A few vid observations/questions


Jul 7, 2003
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Well, these are just a few dumb things that don't amount to much, but it's always fun to speculate. :D
- In the video, the presentor says City 17 is "one of the main locations in Half-Life 2" Maybe I'm reading too much into that, but could that mean there are several "main locations"?
- Also, what do you think Dr. Kleiner was working on in that one scene? He's got vats of orange liquid in the background, and he's talking about a "massless field flux" and "manifold parameters," although that could just be meaningless tech-babble. It's also something that "warms up" and could suffer from "interference." The first thing that comes to mind is some sort of teleportation since that figured so promininently in HL1, but does anyone have any other ideas?
- Finally, can anyone hear what Dr. Kleiner says after Alyx says to run? "Oh" then something beginning with an f, but I doubt it's f*** although that would be funny.
First point: Go read some previews.

Second point: Probably just babble.

Third point: I think it's "Oh fine."
Originally posted by Viscid
First point: Go read some previews.

I've read as many previews as I've been able to find, but I don't recall reading about any other major locations than City 17, although I did read one that said that vehicles would be used for long distance travel. Is your point that it's known that there are or aren't other locations?
Known locations: City17 in east Europe, a harbor, a jail, the suburbs, a dried up ocean, an icebreaker (large ship), The Sewers and Underground
Originally posted by TriggerHappy
I've read as many previews as I've been able to find, but I don't recall reading about any other major locations than City 17, although I did read one that said that vehicles would be used for long distance travel. Is your point that it's known that there are or aren't other locations?

Well there is the ship .. and the dry sea area. The prison. Most likely something inside the citadel.

I know some of those might be in City 17, but it doesn't mean walking around on the streets.

And remember, the whole game is one BIG level, so Gordon probably won't venture very far, unless he uses a train or some sort of vehicle.
Which could be plausible due to Gabe said one would need to have a vehicle to get from somewhere to another..
I believe that the vehicles are enough to say that you don't just stay within the City 17 limits, even though several of the locations mention would no doubt be within City 17.

For the second point I belive that he is working on some kind of teleport device. Without even paying attention to what he says, Alex talks about being a "sitting duck" if they can't get it working. To me that sugests that if they can get it working they will have freedom to move to a less dangerous location.

"Oh fine" I believe that that's what it is. For a while I toyed with the idea that it was "Oh ****", but that didn't make much sense because he says before the wall is destroyed and he says it in a tone that sugests annoyance rather than panic. Like he thinks he's got more time and is being forced against his will to walk away from something that he's sure will work. Then the wall is destroyed.
I believe that what Dr. Kleiner is working on is a weapon, not a teleportation device. When Alyx says they'll be sitting ducks, she's probably not referring to their location, but the fact that they'll be powerless against the Combine's forces. She also says something along the lines of, "This is our first chance to strike back at the Combine." I don't see how they could be "striking back" with a machine that's only designed to teleport them to a safer area than City 17, unless they're going to use it to teleport them somewhere that has something that can stop the Combine.
there was a long thread about this a while ago, and Gabe Newell said that you would see "some familiar places" which we took to mean a venture back to black mesa...which would be incredible
Blackmesa was nuked at the end of one of the add-on packs. I can't remember which.
opp force.

And we dont know if it was actually nuked. some scientists might of notbeen able to deactivate the bomb and so they sacrificed themselfs.

Besides black mesa was built in a disused nuclear bunker people and parts of it "MIGHT" of survived :)
I thought it was a bit of an anti climax toget to the end of the game and find out all that saving of peeps and hard work getting them through hard spots was fornothing cause they blew it up!

So who knows besides im hoping for a return to black mesa either in HL2 or HL3 (perhaps more likely in 3 to bring the trilogy to a close) I would hate to see HL turned into TOMB RAIDER!!!
Kleiner either says "Oh fine" or "Go for it". I think it's the first, though.