A ghost in a HL2 wallpaper?


Mar 18, 2005
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For a minute ago I sat staring at my screen and my wallpaper. I suddenly saw a strange shadow, that resemble a little boy with black hair SO much. I don't believe in ghosts and specially not on a wallpaper hehe.

So I wonder if it might have been something the guys who made the wallpaper put there just for fun? seems strange to me, but what other explenation could there be? The shadow doesn't make any sense, and the resemblance to a small boy is too obvious.

Here is the wallpaper:

You might see it better if you dubbelsize it.

What do you think? Is it a bad joke or what is it?
When I click on the link it shows me to Google.com
what a evil person lets stare at him till he shrivels with guilt...............
When I dragged the link into the address bar I saw the wallpaper. I don't see any shadows that resemble a little boy though. It looks to me like a screenshot with a render of a combine in front, can you point out where you see the shadow?
(I attached the wallpaper)


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yeah, like box it out or something... because i see nothing but a subliminal message "Vote Ennui for President!"
Maybe it's a reflection?

Edit: all I see is a subliminal message "eat Ennui for dinner"
I cant find it either, can someone like hi-light it with pink?
ríomhaire said:
Maybe it's a reflection?

Edit: all I see is a subliminal message "eat Ennui for dinner"
oh dear.

no one can highlight it yet because no-one's seen it! :rolleyes:
Maybe if he told us where to look, we might see it...

Hmm..I think he should lay off of the sniffing of the paint...
I see several things wen i enlarged it and inverted the colours, but i think my mind is putting them there cos im looking for them, if you could point out the exact spot where you see something that would help, i think i know the bit you mean, looks a bit odd if thats what you meant...
Hmm... where is the so called ghost figure in this wallpaper?
I'm assuming he doesn't exist, or, if he does, it was simply a byproduct of certain chemicals known to induce hallucinations found in the thread starter's brain, because he gobbles magic mushrooms like a vegetarian eats tofu.

That's just an inference, though.
Hes toying with us, laughing at us suffer, he thinks its funny to watch us cringe looking for something that doesn't exist
I have been starring at this picture for 2 minutes, stop bullshitting me and give me those 2 minutes of my life back.
Damn... then the guy that said that is just bluffing... oh well.
rpgprog said:
Hes toying with us, laughing at us suffer, he thinks its funny to watch us cringe looking for something that doesn't exist
i hate teh intarweb.
Okey, first and foremost I'm a girl, so stop the "he" talk ;)

I attach the picture where I've drawn a cirkel around the shadow. I've written "pojke" witch is the swedish word for boy.

Now maybe you can see what I'm talking about?

I have no intensions to make fun of you, believe me :)


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It looks to me like you just got a weird perspective on the light and saw it as a ghost. It's almost definitely not intentional as that's a HL2 screenshot.

If it's intentional than the people who made my ceilings (i have the bumpy ones) are certainly messing with me, as I see things in it all the time.
that blue glow is from the emitter of a combine energy barrier :/.

you cant see the emitter very well though :upstare: .

whats more interesting is that combine on the left of the picture being pushed along infront of the train, he's obviously been gored. He was OWNED by that train, PWNAGE :)
Nothing there! I can see a face in the sky tho, if you invert the colours, its got eyes, nose and a mouth! wahhhey spooky but i dont think its intensional, half if it is that i'm mad.
i see a sort of cat? with a hood on?

maybe this is what hectic glen saw?


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Indeed the bottom half of the cat (the mouth) i see a head, and PLEASE my name has 2 N's in it, if anyone makes this mistake i will pick up a melon with my gravity gun and insert it into you...good day.
isnt that blue thing a combine force wall?
Hectic Glenn said:
and PLEASE my name has 2 N's in it, if anyone makes this mistake i will pick up a melon with my gravity gun and insert it into you...

i can't tell if it's a combine force field or not, it looks like it might be but that color of light is one that valve is rather fond of, so im not sure.
I vote RJMC one of the funniest members here for the HL2.net year book, you are always ahead of the game, you played HL2 yet on your computer?

edit: Enn answer me question in source conversions forum pls i editted my post.
yes it is, i can sorta see it as a boy, but like Glenn said, its prolly a coincedence

to azumi: this is a game forum and we only have like 4 other female members, we just assume anyone is a guy until proven otherwise.
Hectic Glenn said:
edit: Enn answer me question in source conversions forum pls i editted my post.
I did, and I also think RJMC is the MAN.

4 other KNOWN female members, anyway.
This is what i see, using my immense paint skills, i think its a matrix version of chucky from the rugrats...i'll go take my lithium in a second :P (they could even have a goatee but i forgot to draw that! haha)

(btw i dont think it had any HL2 relevance...i just thought i saw it)


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i just spotted a shadow on the train!It's to the left of the "boy" it's quite faint.
I bet its not even there. Hes just toying with us, to waste our time, then loadza poeple will post in this thread asking where it is...like wheres wally, then he'll look dead popular and smart. Genious!
Hmm if you look two fence parts left from the "boy" you could see a "head"-shape-shadow with "mask" like Luke Skywalker :D Brr... spooky...
Here u blind n00bs


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Yeah I can see it, although it's been said that your imagination can help you see things that you want to see, even if they arn't there. If you hadn't told me what to look for maybe I wouldnt be able to see anything, but I can now. It's strange but just a coincidence I think. :bounce:

lol. that was a good one. but this guy seriosly should ov marked it where it was tho. who ever has seen "the grudge"(a movie) how he explained the boy reminds me of the little boy in that movie.