on by a Boomer,back away from the other survivors and crouch down. Start meleeing away once they are on you. This will ensure that you don't accidentally get shot in the frenzy by others and it'll make their job easier.

-If a survivor is down and the horde is attacking,let them pile on him/her then start mowing them down.

-Always use a molotov (if available) on a Tank!

-However,when it comes to a Witch,use a pipe bomb instead. I tested it myself recently. After she's frenzied,a few shots from the m16 should take her down. A well timed molotov after the pipe bomb should work even better though.

-If you are using a shotgun,always take the lead and kneel down. I found this to be best way to reduce friendly fire and much more effective to fight your way through multiple enemies. If you like beeing upfront though,kneel down regardless the weapon that you are using.

-No Mercy,2nd map,room with mini gun. Before you open the gate,toss a gas tank down the hole behind the mini gun. Ignite it once the gate has been opened and the horde starts swarming in.

That's it, for now.
dont run to the crashing airplane in dead air
-However,when it comes to a Witch,use a pipe bomb instead. I tested it myself recently. After she's frenzied,a few shots from the m16 should take her down. A well timed molotov after the pipe bomb should work even better though.

Sneak up behind the witch with the auto-shotgun. If you are close enough and aim right the first shot to the back of her head will kill her, if not she will die in three or four more shots. Which isn't a problem considering it is an auto-shotgun.
When faced with a Tank, use Molotovs and finish it off with the Assault Rifle at a distance. It works wonders for me.

Even on Expert!
Don't play with girls on your team. I've had some awful versus experiences with some today :rolleyes:
On that note, 12-year-olds aren't very fun to play with either.
I play with adults and older teenagers mostly, it seems to do the trick. These are the types of people who have seen so many horror movies, so many horror games, or just games in general, that gunning down hordes of angry people barely warrants a slight raise in heartbeat.

Its beautiful, in the game the world is collapsing in a horror riddled nightmare, and me and my team are as calm as if this was a round of golf.

Good times.
Death Toll finale - two survivors in the bathroom and two in the closet across the hall. Everything gets taken down in the crossfire and tanks are taken out pretty quickly.

No Mercy finale - Everyone on the very top of the building with the radio.
Don't play with girls on your team. I've had some awful versus experiences with some today :rolleyes:

The only problem I have with that, is that girls seems to do far more friendly fire than others (she even managed to hit me with a pipe bomb).
Don't play with girls on your team. I've had some awful versus experiences with some today :rolleyes:

Lol Melanie!

Don't use a pipebomb on the witch, though. Get a little white propane tank. You cans ave the nade for something more important, and not waste something you can use later!

When facing the Tank, light it on fire, and book it as far back as you can. The more fire damage done to him the better.
When fighting the Witch, all group together and use concentrated fire. She wont even touch you due to the massive pushback.
If you stand on top of the car there's no way to accidentally shoot it.
Lol Melanie!

That was unsettling for a moment, as the girl I referred to has that name too. And now she's getting all uppity and claiming she's better than me at Ricochet. Not like I care anyway. The only reason I play that game is to do better than her.
I clicked on this thread not knowing it was in the L4D section and it took me until tip 3 before I realized these were not just general survival tips.
"Shoot the Zombies in the head
Run really fast
Don't die"

Sounds good to me!
That was unsettling for a moment, as the girl I referred to has that name too. And now she's getting all uppity and claiming she's better than me at Ricochet. Not like I care anyway. The only reason I play that game is to do better than her.

Shouldn't you care, then?
When I joined the server, she already had 50 points. It does take a while to get that much, even in Ricochet.
The only reason I play that game is to do her.
read as :dozey:

also you can kill the witch pretty instantly with the auto shotty in advanced mode. Just be behind her and let loose your load. She won't even get up all the way if you're fast enough.
  1. Stay calm and shoot at an incoming rush crouched. It gives you better accuracy. Also shoot in bursts.
  2. Stay calm with the Tank and give a wide berth so you can all shoot at him.
  3. Never leave a fellow comrade behind! IMO you can do it on Versus in which you know the guy is already dead or you forget the boat has come like in Death Toll (lol at Pitz and I for last nights game)!
My bits of randomness!

