A little problem you will be able to fix easily, but, i can't :-(


Jul 23, 2005
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I am having this really wierd problem with a house i am making in hammer. well you can clearly see what is wrong...

In hammer it looks fine

but when i am in the game it has a fit and shows this but only in one room!?!?



If you want to have a look at the map yourself here are the files..

PLease contact me asap

Is the colors the problem :)? Or is it just funky*

I can see from the pic's that there are a few brushes running into each other mainly on the roof of the basement
Whoa LSD party in the basement!!

Never seen that tho.. Might be light problems, geometry stuff ... etc.. Lets hope you don't need to re do it :(

Try this:

sv_cheats 1; mat_fullbright
I've been told its texture corruption and that restarting steam will fix it.
Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't. But it seems like you're not using a card that supports DX 9, which was the case for me when I had the problem. I got a card that did support DX 9 and the problem hasn't returned yet (Found a 5200 fx for $30:E)
the trouble is that i am using a DX9 capable card, tried the mat_fullbright, none of my brushes overlap they just look like that because of the colours AND finally i tried restarting steam but no luck.

PLease can someone tell me if this happens for them, you can download all the files below...

yer i saw that , i had used dr kleiners door texture,i replaced all of them but nothing happened. Also why has the brick texture gone coloured? that is a normal texture. it must be just me, did the colours come up for you raven0?

I know this is asking a bit,but,would it be possible for someone to try and fix it and send me the copy.

Thanks all
I'll give it a whirl on my machine for you. Give me a few mins I've got some other stuff to wrap up first.

/me finishes watching anime.
Update: I've reworked the map for you. The problem was in several cases apart from kleieners door you where still using model textures. When applying textures never use ones that start with prop/ Oh and also you did have several walls/floors penatrating other walls/floors.

PM me your email and I'll send you the new vmf.

Change Log -
Reworked Textures,
No more use of model textures

Reworked Geomatry,
Wall Heights Changed to 128
Floor sections remade
Ceiling remade

OMFG Kyo i owe a great deel to you. I will e-mail you now
Limpet said:
I've been told its texture corruption and that restarting steam will fix it.
Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't. But it seems like you're not using a card that supports DX 9, which was the case for me when I had the problem. I got a card that did support DX 9 and the problem hasn't returned yet (Found a 5200 fx for $30:E)

the FX5200 does support DX9, just not the DX9 functionality used by HL2. you need a 6 series FX card or any decent Radeon to get the full works (bump models, proper reflecting water etc)
No, I mean the card I had before.
It was a Geforce 4 Mx