A Flash game I'm making.

I no longer require HL3.

Where do I know that music from?
Are there actually any unlockables after you reached 5000 points?
if it would load really fast, you could send it to people on the internet who did something stupid and you facepalmed
Does the ICBM upgrade even work (because I fixed some stuff recently)?
It's pretty affordable considering CS6 was about $600. So with CC you're only paying that much after 2.5 years, except the product is constantly receiving upgrades, and you don't have to shell out another huge sum for the next version.
Student licenses are another option, if you have an email from a university. last i recall adobe licences its student software to allow for professional use. i got cs5 design premium for 250$
But I'm not even ever going to do anything important with it... I usually use Flash to make short animations, GIFs or stupid games like this. I don't need a new, expensive version.
THE VEGETA HAS SPOKEN *runs to get a license*
No but really, AS2 is actually a mess compared to AS3 from what I've read. You should try to find a copy of CS3 or something so you can use AS3. Finding a trustworthy source to buy it might be tricky though. But it should be dirt cheap by now.
I may. In the future. When I'll actually have a source of income.
That's insanely cheap compared to the original price.
Yes, but people are dropping flash for its alternatives left and right.
Apparently it's still popular enough for Adobe to justify updating it. The features it's receiving are directly related to staying relevant in the industry, with game development features and HTML5 export. And then there's all the apps deployed with AIR... Even some desktop apps such as the very popular YNAB, and some of the desktop software for Amazon services.