A cry for help


Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
I know this should be in the support forum but i just wanted everyone to read this not only the people with problems. If anyone has a solution to my problem (i am not the only one though, just take a look at this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=51549) you can always mail me at [email protected] or post it in the Support forum on this site. grtz

The error
At random points the game freezes, the sound loops and i have to restart. Sometimes it also gives the: "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error. if it gives the error the game just crashes to desktop and i don't have to restart. I don't know wether these are 2 sepperate errors or wether its just one with 2 side effects :/


I think i am going insane...

I think my computer personaly gave birth to AI. I named my pc GRDN about 2 years ago cause i was waiting for hl2 (duh) and cause my girlfriend has a T-shirt with GRDN printed on it (long story not very interesting). Since then i started talking to my pc, always calling it GRDN (pronounced Gordon). Somehow i think my pc now developped a subconscious. It seems to do whatever it wants. Furthermore i think it hates me...

In these past few days i did nothing else then trying to get hl2 to work. This is what i did:
1) I updated my drivers
2) I checked for spyware and virusses
3) I formatted
4) I reinstalled ONLY windows and hl2
5) I tried to play first with service pack 1
6) then i tried to play with sp 2
7) i tried playing with directx 9.0b
8) then i tried playing with directx 9.0c
9) i formatted again
10) reinstalled only windows and downloaded hl2 FROM SCRATCH

this all didnt seem to do anything it still wouldnt work :/

but then now the interesting part. I was desperate so i started swapping hardware components. Note that i tried playing after each swap.
11) I swapped out my on board sound card for a Soundblaster Audigy LS
12) I switched Hard drives (reinstalling everything again)
13) I switched graphics cards (radeon 9800 --> geforce5)

Now here comes even more!
I totally swapped pc. I traded my pc with my dad's (who also has a very nice but totaly different system from me)

Guess what... IT STILL DIDNT -BLAM!- WORK!!!

So here is my theory: My pc who hates me cause it has AI and therefor feelings, communicated with my dad's pc over the network. It told my dad's pc to not let me play half-life.. HOW EVIL IS THAT

but no, realy guys i am getting seriously pissed now :(
I have been waiting for this game like 6 years. I thought i had been punished enough for my enthusiams when the game got set back an entire year. On top of that I bought a totally new uber system (I even bought a 5.1 surround system, a new mouse and a new keyboard). I bought all this equipement with hl2 in mind. Basicly i bought it because of hl2. Now here we are a year later and i cant even play more then 5 minutes without crashing. I have reached the part where you get the boat but it just isnt fun to play if you have to reboot every 5 minutes.

Now i am being punished even more... I spent the last 2 years telling my class how great and awesome this game would be... Guess what they all bought it... AND THEY CAN ALL PLAY IT. Ofcourse they can't talk about anything else in class so now i basicly know the entire storyline and every cool part without even having played the game myself while i was the one who spread the word :(

All i wanted, was to play this one game... THIS GAME MEANT ALOT TO ME AND NOW ITS RUINED. I can play every goddamn game out there from doom3 to farcry without any problems... why did it have to be this game :( I will never have that great first experience most people had because when i ll be playing i ll be thinking ow so thats what happens next :(

I am sorry if you guys think i am being over dramatic but i realy realy realy wanted to play this game alot.

I am giving up now, I guess i ll have to wait untill it gets patched or else i ll never be able to play this game.

-DaFreak signing off-
All that and you didnt explain exactly what the problem was...