A Combines Life searches member!!


Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
The mod "A Combines Life" still searches for members, who have some experience with the modding-tools.
We still need:

- Coder (should be able to code new NPCs, weapons and new HUD)
- Mapper (should have at least 1-2 years experience with hammer/ should be able to build interesting and maps with good ambience)
- Modeler (should be able to create detailed characters and cars)

If you want to join our mod, please send us a mail with some references (pictures, etc) about you previous work to this address:
[email protected]

Or join us in our forum on our page:

Here is our address of our modbb.com account:

And here is my msn-address:
[email protected]

About the mod:

We know, that several other combine mods are in development, but most of them only have a very simple story.
Thats why we want to develop a mod, which includes a long and exciting story and a lot of ambience, so that the player can get to know to the different characters, as well as some of the deeper questions being answered.


In this mod you get to play the poor citizen Michael Elders, who lives with his wife Laura in City 17, in a dirty flat.
His life isn't very easy, the Combines raid the quarter from time to time, and there are no jobs and the people haven't got enough food.
That's why Michael starts drinking and does nothing sensible at home.
But Laura doesn't like Michaels behavior and tries to make her husband happier and suggests him to look for a job.
Michael agrees to her idea and goes to the next bar... where he meets two friends, Alfred and Elliot.
He finds them in a heavy discussion, because Elliot has the idea to join the Metropolice.
He suggests Michael, to do the same, because the Combine reward their policeman very rich, the members get more then enough food, they have a lot of privileges and their family members are safe. Elliot is very upset by this idea and wants Michael to go with him to the next police station...
But Michael doesn't know what to do... He likes the advantages of Elliots idea, but... he doesn't know, whether this is the right way for him...
When he arrives at home, he finds Laura weeping on the couch. Michael then asks her, what has happened and she answers, that the neighbour family has been taken away by the police...
After this little drama Michaels knows, what he has to do, he knows, how he can save his beloved wife,
how he can survive in the harshness of the world...

What will be new in our mod?

- we want to make new weapons like new grenades, pistols, maybe manhacks and the sniper rifle
- dramatic cutscenes like in films
- realistic and interesting characters, who have a lot of feelings and thoughts. They are not the typical average characters,
they all have their own purposes and their own way to reach them
- a lot of new models around the world of the Metropolice
- two new Metropolice types, the Comissar Elite and the Storm Division
- the feeling of being a real metrocop (new hud animations, getting priviliges and climbing higher in the Combine hierarchy)
- a lot of new sounds and own music
- the mod will be available in German and in English
- an epic and dramatic story around the world of the Combine in City 17

We are eight people and who work on following sections:

- mapping
- modelling
- web designing
- graphic designing
- sound designing
- concept art

So, if you want to join our interesting and exciting mod, send us your applications to our addresses and we will immediately answer you!

+10 for ambition, also. But, unfortunately, I'm allergic to code. I like the idea.