A Couple of Quirks


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Not sure if you guys have these problems, but figured I'd voice them so if you do I don't feel like I'm retarded or doing something wrong.

How come sometimes I shotgun a person square in the face and they walk away limping?

How come people that are CLEARLY dead get up after a while sometimes and just walk away?

How come when I shoot someone in the head when they're in a car, they get out of the car and run away as if I had just asked them to get out of the car?

I feel like the civilians are very quirky sometimes. Not sure if it's just me or not.
Yeah it's odd, they seem to get injured first regardless of where they are shot, although it defiantly seems more of an issue with the shotgun than other weapons.

The only quirk I find annoying is the cover system with explosives, the amount of times I've died from blind shooting RPGs or throwing grenades to have them set off right where I'm stood, I find the whole thing tedious - especially when cops run upto you and you can't get off cover and turn around then aim argghhhh... :D
The only quirk I find annoying is the cover system with explosives, the amount of times I've died from blind shooting RPGs or throwing grenades to have them set off right where I'm stood, I find the whole thing tedious - especially when cops run upto you and you can't get off cover and turn around then aim argghhhh... :D

I don't think I've come across a single game that has fixed the problem with firing rockets properly from when you are near cover or an object. The size and position of the launcer just never seems to react well with where you are standing and always seems to make the round go off in your face regardless of where the crosshair is. Really annoying. I did the exact same in GTA the other day.
I hate throwing the grenades behind cover. I seem to let them go and they drop right by me.
I never throw grenades from cover anymore after Three Leaf Clover, seemed especially sensitive on that mission for some reason. Never had a problem blind firing rockets, and it's always so damn fun. :D

Can't say I've noticed any of the other issues you mentioned. I shot a guy in a truck once with the sniper rifle and he just drove off, which was weird until I realised it was a mission and he was scripted to do so. Imo, the people getting up and limping away mid-battle is awesome, makes it a lot more realistic that everyone just dropping down and spontaneously dying all the time.
I LOVE the limping away feature, and the whole rolling around on floor in agony actions. I sometimes don't shoot to kill, but it depends on the people really. Police I very often don't finish off, but drug dealers? I go all Dirty Harry on them. :D