Avoid emptying the Autoshotgun as best you can, especially on finalies, when the gun is empty it needs to be cocked during the reload, which takes that little bit longer, which can be proper annoying when you really need it to fire, also avoid spraying multiple shots on a single target, let them get close then fire once.

If you are camping on top of an object like say the Fuel Truck on the Dead Air runway finalie, then make sure the guys with M16s pay attention for Smokers, as getting dragged off of the truck can spell annoying incapacitation for the victim and often the poor git who ran after him only to get swamped.

I find pipebombs on finalies are often most useful when hordes are summoned out of time with the event, such as when a boomer explodes just before the tank shows up, you really don't wanna be slowed down by annoying buzzy single infected when the bosses show up.

When a tank has dropped a teammate and is in the process of turning him into freshly pounded burger meat, get right up close to him with either the shotty or m16 and empty your entire clip at point blank range, they rarely break from the incapacitated guy and it does the most amount of damage, simple thing to remember, is if the tank is after you then run away from the tank, if its after another guy, then run towards the tank.
Keep an eye out for boomers, especially out in the open, and if you see one fire on it while backing away so that you don't get sprayed.
read as :dozey:

Just be behind her and let loose your load. You won't even get up all the way if shes's fast enough.

Couldn't resist.

On topic:

On the Left 4 Dead 411 forums, somebody has written around three paragraphs per finale on how to survive, including annotated screenshots. Seems a bit of a waste to me; Left 4 Dead finales, especially on the campaign mode, don't require tactics, just decent teamwork. Sure, on Expert they're a challenge, but there's no real strategy to completing them - no more so than completing any other level.
The first time I played I decided I wanted to climb the car, not knowing it would set the alarm off. I thought that would only happen if you shot it. :|
Yeah, I was hoping some one would do it because of this advice, and then rage at me.

Oh, my bad. :laugh:

It is pretty annoying when someone sets off the car alarms. Guys, we don't NEED to clear up this entire area, we can jus-- BLAM BLAM BLAM BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP aww ****.
Yeah, I usually set it off, but I wait until there's no chance it can **** everything up. Nothing more annoying than somebody ruining an entire level on expert.
Act really incompetently to really annoy that hypocritical dick who bitches about everything over voice chat.
This is probably the most obvious, and yet probably the most ignroed. Don't wander off without at least one person following. You walk off from your entire team while there are like 50 boomers near them, then they get smeared with bile and they can't find your aura. Since your stupid ass decided it'd be best to fight an army of infected alone, you get pounced on by Hunters, hung by Smokers, beat by Tanks, puked on by Boomers, and messed the **** up by Horde. About a half an hour later the rest of your team stumbles over to the remains of your corpse (which is about EVERYWHERE by now) and are wondering why you were stupid enough to think that was a good idea.

If you really NEED something else to talk about besides this obvious point, the pipe bombs do no damage to Tanks from what i know, also why would you try? It's not like they're stupid enough to stand right on top of them like the commoners.

Keep your heads up for boomers bombing you with bile unless you want to be made a zombies bitch. Yes i did intentionally use a ton of b's in there, sue me.
The solution to any problem you may find yourself in is FIRE.

Fuel cans and molotovs are God's gift to man.
I play with adults and older teenagers mostly, it seems to do the trick. These are the types of people who have seen so many horror movies, so many horror games, or just games in general, that gunning down hordes of angry people barely warrants a slight raise in heartbeat.

Its beautiful, in the game the world is collapsing in a horror riddled nightmare, and me and my team are as calm as if this was a round of golf.

Good times.

Where's the fun in that?
Throw the pipebomb to there where you think zombies might hide, then they run onto the
bomb and kaboom.

Another: Hide to somewhere where there is pipebombs or molotovs near and throw them all the time
till they run out (Dead Air is one where you can use this tactics)
The zombie hordes don't hide, they get spawned. Or do you mean something else?
You trapped me alone in a room with nothing but the intense, sweltering heat wrapping around and caressing my body as non-metaphorical flames crawled up to touch the dew on the hem of my jeans.


And you loved it. :O
If you got hit with a pipe bomb, it was probably your fault for not running the **** away.
I was down, and she threw it next to me.

Oh, and she was the one who knocked me down.
When you have an annoying 10 year old on your team that insists on constantly using voice chat, be sure to shoot him in the face then immediately disconnect.