A good idea for this forum section


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Once HL2 is released, for sure there will be 2000 noobies all asking the same questions about how to code certain stuff in for multiplayer or singleplayer

What I'm proposing, (once HL2 is released) is an on-going sticky thread in this forum as a FAQ/Guide to using the HL2 API.
If you had a question that was not in the FAQ/Guide, you would post a new thread discussing your problem and if it was worthy, it would be added to the FAQ
However, the problem with doing this is that there is no edit feature for posts over 15 minutes.. Any solutions/ideas...
A general FAQ/guide sticky thread is a good idea for when HL2 and it's SDK are released. The 15 minute limit on editing threads is a non-issue here, since the sticky would be locked anyways (wouldn't want people just throwing whatever they felt like into the guide). I, along with other moderators, would take care of the thread, making sure the proper things were put in, and kept out. It's a very good idea though. I have a feeling the whole development section will slowly come under the heavy bombardment of repeat questions shortly after release :)
you know it ;)
If we can make the thread very extensive it could make the HL2.net coding forum the for HL2 api discussion
Well, I will have threads made for HL2 coders only on my website.
But, I can't give it out until it is ready or the wrong crowd will get in there.
I will ban anyone I think that isn't smart enough to learn the stuff. joking
Good idea :)
Doesnt have to be a post, maybe a html page with a sticky post linking to it
I wanna learn how to code, but it's gonna be a bitch.
tbh i reckon if you want to be serious about coding you have to have it in your blood. Even if it was just playing around with QBasic in your early days (Qbasic, I miss you so...) there's just that ability there.

I'm sure anyone can learn a language and hack something together, but as is too often the case you end up with shoddy software creeping into the world, that has bugs and doesn't do things The Right Way (if you know what I mean).

I actually haven't even compiled the original hl1 sdk - i don't have an ide and i spent a good couple of hours trying to get borland to compile it but i gave up in the end.

HL2 I'll definately have to have a go at - I want to play with some multiagent AI monsters - like a swarm in the engine, should be pretty cool....
I've said it a number of times; any one can be taught to program, but not everyone can program well
True. Very true indeed.

It's sad that today we have so much (...and yet so little :p) computing power that almost anyone can write a program and they do. But then they do it sloppily. I hate that sort of crap. Sure you dont have to wrtie everything in ASM anymore but please for the love of god be a little nice to your OS with the variables and such..clean programming not only makes your code faster/less memory etc but speeds compile times (a little, in a big set of code it would help. Littleuns not any observable amount but anyway..) along with making so much easier to maintain.