A Combine Story

Since my last post here, this story has taken a wierd turn.


Shephard took a cell and chucked it at the retreating combine soldiers, who got munched up by ant-lions who came out from the ground beneath them.

While the ant-lions were enjoying their meals Shephard ran away towards an APC the combine used to transport him. He got in the vehicle and floored it. Heading down Highway 1, he was constantly shadowed by the Citadel... then he head the combine radio inside the APC:

"Gunship 5 --- APC # 10 is in enemy hands... orders are shoot to kill.."

Seconds later a gunship was spotted by Shephard on the horizon.
'barney man that machine gun. hurry!!!!!" shouted shepard :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
barney manned the machine gun and started firing at the combine ship.
a sign came int view
"THE BRIDGE IS OUT" shouted barney.....
Haha... ok you made me think of Speed.

As Shephard brainstormed about what he should do next, he recieved an idea.... Take the off-ramp! The off-ramp went underground where the gunship could not follow them.

"Good thinking!" Barney shouted.
"Spank you, Calhoun. Spank you very much." Shephard replied.

End of Chap. 2
Aw is that the end? Anyways you guys do a great job on making stories!
YourMom said:
The orange clad figure laughed as he started firing bullets at 5436, "I'm Gordon Freeman! And these bullets that are careening into your chest are free...man!"

ROFL this one sounds fimiliar! So they added this line after all
Ok this might be a little much for midnight on a wednesday but:

Chapter 3

The combine soldier - or at least his outline - didn’t move, didn’t make a sound, didn’t even look like he was breathing. He merely stood there, like a looming statue, a dark shape that sucked the light up and plunged the room into a morbid twilight. As the fuzz cleared, the figure came into focus. This Combine looked different now, he was brooding and more menacing, with sinister and dark purpose that was not present in the others. The weapon he carried, strange and unfamiliar, glared around the room, mouthing wordlessly about the death it had spat in encounters past. At some sudden, unheard signal, the solider turned and walked away.

Freeman raised his head up to follow the figure with his vision, and felt the thick, coarse leather strap tightening around his neck. From somewhere in the darkness behind him there came the sounds of footsteps and quiet talking.

“…still wearing that…can’t remove it …some sort of defence mechanism…”
“…protection…incredible…three teams to take him down…”

Freeman was still hazy, he stretched his memory back, trying to remember what had happened. He didn’t get far: suddenly the room exploded into a harsh glare backed by a cruel, matching white noise. For a few seconds the intensity increased to a climax of sensory overload. Freeman felt his skull burning. All at once the room was dark again.

“Who sent you.”

The booming, warped voice entered the empty hole that had been forcibly drilled into Freeman’s mind, echoing around, probing for the answers. All Gordon could do was cringe and groan.

A burst of white noise and light hit him again like a bullet between the eyes, boring into him.

“Who sent you.”

An image formed in Freeman’s mind, a horrible long faced visage with sunken eyes, like some sort of daemon. The horrible face gave way to another detonation of blinding energy and sound. Freeman could feel whatever it was he was tied down to begin to rotate upwards, brining him upto a vertical position. He rolled his head back and forth, trying to escape the assault on his brain.

“Who sent you.”

The voice scarcely seemed interested in the answers so long as it kept asking the questions. That was good, because it hadn’t yet asked a question that Freeman could answer. The bed stopped at an upright position and he looked forward at the screen now in front of him. On it he saw another figure strapped to an upright bed, bloody and bruised. It took him a second to realised that he was staring at himself. Glancing up and to the left he saw the camera in the corner, the red, blinking light mocking him. Another whiteout came. Freeman stared in horror and fascination at the figure on the screen writhing around in agony. Suddenly the pain stopped and the voice took on a different tone, as though speaking to a disobedient child.

“Gordon, Gordon, Gordon: you died at Black Mesa, why did you have to come back? You’ve caused us so much trouble: Reams of equations that will have to be written, millions of observations and predictions that are now worthless.”

