A game for "now"


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
I've been wondering, for a time now, what game, demo, puzzle, amusement, interactivy, etc I should play in the wait for HL2 that may feature things like physics and is addictive and that doesn't require a NASA computer to run with a smooth fps... call me a lazy ass but I don't seem to know much when it comes to fun gaming.

Pong maybe?
I dunno, maybe check one of the other 300 threads on this same exact topic.
Rise of Nations, UT,,Call fo Duty, Wacraft III
Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament 2004, Raven Shield, Doom 3 (when it comes out), Max Payne 2, Mafia, GTA:Vice City...
Why the hell do you all have the same avatar? Maybe I missed something, but that flicker is annoying as hell.
craigweb said:
Why the hell do you all have the same avatar? Maybe I missed something, but that flicker is annoying as hell.

Their part of an evil clan called ''Teh J4ck4lz'' sent out to destroy all those who oppose...or they're dorks...
blindvomit said:
Their part of an evil clan called ''Teh J4ck4lz'' sent out to destroy all those who oppose...or they're dorks...



Some good games you should play are basically all the ones Xeni suggested.
unreal tournament 2004 has kept me busy for a week now, and it feels like itll hold my attention til hl2
I just had like 6 seizures thanks to your annoying flashing avatars...thank you. :p

I already beat almost all the games listed above...so I'm playing FFVII again. I went through that game way too quickly before. After FFVII I plan to get my hands on Xenogears then Xenosaga. Long RPG's will pass the time quite nicely and there's a ton of awesome ones out there...for those of you that have PS2's especially.
I'm also looking for a game to hold me over, but i've already played all of those :(
With the avatars I think there was maybe two of them in on it and other people just thought they'd tag along :p
Thief 3: DS. Read my thread ;) ALso, UT2004 is really addictive, Savage: The Battle for Newerth is a online-only game, OOO and Morrowind: GOTY Edition (best RPG ever).