A List of 289 Tutorials

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This is only half the list because this forum does not allow me to post the full list:
The following errors occurred when this message was submitted:
The text that you have entered is too long (27185 characters). Please shorten it to 16000 characters long.
So here is the 16000 list:

Advanced Ball Socket
Adding custom textures
I/O system : A Buggy with working lights
Flying Vehicles
Static Lasergun
Brush Vehicles
Make a NPC walk
Friendly NPC
Absolute beginners guide to weapon creation
Area Portals
Networking Events & Messages
Wall Explosion
Environmental light, volumetric light, and dust motes
3d sky box
Flame Gun
Displacement Mapping Tutorial
Making a decal in Photoshop
HUD Elements
Creating and compiling basic models
Half-Life 2 / Source Mod FAQ
How to pack custom materials in your bsp using bspzip
9 Digit Keypads
Npc manhack
Prop physics override
Optimization (Geometry)
The Real Combine Base Gun
Texturing for source with 3D Studio Max
Texturing for Source with MAYA
Texture Introduction
Surface Properties
Shader Parameters
Reskinning Models
Refract Shader
Material Proxies
Normals / Bump maping
Du/dv Maps without nVidia Tools
Custom Breakable Glass
Curving textures
Weather Effects
Realistic Terrian/Displacement
Input and Output Basics
Getting Started
Elevators and Lifts
Dynamic (Swinging) Lights
Displacement with Alpha Masking
Creating a NPC Battle
Adding Water
3d Screenshots
Creating Textures With Specular As Alpha
BlendTextures : Make your own
XSI Texturing Tutorial
XSI Download
XSI Compiling Tutorial
XSI Beginner Tutorial
XSI Animating
XSI Advanced Tutorial
Mounted Guns
Making Sky Textures
Making an Animated Texture
Creating and Using Blended Textures
Tool Textures
Authoring a Texture with Transparency/Translucency
Making a Custom Texture
Making a Dynamic Light
The Simplest Possible Introduction to Hammer
List of Impulse Commands
Hammer's Big Toolbar
Automatic Respawning Props
Vehicle Modeling
V37 Modeling
Static and Physics Models with HL2 Compile Toolkit
Static Models
Skinning and Animating for source with MAYA
Ragdoll Models
Normals and Collision Models in MAYA
Normals Flipped (Model Inside out)
Model Compiling
Max To HL2 Animated
LOD Model Compiling
Importing Custom Models
Creating facial animations with VTA files
Creating Ragdoll Models
Creating Prop Physics Models
Creating Physics Models
Creating Complex Ragdoll Models
Creating Characters with 3dstudiomax part 1
Creating Breakable Models
Complex Collision Models
VTF Plug-In
The Complete Guide for Customizing a Single-Player Mod
Rescaling the easiest way
Removing blood and gibs from Half Life
Remove the minus frag when killed self
Half-life's hidden physics code
Fog in half-life (using tri-api)
Changing the HUD color
Adding new weapons PART 1
Adding new weapons PART 2
View bsp entitys
Pickup Entities Ingame
Perfect Listen Server
Opening Video
Mat wireframe
Unlimited Render Targets for Cameras
Transforming the Multiplayer SDK into Coop
Toggle RPG Laser
Third Person Camera
Source Control
Making a Hud Name Element
Making Rain toggleable
Hud Monitor
Editing Title Screen Text (Single Player)
Editing Title Screen Menu (Single Player)
Debug mode
Cloning MP SDK Weapon
Clone SP Weapon To MP
Faceposer choreograph scenes in your map
Creating your first Faceposer scene
Understanding the I/O System
Using VMEX
Understanding .VMF Files
SP Mod Guide
Expert Compile
Custom Sprays
Custom Menu
Custom Music
Batch Files
Using WinBSPzip.exe
UV Mapping
Table Model - Part 2
Table Model - Part 1
Re-scaling Models
Re-Skinning Models
Modelling Theory
Creating a .QC File
Full list of all errors
QC Files for Static/Dynamic/Physical Models
How to Compile a .MDL
Another look at overlays
Weapon Pickups
Environmental effects
Texture Blending
Setting a sky
Controlling Combine Assaults
The Actbusy System
Scripted Sequences
Friendly turrets
Attack waves
Tire Swing

The full list with catagorys and seach option can be found here.
stickied for the time being. feel free to post the rest in another post (in this thread)
There are tons at interlopers.net
This may be an old thread, But I'd like to say THANK YOU again. This will save my life, and hopefully my drama performance as well.
This may be an old thread, But I'd like to say THANK YOU again. This will save my life, and hopefully my drama performance as well.

I second that !, this just saved my life.

Very useful thread indeed, thanks. This also lead me to some great sites with further tutorials that are hard to find (problem is, putting 'source, hammer and valve into a search engine brings up anything but game editing related stuff ;) )
Great work.
I was amazed to see it.
It will be helpful to various number of people and keep on working collecting the links.
Yes, thank you for posting this, I'd thank the people who written the tuts too, but looking at this list, well you get the idea.
So I'll say in general: Thank you everyone who made these tuts and the list !!!!
Alot of the links no longer work or redirect you to the wrong pages. Any way of finding where they really are?
I doubt it. You could try googling the tutorial's title for something similar or you could try webarchive.
Ah, thanks a bunch, now I don't have to go on searching tutorials separately on google.