A little HL2 MP Vid From our tests


Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a little video I made that was taken while testing the HL2 MP Maps.

To reduce the file size the audio is not the best, however, going from a 1.5 gig uncompressed file to 2.4 megs for a 34 second clip isn't bad . Here's the link:

(Right Click the Link and do a "Save target as")

Video is encoded with Xvid (quantium is at 12)
Audio stream is 1kb/s (hence the poor sound)

I've tested the link ,butI'm not sure how much I can transfer from the host so when the link gets broken I'm sorry. If someone can tell me of a decent host I can use it would be appreciated.
Its allready broken man.
Dunno where you can share stuff for free these days... I miss the internet-bubble ;(

Edit: nm. its working
Are you sure? I just tried downloading it again into a different folder and it downloaded just fine.

Can someone else verify that it is broken?

Edit: Just read your edit
Wow, looks supercool, good to see the physics work in mp.
One question though, do you actually damage someone when you throw things at them? The guy is still standing after taking a few barrels and a drawer...
Yes you do, If you notice in the vid I was taking damage. And I also killed Havoc (i think). You can hear a faint sound of him deadlining
Well, It's not a mod, it's just HL2's basic MP (which isn't the best right now)

What we did was use a couple test maps somone made and I set up a server for people to join.

And to start it up you have to enter in a bunch of diffrent console commands and give out the IP for people to join into.

I plan on making a server config file or batch file to run to enable some of the things you see in CS (Like: Scoreboard, Says, ect) as well as manually configure some of the maps to auto spawn enemies to give people more of an idea how HL2's MP is going to work.
Sorry, I don't have 30 minutes to download a video at 1.2 kb/s. I've got better things to do. Find somewhere else to host it, cause that download speed is crap.
DarkSonic said:
Sorry, I don't have 30 minutes to download a video at 1.2 kb/s. I've got better things to do.
Like posting on a game forum :upstare: pah-leeeze
DarkSonic said:
Sorry, I don't have 30 minutes to download a video at 1.2 kb/s. I've got better things to do. Find somewhere else to host it, cause that download speed is crap.

you'll get good speeds on the vid I posted


I haven't tested all the models yet nor all of the NPCs you can use without a crash.

I'm going to do some experimenting first before I will open up another little test server.

Bare in mind I'm not making a mod. Just a workable HL2 Server. Hopefully someone else will figure everything out everything that the raw HL2 servers are lacking and save me the pain and torment of countless hours of neverending failed tests.

Oh and Thanks X2 for the hosting info.

and for Dark, the daily/montly limit for the free host I've been using must be coming to a close... My test speeds were over 200kb/s... but now it is like you say 1.7 kb/s...

Here is the new spot recommended by X2: