A collection of survival tips

When you have an annoying 10 year old on your team that insists on constantly using voice chat, be sure to shoot him in the face then immediately disconnect.

I could not possibly type "Agreed" fast enough.
I like people who take up the role as TEAM LEADER and tell everyone what to do over mic. Though I like your style; next person who tells me to use my medkit when I was already going to is getting healed while they are at 86 health. YEAH HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT BITCH, NOW I'M AT 14 HEALTH AND I WAS THE LAST PERSON WITH A MEDKIT
Hah, people like that are hilarious.
Had some yankee dude in a game trying to tell me and two friends what to do the whole time, being all "GOGOGOGO LET'S DO THIS!" "STICK TOGETHER STICK TOGETHER!" - while he was the one who kept stopping for no reason and getting left behind -.-
Yea. Or those 12 year old girls who yell in the mic everytime they see a Smoker.
I hate playing with girls in this game >.<

Man, I was playing with my girlfriend and I swear I was going to smack the bitch round the side of the head if she squeeled once more while not helping me.
Is it just me, or can you headshot several unsuspecting infected with one shot with the pistol?
I hate playing with girls in this game >.<

Man, I was playing with my girlfriend and I swear I was going to smack the bitch round the side of the head if she squeeled once more while not helping me.

Oh man that is so hardcore! You should have slapped the FVCK out of that bitch lol! Stupid bitch shouldn't make so much noise hahaa
Lol Pes that's slightly creepy ;). Played it again last night with her and another female friend, she actually learnt to play it :O
If your in a narrow area and you know there's a tank around, never look for it to try to kill it. Especially on your own, so if you are, get back to your team and wait for it to come to you. If they're all dead, then get out in the open so that while you can be easily seen, you have more room to run your ass off.
Don't fight a tank inside a finale building.

Unless you're playing easy or normal or whatever, but in that case you don't really need survival tips you can just do whatever.
If you join a server where some people already playing and have been for some time, make sure that you just run on ahead to try to finish each level as quickly as possible, preferably while speaking in a language completely foreign to the existing players. This will maximise the fun for everyone!