A ghost of Hampton Court?


Nov 8, 2003
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This is quite convincing and erie, its been posted before by badger I think.

But ive just realised the origional security camera footage has been uploaded to the net. I think now people can see that footage it would make an interesting discussion, because of the BBC statement's from the security guard's, taking their word to be true makes this quite amazing.


ooo creeeppyy:P

well, im unsure. it so un real. how can science prove ghosts exist clarky?
this stuff creeps me out, sometimes I feel like we aren't meant to see things like this... and other times I just convince myself its a hoax :\
clarky003 said:
because of the BBC statement's from the security guard's, taking their word to be true makes this quite amazing.

I used to work as a security officer in a mall (at night), and a lot of weird, eerie stuff would happen. Doesn't mean its ghosts though. Being in an alien environment, in the dark, when your body is supposed to be asleep, is going to lead to your mind jumping to irrational conclusions about stuff that isnt immediately explainable.

Also, you kindof have this low-level, ever-present fear running through you the whole time (probably a combination of the environment and job itself), and thats putting your mind into "ultra suspicious" mode, where every sound is a possible attacker, tresspasser or werewolf/ghost/undead
Damn I remember this being on yahoo news like a year or two ago...

But the video footage is new to me (that pic was spammed everywhere though I remembered exactly what it would be before it even loaded :P)
There was another video.. It was like a 12 foot figure coming out of a bedroom door. It was something like a thing dressed in a cloak and it carried a lantern
babyheadcrab said:
this stuff creeps me out, sometimes I feel like we aren't meant to see things like this... and other times I just convince myself its a hoax :\

I totaly agree.
bliink said:
I used to work as a security officer in a mall (at night), and a lot of weird, eerie stuff would happen. Doesn't mean its ghosts though. Being in an alien environment, in the dark, when your body is supposed to be asleep, is going to lead to your mind jumping to irrational conclusions about stuff that isnt immediately explainable.

Also, you kindof have this low-level, ever-present fear running through you the whole time (probably a combination of the environment and job itself), and thats putting your mind into "ultra suspicious" mode, where every sound is a possible attacker, tresspasser or werewolf/ghost/undead

I have to agree, para-pyschologist's analysis :P. You definately cannot discount that if this is indeed real it has definate physical grounding, and is a good piece of paranormal evidence as to the possible reality in manifestation of ghost's or past event's.
Damn ok guys... I admit it.. that was me. I had a really bad hangover and coulden't find anything but a stupid old latern laying around... sorry if I look a little flushed I had to much fun the previous night.
What evidence?
The videos of extremly poor quality, the hoax could have been easy to set up, probably was a security guard playing a trick on the others. Isn't it convienant that all CCTV footage of ghosts is very poor qualitite and you only get a glimpse?
Solaris said:
What evidence?
The videos of extremly poor quality, the hoax could have been easy to set up, probably was a security guard playing a trick on the others. Isn't it convienant that all CCTV footage of ghosts is very poor qualitite and you only get a glimpse?

Maybe because all CCTV footage is poor quality.
You all remember by Matchstick problem, and therefore likely know that I'm only mostly-skeptic when it comes to paranormal stuff like this.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh ye, I remeber your matchstick story. Tell it again for the newbies!
And are you sure it wasn't during one of your drunken episodes?
Anyway there were ghosts in my old house. But that video was creepy!
Solaris said:
Oh ye, I remeber your matchstick story. Tell it again for the newbies!
And are you sure it wasn't during one of your drunken episodes?

It was before I started drinking.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
It was before I started drinking.

-Angry Lawyer
My god....

So what rational explanations do we have left?
Some crazy man came into your house, or it was a ghost,
I don't know which ones scarier.
Probably some bored security guys having a laugh and trying to get on the news.
whah, the quality sucked... looked like some dude in a propeller beanie and a cape flapping doors around :|
I wanna stay the night at that place now..I love going to freaky places. They feel like a whole other reality. Damn that was cool.
It's a pretty huge place... you'd be lucky to see a ghost, assuming they exist at all.

I went there a couple of summers ago during a heatwave, t'was a lot of fun.
I love paranormal stuff, but when people try to cross it over to reality, I'm not into it.
W4E said:
Maybe because all CCTV footage is poor quality.

No it's not... I've worked in places where you could watch a fly in the back of the store masturbate with a piece of salt from a pretzel. If they did that, I mean... D:

Anyway, that video showed some guy opening a door? I don't get where the ghost part comes in.:|
You're trying to say that's some chick in period dress, and that she opened both the doors? Nonsense.
I've had a couple experiences with ghosts. Some which I've been told by others.