Someone appeared on the screen. It was Kleiner. Gordon squinted at the face in front of him. None of it made sense. The face leaned towards the camera and pushed its glasses back up its nose:

“Did you know Gordon, that, mathematically speaking, you are wonderfully unique?”

It was Kleiner, but a very different Kleiner to the one that Gordon had known for so long: no longer a timid bookworm, but a man with a higher purpose, orchestrating a large event somewhere in the ether. The stranger continued:

“Unique, yes. You are… a kink in the laws of probability. Where ever you go, things… happen outside of what we understand. Take your ridiculous luck so far for example. Your presence seems to alter the very laws of chaos.”

Gordon thought back, back to Kleiner and his areas of research, back through an age of theoretical mathematics lectures, chaos theory theses and computer probability models. He had always felt different, driven by a force fundamentally different to the rest of the world, but could such an anomaly really exist? Could he be that anomaly?

“We’ve been observing you for most of your life, Gordon, my colleagues and I. There are many like you, those that can alter destiny. Often they will materialize as heroes and leaders, able to bend fate around themselves. But you are extra special: you are like a superconductor conduit for change and instability. Quite fascinating really. However, we knew that you’re existence would be too dangerous to allow during City 17. That’s why we put you into Black Mesa, your destruction and whatever fallout that followed would have occurred in a nice, little contained and isolated system. But someone, it seems, rescued you from Black Mesa, and sent you here, with the intent of using your uniqueness to destroy our experiment.”

Now Gordon’s mind was racing. A complex, chaotic, mathematical experiment? On the scale of City 17? Why and to what end? What minutely improbably outcome was Kleiner and his mysterious band of scientists trying to invoke? Kleiner was continuing on oblivious to Freeman’s inner questions:

“Killing you within City 17 would have caused a probability cascade so large that it would have likely ripped our work to pieces. So I, having observed you previously, was sent to join the resistance to keep an eye on you once again, to try to steer you in a predictable direction. It didn’t work of course, though we tried our best to predict you. You are much too volatile: look at me, I got shot for God’s sake.

“But at last it seems that whoever was trying to stop us has failed. We have you contained now, and the experiment will run to its conclusion. There is something bigger going on here Freeman. Bigger than you can imagine. Shepard, the Combine, Breen, Eli, the Resistance, Xen: they’re all part of it. What we are trying to do will change the world. Don’t try to stop us and we may spare you…”

Darkness washed over Freeman as he screamed silently, trying to force the words out, trying to tell them that they where wrong, he was just one man, he was not special, he could not changed fate. As he slipped beneath consciousness, Freeman could hear frantic chattering.

“Who?… What level! How many! Report! Well how the HELL did she get in here!!! I don’t care!!! Find her and kill her!!! Kill them all!!! We must keep Freeman contained and isolated!!!”

His snarl became a barely supressed twitch of mirth. He smiled. Alyx was on her way.
"Unit 23... uhhh there is some activity in your sector, over"........ *silence*..... "Unit 23.. respond, over"

The soldier in a radio room was patiently waiting for a response. Until he heard gunshots outside the room. He stood up and ran towards the gun rack but before he could get there the door opened and a Combine soldier was standing at the door...

The radio operator said, "whew, man oh man I though I was going to get creamed there... so uhh where'd that shot come from?"

The soldier at the door then fell on the ground with Alyx standing behind him... "Those shots came from me.."

*Bang Bang*

Alyx looked at the desk the radio operator was working at... "Classified interrogation in room 31... DO NOT DISTURB!" was written on a log sheet.

"Room 31 it is" Alyx whispered.
Hmmm seems nobody has written anything in a while (more than 10 days) so....

Back in Gordon's room (Room 31), radio chatter went into an all time high: "...need backup at... we've been ambushed by....*static*"

The guards in the room began formulating a plan. Kleiner was long gone, not wanting to risk becoming a casualty in this great experiment that he and his associates had gambled on. With a towel over his eyes, Gordon concentrated on his hearing... wood being broken, desks being overturned, cabnits being stacked up, with the comine grunting though all of this... it all amounted to one thing: a barricade.

Suddenly his towel was taken off... it wasn't who he imagined it would be...

