Is there a way to know if your completely up-to-date on your HL2 preload? I ask this because when I purchased HL2-silver I DLed all the way to preload 6 in one shot. I was away for a few days and PL7 came out and when I try to DL it says I'm already at 100%. Now someone else uses my comp while i'm away. Does steam update itself when the comp is turn on or do I need to do it myself?
One more question. If we ordered HL2 through steam, do we actually get a CD copy sent to us once it's out?
Is there a way to know if your completely up-to-date on your HL2 preload? I ask this because when I purchased HL2-silver I DLed all the way to preload 6 in one shot. I was away for a few days and PL7 came out and when I try to DL it says I'm already at 100%. Now someone else uses my comp while i'm away. Does steam update itself when the comp is turn on or do I need to do it myself?
One more question. If we ordered HL2 through steam, do we actually get a CD copy sent to us once it's out?