One was my dad's old girlfriend. Very nice, attractive woman when I was young. She believes that her house was haunted. It was nearby old railroad tracks that were shut down.

Anyways, Upstairs she would always hear the creaking of a rocking chair in her attic, and the friendly, eerie chuckle of her deceased grandmother.

That always creeped me out.

But besides that. In the same house, I fell asleep once, we were having a stayover. Just me, my brother(we got along great as kids), my dad, and his girlfriend). They were upstairs, we were downstairs on the floor in the living room. I was snuggled with my teddy ruxpin doll, and the next morning I awoke, and one of the eyes of my teddy ruxpin was completely smashed in. This is pretty strong plastic too, its one of those mechanical eyes that moves when you talk to it. It was all smashed in, and of course my brother didnt do it, cause he was still sleeping at the time, and my dad would never ever think to do something like that, since he is a loving, peaceful man not interested in scaring his sons.

There was nothing around while I was sleeping that could do such a thing, but it still happened. Oh, and then there is the time about the other talking bear. The one without batteries. We were at a different girlfriend of my dad's, at the time, house. With her sons. The stupid two brothers, her sons, were asking this talking bear questions... like, does the devil exist, etc etc etc. The bear would always be answering in the affirmative. We were spooked, cause we realized that it didn't have batteries.

Scared, we ran downstairs and showed our parents. The mom of the two boys laughed, and showed us that there was another little battery compartment, opening the velcro on the back a bit more. However, when she pried open the latch for the second battery compartment(secret one almost), it was empty. She was baffled. We were shitting our pants.
Rationally I would say it was you en-acting your fears sub-conciously....

But of course, rationality makes less sense than the paranormal sometimes.
Raziaar said:
But besides that. In the same house, I fell asleep once, we were having a stayover. Just me, my brother(we got along great as kids), my dad, and his girlfriend). They were upstairs, we were downstairs on the floor in the living room. I was snuggled with my teddy ruxpin doll, and the next morning I awoke, and one of the eyes of my teddy ruxpin was completely smashed in. This is pretty strong plastic too, its one of those mechanical eyes that moves when you talk to it. It was all smashed in, and of course my brother didnt do it, cause he was still sleeping at the time, and my dad would never ever think to do something like that, since he is a loving, peaceful man not interested in scaring his sons.

There was nothing around while I was sleeping that could do such a thing, but it still happened.

Solaris said:
Rationally I would say it was you en-acting your fears sub-conciously....

But of course, rationality makes less sense than the paranormal sometimes.

Who, me? I didn't have any fears of the paranormal at all as a child back then. The woman who told me about her grandmother upstairs, she didnt tell us that until later. After my teddy ruxpin incident.
Raziaar said:
Who, me? I didn't have any fears of the paranormal at all as a child back then. The woman who told me about her grandmother upstairs, she didnt tell us that until later. After my teddy ruxpin incident.
Possibly you bit it in your sleep.

That woman found out, and told an old story that wasn't substanciated enough to tell earlier, and with alittle exageration.
Solaris said:
Possibly you bit it in your sleep.

That woman found out, and told an old story that wasn't substanciated enough to tell earlier, and with alittle exageration.

I couldnt bite it. Have you ever seen a teddy ruxpin doll eye? its a bit inset into the socket like a normal eyeball. And its made out of hard plastic/ceramic or whatever. The only thing that could have done that sort of damage was like a ballpeen hammer or whatever you call em.
Raziaar said:
I couldnt bite it. Have you ever seen a teddy ruxpin doll eye? its a bit inset into the socket like a normal eyeball. And its made out of hard plastic/ceramic or whatever. The only thing that could have done that sort of damage was like a ballpeen hammer or whatever you call em.
Well, I cant belive it was a ghost...

I think you have to see to believe.

Scary sh*t tho.

Has Angry Laywer told you his story?
Solaris said:
Well, I cant belive it was a ghost...

I think you have to see to believe.

Scary sh*t tho.

Has Angry Laywer told you his story?

Yep. And its exceptionally disturbing.

I'm not one who believes in ghosts much, but there are some things that are difficult to explain. Like my teddy ruxpin thing.
Lol, ghosts.

When a human is scared (late at night in a "haunted" house) the body has heightened senses, a small creak becomes a footstep, a mouse squeek becomes a cry, a couple ****ing down the road becomes moans from hell.

I've experienced it myself, it's a useful instinctual behavoir to keep you from danger but it's annoying when you're trying to get to sleep in an unfamiliar place.