A Deathmatch Question


Feb 16, 2005
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Ok i have this cool idea to make a map and you start in, a room and you have a few choices of Powers that you can choose from, Once you have choosen what power you want, you walk underneath the obejct of it and it gives you that power and you spawn in the arena were everyone will be fighting.
After you die your power resets and you can choose fomr a differant power.

Any one help me how to get this map working? With the triggers and all.
I have the ideas of:

Object: JetPack = Low Gravity = Gravity of 300.
Object: Boots with Wings = Speed from 320 - 640
Object: Gun = Damage increase of 2X normal Damage.

And i will be thinknig of some more so if someone could help me get it worknig so that once you start, you start with nothing and then you walk into a spot and it gives you your power and all guns and full battery. :)

In HL2DM, assuming you don't have a server-side mod to help you...

Low gravity: trigger_gravity brush. A player's gravity changed in this manner stays with him, even through death, until he touches another trigger_gravity.

Speed: a player_speedmod entity activated by a trigger would work, technically, but it serves to increase all of the player's movements. He can run faster, but he also jumps faster and falls faster.

Double damage: should be impossible.

Spawning properly: game_player_equip doesn't work quite as it should in HL2DM, so you need the players to spawn in a trigger that fires a player_weaponstrip; to fully equip them, use another trigger that fires a game_player_equip.
Thanks for the info, I'm not too sure how to use the gravity brush, all it ahs is: gravity 0-1, i don't know what to add :(
0 == no gravity, 1 == full gravity, 0.5 == half gravity, etc.
It depends on the server-side setting. Default in HL2 and HL2DM is 600; default in CS:S, DOD:S, and (to my knowledge) most mods is 800.
I'm practically sure MattieMod or something like that (dogpile search cs:s eventscripts) can change damage values on both CS:S and HL2DM but I heard the update broke it, but I'm not sure. Worth a shot