"Holy shit, Gordon" Barney said.
Gordon, amazed at the sight of Barney, NOT Alyx, looked around the room and saw the bodies. He pieced together what happened in those few moments: Barney used his manipulator gun by grabbing a desk and chucking it through the wooden walls, hitting the two combine soldiers (who grunted) and pinning them against cabnits...
so sad... 2 years and not kept going. well, let's get it started again!

Gordon got up from the chair, and moved over to the wall and looked into the hall. He saw barney with his gravity gun, and Alyx with her pistol. Gordon ran down the hall to them and asked what the hell was going on. alyx said "we're stuck in this hall here, we need a way out!" Gordon took barney's g-gun and make a hole in the wall, but to his dismay found a much worse situation... The ultimate of all fears... zombies. Gordon ran over and punched them down, and yelled for Alyx and Barney to catch up. They ran through the quagmire of goo and and the stench was overwhelming. Running past the zombies and killing those that they could. They continued on until they saw a man, one who looked strangely familiar... The trio walked up to the man, and saw man who has seen many long, dark days. "Hello Freeman, remember me?"
Gordon,"of course I remember you, you're the one who thinks I'm amazing, that i'm unique... well i don't think so, shepard." Shepherd "hahahaha... There's no convincing me now, not after all my life that has been drained over finding you and destr-" Suddenly a large group of hideous mutated zombie like creatures ran up the road to them... They seemed to move with ease, not like their regular zombie counterparts. Gordon yelled "we'll have to deal with this later shepard, it's either talk and die, or run. which is it?" Shepard ran off instantly, leaving the others behind yelling "I'll have a better chance if you guys hold them up first, hahahahhaa-" He was attacked by a blackhead crab, and he screamed as he was filled with unbearable pain.

Gordon, alyx, and barney ran off a different way and barely escaped the zombies....
Shepard woke up with a red haziness in his eyes. He look around the street he was lying in, and saw much debris surrounding him. With a closer look he saw fire, and even flesh. He got up, and something immediately moved up to him at tremendous speed. Strangely, shepherd was not afraid. The thing made shepard know what he was thinking without saying it"ohh greatss what, you are needed to leeeaaad ussss. We mussst wipe outtsss the humans. come, your painsss and hatreddssss have jusssstt begun."
Shepard thought," how could i hear this being, and what is it? It has flesh hanging from it's bones and blood dripping from it's teeth... fresh blood. This is a new feeling... I...actually...hunger for death." Shepard looked down at his body, and was surprised to not to see his body, but a mutilated form of himself. the thing spoke through thought again "you are not like the resssst of usss, you have almossst alll of your passstt abilitiesss, and the new oness given uponsss change. He thought "this is not possible, i'm not the human, yet not dead." the thing spoke again "it isss time to attacksss the human racccce, we ssstarrtsss with the one named Gordon Freemansssss..." Upon that name something was triggered in shepard's mind "gordon... i remember that name. he's the one who left me to be killed by the... zombies. Am I a zombie? that thing said I had control over my zombified body. I will have to use this my advantage to get my revenge on Freeman... After that I go after Klein for using me in his "experiment"." Shepard thought about the zombies, and immediately thousands upon thousands of the undead came out of hiding. Shepard knew his life had just begun...
Shephard was swarmed by the hordes and eaten alive, and the last vestigates of his existence came out as screams of agony echoed through the barren planes, sending nearby birds and small animals into retreat.
umm, ok, i was trying to restart it and you just killed it lol. thx man.:smoking:
'We made it'Barney cheered. The light of the tunnel was close. Shepard was smiling. Before they could get out a gunship hovered down...supposedly the same one. "CRASH" the APC collided into the Gunship at the end of the tunnel..the APC richochetted off the gunship "Barney!" Shepard screamed...
well maybe it does put off people... but that is besides the point. I read a story that i liked that hadnt been posted in quite awhile so i wanted to see what would happen if i "restarted" it. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you have to admit the way pesmerga put it kind of stopped the story i had tried to start. Furthermore it seemed purposeful, so i responded!