A Criticism: features/characters that are missing from the game! (spoilers)

StardogChampion said:
I agree about them sharing too much, there weren't many surprizes enemy-wise.

somehow, i have to agree.

hey, in hindside, could it be that there were not ONE enemy i didn't know of?? :(
There was nothing 'rushed' about HL2, the game was developed over the course of six years, dammit.

And the storyline may have been simple, but it was well thought out and told. Sure, there were some loose ends, but they all involved the G-Man and his employers, and leave you anticipating the next game to find it all out. Some people complain that the ending was too rushed, as if Valve came and said 'ok, enough play time for you, bye bye' and pulled out your computers power cable. Yes, the game probably could have kept going for another ten minutes, but then it would have ended with a cliche'd "gets the girl and saves the universe" type of thing, which would completly suck.

All in all, it's probably the best PC game out there right now.
Pegcrab said:
There was nothing 'rushed' about HL2, the game was developed over the course of six years, dammit.

And the storyline may have been simple, but it was well thought out and told. Sure, there were some loose ends, but they all involved the G-Man and his employers, and leave you anticipating the next game to find it all out. Some people complain that the ending was too rushed, as if Valve came and said 'ok, enough play time for you, bye bye' and pulled out your computers power cable. Yes, the game probably could have kept going for another ten minutes, but then it would have ended with a cliche'd "gets the girl and saves the universe" type of thing, which would completly suck.

All in all, it's probably the best PC game out there right now.

amen to that
Indeed. I'm perfectly satisfied with the game. It'd be nice to have some more guns, or at least more accuracy for the SMG or ammo for the pulse rifle though.
you guy have to stop crying and just enjoy this masterpiece
I think there were plenty of enemies in the game...

5 different combine troops if you count snipers.
3 Zombie types, plus the different types pose different threats if they are cut in half or on fire..
2 headcrab types
man hacks
2 turret types
rolling mines
missle truck

Did I miss anything? If you have too many enemy types it starts to feel a bit ridiculous, like they just threw stuff in for the sake of giving you things to shoot at. I'm glad the Hydra is gone because personally I don't see how that would fit in the game as a final product. They could make 20 types of combine soldiers and it'd just be ridiculous, they all die just the same. Same goes for guns, what's the point? The weapons that are there are great. I don't see the point of adding another submachine gun or a submachine pistol or another energy weapon or two more types of sniper rifles. "So yeah, here's the sniper rifle, it's basicly exactly like the crossbow but a higher velocity so it takes less skill to use. Oh and it doesn't pin anyone to the wall either they just fall over. Cool, huh?" The only thing as far as weapons are concerend is I would've like to have seen an newer better guass rifle. Shooting through walls is fun.
I think the question of whether or not HL2 is a good/bad/rushed/perfect game is quite a complex question. On the surface, HL2 is an excellent game. All areas seem as real as technology can make them (birds flocking, scenery, physics etc). The gameplay is nigh on perfect for an FPS: the enemies react - IMHO - as you would expect them to and those fast zombies are genuinely terrifying. Perhaps it could have been a little harder to complete, but you can't have everything. The storytelling was sublime, gently nudging you towards answers which you can half form in your mind, but then leaving you with yet more questions unanswered.

Yet, somehow, when you compare the game to the videos we all saw... it just doesn't cut it. We were promised a game full of physics puzzles and yet we have a couple of weight/see-saw things. Even if it was just Ravenholm that contained the promise of the TrapTown video I'd have been happy. But what did we get? Two different items you could fire with the Gravity Gun (disc and propane canister) a couple of spinning blades and two cars on a rope... yeah, genius.

The hydra would've been utterly cool but I understand its limitations. But most of all what gets me is the repetition. The kill-run-kill dynamic of FPSs, which I think everyone can agree is getting a little boring nowadays, remains unchanged. VALVe promised us so much more than we got, even though what we got blows anything else (bar FarCry on a gameplay level) out of the water.

To sum up, I'm very, very, VERY happy with the game, but I wish it could have been more than it was. Still, expansion packs and HL3 to look forward to eh?
i agree. To this last post. However, it is always hard to determine how to create a game and what to leave in and what to leave out. If you read the books you also see a lot of ideas where originaly thought out (ie, the blue tentacle enemy) but it just did not fit in.

I think thats for a lot of things. You have an T amount of time (especially due the delay + theft of the code) , you have X amount of bits of puzzles/levels. Its just hard to merge it all together to a solid product. There is always room for improvement, but its also time to say "finished"... else you get a drama like "Duke Nukem Forever"... ;)
Security cameras
Scanner type 1
Scanner type 2
Portable auto-turret
Ceiling autoturret
Manual turret
CP w/ stun baton
CP w/ pistol
CP w/ MP7
Overwatch w/ MP7
Overwatch w/ pulse Rifle
Overwatch w/ shotgun
Overwatch w/ sniper rifle
Combine guard
Fast headcrab
Poison headcrab
Zombie / zombie torso
Fast zombie
Poison zombie
Antlion guard

Yeah, I'd call that enough enemies.
I don't know how you people beat it in one day. It took me a whole week (a total of ~20 hours). Maybe it's cause I stopped to admire the little details.

I've been itching to re-play the game too... except I have finals Gagh!
guys got a point about the number of different enemy.

combine infantry 3 types
zombie 3 types
head crabs 3 types
choppers 2 types
ant lions 2 types
manhack things 2 types

thats 17 things and most of wich are variations (ie. clones except a skin) of the others.

(just saw the list above this post, counting a combine with a different gun as a whole new enemy is retarted,)

hell, Rome total war has more unique units in one of its 20 civ's than hl2 does in its entire game.

roman julii

town militia
early legionary cohort
legionary cohort
1st legionary cohort
armoured archers
urban cohort
3 types of boat
about 5 types of cavarly
5 siege weapons

30, and thats just one of 20 factions

(dont flame this, im not in the mood for pre bubscent fanboy gays)
Dougy said:
pre bubscent fanboy gays
I wouldn't have said this if you didn't include that... you're an idiot, and a big one. :thumbs:
Dougy said:

hell, Rome total war has more unique units in one of its 20 civ's than hl2 does in its entire game.

roman julii

town militia
early legionary cohort
legionary cohort
1st legionary cohort
armoured archers
urban cohort
3 types of boat
about 5 types of cavarly
5 siege weapons

30, and thats just one of 20 factions

(dont flame this, im not in the mood for pre bubscent fanboy gays)

Yes, but that's a strategy game. It needs variation of units in order to bring in a variety of strategies.

HL2 is an FPS. It thrives on player immersion and the ability for a player to shoot first and ask questions immediately after.
Why more weapons? Same reason you use more than one texture on the maps. Why more varieties of enemies? Same rerason as before.

Best game fo all time clearly, but It could have been even better if they took ANOTHER year ;).

Could have done with some Bullsquid, Houndeyes, and the other neato Xen critters... that ecology didnt seem very developed... headcrabs and barnacles... and the Ichtyosaur...