A few new songs I've made.


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
I've been trying to improve my style recentley, I'm a burgeoning electronic music composer, but I don't consider myself to be really good. Mostly I use fruityloops 6 for composition and then I do a bit of balancing in audacity or goldwave. Anyway, I wanted to see what you guys thought about my latest few songs... The server they're on isn't the best, so downloading them will have to require a bit of patience.(in other words you might want to right-click save as)

Control Group One
This was an experiment for me in more ambient style of music, utilizing strings and a slow tempo heavily with very reverbed and delayed leads. I also sampled a drumbeat out of a guy saying "control group one"

A straight up techno song with repedative patterns fast tempo.

A sort of tribal trance peice inspired by the percussion ensemble "the highway"

A rock song that reminds me of stadium rock, utilizes extremley fake sounding guitars.

I'm not sure what to call this one...80's pop maybe? It's quite cheezy, but its got a nice beat.
Man I'm listening to Control Group One and I really like it ;)
I'd only change the drum beat somehow, to something a bit less tom-sounding (if that's the right expression). Maybe the main 'chorus' gets repeated a bit too much.

I also like Industry. Not much to say about this one.

Not too hot on Highway, mainly because it sounds a bit too whiney and doesn't go anywhere for me.

Get some better guitar sounds for Unified and maybe a more interesting use of the drumbeats (a bit more variance) and it'd be much improved. The groundwork is there for sure.

Ethnographic. Cheesy it is, sir! :P
crispy: I think you're talking about the rimshot, i'd say it fits pretty well in the mix. :)

you're one year younger than me? shit, for that sake i'd say you're really damn good. 6 months ago i couldn't make music worth shit. :D

control group one: nice vocoder voice. pads are nice. lots of EQ issues. nice sounds and ideas. the sliding distorted sound gets too loud on the higher freq's. could definitely do with some shorting down, the arrangement feels like it could use some work.

Industry: bass is way too loud, takes too much headspace. nice guitar sounds. feels hard to get into the rythm at the start, snares need to be louder.

Highway: nice positive feel. melody is a bit too generic. mix in general works quite well all together.

Unified: lol this is cheesy as hell.

ethnocentric: i'm a big sucker for retro sounding synth stuff.. kinda cool. i dont like the bass line. general everything sounds cool, but the beat is way way too low.

all your tracks need panning, am i correct in guessing you didn't do much work with that?

they feel kind of repetitive in general. all instruments basically just use the same melody and key. levels need to be more balanced and the drums need to pop out more.

anyway, one thing i'd like to point out about your music is that it feels very nice and pleasant, has a nice vibe to it..
i feel like my music is way too odd, complex and unusual, i feel like i really need to focus on making simpler stuff in more regular scales..
I've listened to some of your music crazyharjj and I agree, I lack good panning. Your music is so beutifully panned and wide. I've tried to pan instruments, but all I can manage is putting one instrument on one channel and another on the other channel, or making a melodic line move back and forth. I suppose I should do more serious panning after writing.